"Well, I'll go right over!" Zhang Chu answered quickly.

Wang Hui over there is still chanting: "you think you are still the same as before. Now that your body has recovered, you still want to keep it as before. Come and work quickly. " After scolding Zhang Chu twice, Wang Hui's resentment became less. He was polite to the guests nearby.

Although Wang Hui and Qin Siyu know that Zhang Chu solved Duan Kun's trouble, they don't take Zhang Chu as one thing. After all, their impression of Zhang Chu is deep-rooted. Moreover, Zhang Chu's origin is very clear, and there is no big influence behind him. They both think that Zhang Chu's solution to Duan Kun's problem, which makes Lin Zhong attach importance to it, is a kind of cleverness.

"When Zhang Chu comes, I'll teach him a good lesson. Don't think you have some cleverness and use it indiscriminately." Wang Hui said that if she offended those big people, her hotel would be over.

Qin Siyu also thinks that Zhang Chu is walking a tightrope. If he doesn't pay attention, he will fall down: "Mom, what will Zhang Chu and my sister do in the future?"

This question is more implicit, but Wang Hui knows what Qin Siyu means. She wants to ask whether the relationship between Zhang Chu and Qin Sitong should continue.

Previously, the main reason why Wang Hui had such a big opinion on Zhang Chu was that Zhang Chu's body, a weak person like Zhang Chu, could not support a family at all, could not do anything, and Qin Sitong had to keep it.

After thinking about Qin Sitong, Wang Hui is very tired for Qin Sitong.

Now Zhang Chu's body has recovered, and looking at the fighting scene between Zhang Chu and the black madman that day, Zhang Chu seems to have two talents. Although he likes to play a little smart, it's much better than the previous waste appearance.

"Have a look." Wang Hui said perfunctorily, before Zhang Chu was weak, Wang Hui looked down on Zhang Chu, now Zhang Chu has become like this, Wang Hui can't see through Zhang Chu, and she doesn't know whether Qin Sitong should be with Zhang Chu or leave.

After pressing some painful head, Wang Hui finally laughed: "Alas, it's useless for us to discuss so much here."

The decision-making power is Qin Sitong. If Qin Sitong listened to Wang Hui, she would have left Zhang Chu long ago.

Qin Siyu also nodded.

Wang Hui said that if Qin Sitong really likes Zhang Chu, she will try her best to accept him.

"Even if we accept Zhang Chu, we have to see how things are going with Mr. Lin." Qin Siyu sighed. She called her sister Qin Sitong just now, but Qin Sitong's phone was turned off.

Wang Hui gave a wry smile and said that when she called Zhang Chu just now, she forgot to ask about it. However, since Zhang Chu was at home, it means that Mr. Lin should have handled the matter fairly well.

"My sister really took great pains with Zhang Chu." Qin Siyu sighed. She didn't believe Zhang Chu's medical skill all the time. She thought it was the Doctor Zhang Wang who Qin Sitong invited.

Qin Siyu went with him when he met someone last night. Qin Siyu was very impressed with Zhang Wang. When his friends met him, they would say a few words of greetings, but they asked Qin Sitong to be his wife.

In fact, Qin Siyu had heard Zhang Wang speak when Qin Sitong called to make an appointment with Zhang Wang. He thought they would converge face to face, but he didn't expect Zhang Wang to be so direct, which made Qin Siyu blush, not to mention Qin Sitong himself.

However, Zhang Wang is really capable. People just devote all their time to the things they love. It's a luxury for Zhang Wang to fall in love.

"It's good to look at this man. He doesn't have so many tricks or bad ideas." Qin Siyu commented and looked around, then laughed bitterly: "it's just that this man is not suitable to be a husband."

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhang Chu didn't come, but Zhang Wang came.

Although the business of the hotel under the hotel is good today and there are no empty seats, Qin Siyu and Wang Hui recognize Zhang Wang at a glance.

Because Zhang Wang was too conspicuous, people came in directly in a white coat, with their hands tied and looking around.

See Zhang Chu that flustered appearance, Qin Siyu in the heart clap Deng for a while, does that matter of Lin Zhong still have what change? Once something happens to Lin Zhong, his hotel will be over.

Thinking of this, Qin Siyu was a little flustered. He walked two steps to Zhangwang: "Mr. Zhang, this is not a place to talk. Let's go to the office to talk." Qin Siyu left the house and took Zhang Wang's hand to the office.

Along the way, I looked around, but I didn't have time to say a word. I just looked at Qin Siyu in surprise. The girl looked very thin, and her strength was really strong.

Taking Zhang Wang to the office, Qin Siyu drinks water first, takes a deep look at Zhang Wang, nibbles his lips, and wants to open his mouth several times. But when the words come to his mouth, he can't help but swallow them back, for fear that he may ask for some bad news.

Qin Siyu's eyes look like a pool of water. When he looks around, he also nods in his heart. Bad food! Qin Siyu doesn't like himself, does he?

Zhang Wang sighed in his heart and said that his charm was so great. Seeing Qin Siyu's desire to talk and stop, Zhang Wang knew that Qin Siyu was shy. Zhang Wang simply said, "Qin Siyu, do you like me?"

Qin Siyu was confused by Zhang Wang's words. Has Zhang Wang always felt so good about himself?

Seeing Qin Siyu's stunned appearance, he thought that he had guessed right. He fiddled with the bangs and sighed. He was so charming that he couldn't help it.

"I..." many people have been pursuing Qin Siyu these years, but it's the first time Qin Siyu has seen such a wonderful flower as Zhang Wang. He just wanted to explain it to Zhang Wang.

But before he finished, he was interrupted by Zhang Wang. Zhang wangbai waved his hand: "well, don't talk about it. I know all about it." Take a deep breath, look at Qin Siyu: "you are a good girl, beautiful face, good figure, but we are not suitable."

Qin Siyu's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief. He had never given a good man card to anyone but himself.

"Miss Qin, you are very good, but now I have a very important thing to do, more important than I get married and have children." Look around and gaze at Qin Siyu.

Qin Siyu couldn't bear it any more. Although he didn't mean anything to Zhang Wang, Zhang Wang said that he was too worthless: "I don't mean anything else to you. I just want to ask you how you've dealt with Mr. Lin's affairs." Finally, Qin Siyu added: "you think too much."

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