"I don't know. Let's go and have a look." Fang Ze said, "it can't be done here. Let's go to other places." Fonze said he listed three suspicious places: "that guy is definitely in one of the three places."

"What is the basis of your judgment?" MuQing questioned Fang Ze's ability. Previously in the morgue, Fang Ze just looked at his body and made a judgment, which is too unreliable.

Fang Ze sighed and shook his head, showing a lonely look like snow: "you don't understand our business." Fang Ze's eyes turned for a moment, and his deep expression became lively immediately. He said to MuQing, "do you want to learn? I'll teach you. "

"Not interested." MuQing didn't quite agree with Fang Ze. However, since the leaders of the Bureau told him to listen to Fang Ze's orders, MuQing was disgusted, but there was no way. He simply started the car and went to the destination.

Fang Ze shook his head, yawned and leaned back in his chair.

MuQing drove very fast and went to the suburbs. The more he walked, the less cars he had. Within half an hour, MuQing arrived.

The funeral home at night is quiet. Except for the light at the guard, the rest of the place is dark. I don't know if it's psychological. After getting off the bus, MuQing feels chilly.

MuQing and Li Qiang have been to many crime scenes and seen many homicide scenes. They have never been afraid. However, when they saw the funeral home, they felt chilly.

Fang Ze just took a look and snorted: "good guy, I've set up a jusha formation here. It's for long-term cultivation here." Fang Ze walked forward a few steps, bent down to pick out a jade from the ground, and directly crushed it.

Strange to say, after Fang Ze crushed the jade, the coolness around him seemed to weaken a little.

"Come on, let's go in." Fang Ze directly raised his legs to walk inside, but after a few steps, Fang Ze suddenly stopped, raised his eyes and looked up, his pupils suddenly contracted and rolled twice on the spot.

MuQing saw a figure falling from the sky, and then there was a bang, and the concrete ground was smashed into a big pit.

MuQing reacted quickly, immediately took out the pistol, aimed at the front of the smoke filled.

In a few seconds, the smoke and dust dispersed, and a figure flashed out. By the weak light, Mu Qing vaguely saw the man's appearance. This is a man in his forties. His appearance is very common, but his eyes are very sharp, flashing in the dark.

Fang Ze patted the dust on his body, stood up and arched his hand to the man: "friend, if you don't say hello, you come to Dongzhou city to practice. It's not taking Tianluo gate seriously."

"Little girl, are you also from tianluomen?" People didn't pay attention to Fang Ze at all. His eyes were staring at Mu Qing all the time, and he said, "I've been in Dongzhou for a long time, and I haven't met such a good cauldron."

MuQing didn't understand the meaning of this person's words. She came to investigate the case, but she didn't come to talk to this guy. She was pointed at by the black hole gun, and the man was still talking and laughing. It can be seen that this guy is not an ordinary person. MuQing asked directly: "did you kill the girl in Fuyuan reservoir?"

"I was killed by Yuan Zhihong." He nodded and admitted directly that he had been in Dongzhou for nearly two weeks, but there were more than seven girls who died in his hands: "you just found one. It's very efficient. It's too slow. Shall I tell you where those bodies are? "

"Hands up!" Mu Qingliu's eyebrows stand up. This guy is too arrogant. He doesn't pay attention to himself. Is he a decoration!

"Yell." Yuan Zhihong laughed: "Oh, look at your style, it seems like a policeman." Yuan Zhihong tut tut mouth, said he played a lot of urban beauty, the police really did not play, especially such a beautiful policewoman, think of Yuan Zhihong feel excited.

Yuan Zhihong raised his hand: "I raised my hand. Come and catch me. Dare you? "

Mu Qing snorted, holding a gun to go directly.

"Don't go there!" Fang Ze called.

The real murderer has admitted himself. Why don't you go and arrest this guy? Mu Qing frowned.

"You're not the guy's match." Fang Ze reminds MuQing that he steps to MuQing and stands in front of Yuan Zhihong. His eyes are like electricity. He looks directly at Yuan Zhihong: "you are not a coward. You dare to do bad things in tianluomen. I think you are impatient!"

"Boy, open your mouth and shut your mouth. Do you want to crush me with tianluomen? " Yuan Zhihong snorted: "I tell you, I didn't pay attention to your tianluomen at all."

Fang Ze asked Mu Qing to stand aside: "stand beside me and watch me subdue the demons!" Fang Ze mobilized his inner strength, and the clothes were all excited by the real Qi.

Mu Qing was stunned to see that Fang Ze looked like a special effect.

Yuan Zhihong shook his head disdainfully: "it's just the beginning of practicing Qi." He was shocked all over, and the fierce Qi surged out of his body. The dust was blown by the fierce Qi for more than ten meters.

Dear, looking at this posture, Yuan Zhihong seems to be more powerful than Fang Ze. Mu Qing is a smart man. When he sees something wrong, he immediately takes out a pistol and aims at Yuan Zhihong, and then he shoots him.

"Bang" dull gunshot came, Yuan Zhihong did not turn his head back, a little under his feet, his body suddenly became floating up, there is no doubt that the bullet is empty.

Mu Qing opened his eyes wide, this guy can dodge the bullet! He is less than five meters away from Yuan Zhihong. At this distance, the speed of the bullet is very fast. It can be said that it takes less than a second to hit yuan Zhihong.

Yuan Zhihong stood still and turned to see Mu Qing: "little girl is hot enough, I like it."

Fang Ze can see that Yuan Zhihong's skill is good, and he may not be an opponent. Seeing that Mu Qing has separated yuan Zhihong's mind, he seizes the opportunity, drinks a lot, rushes over, condenses all the true Qi on his right palm, pats yuan Zhihong's forehead, and then comes up with a dead hand.

Just in the hands of the time, Fangze meridian burst of colic, forward body suddenly stopped, the corner of the mouth has spilled blood.

Yuan Zhihong just waved his hand so lightly, and Fang Ze flew out upside down. Looking at Fang Ze's embarrassed appearance, Yuan Zhihong chuckled: "vulnerable."

MuQing went to help Fang Ze. Yuan Zhihong still stood in the same place and didn't move at all. But just like this, MuQing still felt his back bone was cold.

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