Zhang Chu laughed: "I can't control it?" Then Zhang Chu's eyes were cold, and he gave the black madman a scratch.

The black Madman's head was buzzing with this slap. After several turns, he stabilized his body. He still looked at Zhang Chu with resentful eyes: "boy, you wait for me. If you don't maim you, I'll follow your surname!"

Zhang Chu didn't talk much to such a person as black madman. He punched him in the stomach.

"Boy, I'm NIMA!"

"I'll fight with you!"

Within a few minutes, the black madman was convinced, and the previous abusive words immediately became respectful: "brother! brother! Don't fight, I said, I said, I said not yet

On this point of backbone, Zhang Chu snorted and threw the black madman to the ground.

This black madman did not dare to wait for Zhang Chu to ask again: "brother, I'm a little gangster under brother Kun. Today, brother Kun called and asked me to make trouble here. It's said that the boss of this hotel has offended someone."

"Who did the hotel offend?" Zhang Chu continued to ask questions.

"I don't know."


Seeing that Zhang Chu had to start again, the black madman covered his face and shook his head desperately. In his voice, he cried: "brother, I really don't know! Those people are all connected with brother Kun. I'm a little gangster who does things. " Afraid that Zhang Chu didn't believe it, the black madman constantly stressed: "what I said is true."

Zhang Chu looked at the black Madman's eyes and saw that he didn't look like a liar: "where is brother Kun?"

The black madman, with a bitter face, said that after brother Kun told him to do it, he took a plane to go abroad. He also whispered: "if brother Kun were here, I would have called earlier, and I would have had to pretend to be a grandson in front of you..."

"What did you say?" Zhang Chu brows stir.

"Nothing, nothing." He licked his face and asked Zhang Chu tentatively, "brother, where are you from?"

"Pa!" Zhang Chu's shaking hands is a slap: "dare to ask me!"

The black madman covered his face with tears. He was called a madman because of the fierce fight. Now it seems that the madman is also afraid of horizontal. He dare not ask again: "brother, can we go?"

"Go away." Zhang Chu is too lazy to bother with the black madman.

"Yes, yes." Black madman such as amnesty, with a few of his brothers crawling to crowd outside.

"Wait!" Zhang Chu stops the black madman.

The black Madman's legs and stomach trembled: "well, brother, what else can I do for you?"

"When brother Kun comes back, let him report it. It's not over." Zhang Chu said without any doubt.

The black madman nodded and said he would bring brother Kun. The boy beat himself so hard that he lost such a big man. Even if he didn't need Zhang Chu to say, when brother Kun came back, the black madman would retaliate.

Zhang Chu clapped his hands: "done."

Qin Sitong was stunned. Is this still her husband who has no power to bind a chicken? He raised his hand and put down several men.

Qin Siyu's mouth is so big that he can almost put an egg in it. Darling, when did Zhang Chu become so powerful? Just now, I saw Zhang Chu's action. It was very crisp and neat. It was really cool.

Wang Hui is also very shocked. Zhang Chu is so powerful. Why didn't he show it before? He won't have any other purpose when he comes to his own home?

Especially when Zhang Chu pressed the black madman just now, his eyes were cold and terrible. At first sight, he was not a simple character. He was afraid of something.

Qin Sitong went up and down to look at Zhang Chu: "how did your body change so much?" Previously, Qin Sitong thought that Zhang Chu had taken some tonic, but the tonic only added physical strength. Skill is not a simple tonic that can be piled up. It requires years of experience.

Zhang Chu waved his fist: "my body has recovered."

"Is it?" Qin Sitong is also very happy in her heart. However, she thinks that she should give Zhang Chu a careful examination.

"Zhang Chu, thank you for today." Qin Siyu came over, but she was a person with a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. She took a few hundred yuan out of her pocket: "you just borrowed money from me. You want to take my sister to dinner."

Zhang chunao scratched his head and his face turned red. He just wanted to reach for the money, but Qin Siyu's hand was pressed down by Wang Hui.

"What do you do for dinner? We have a hotel." Wang Hui stares at Qin Siyu.

Qin Siyu said that the hotel was wrapped up by a big man today and could not be opened to the public.

Zhang Chu looked at the hotel. No wonder when he came here today, there was no one in the hotel. It turned out that he was wrapped up.

Qin Siyu looked at the time and looked on tiptoe: "it's almost time to come."

Almost as soon as Qin Siyu's words were over, a motorcade turned around. The black Audi stopped steadily at the door of the hotel. The door bounced open, and a group of strong men in black suits, with a big head and a short head, gathered around the second Audi.

A gray haired and thin old man came down from the rear compartment. His eyes were shining, his steps were steady, his arms were waving forcefully, he looked around and showed a sense of being superior.

Then a beautiful girl in a sky blue dress stepped down. She looked very young, but she was very watery. With her slender willow eyebrows, she could see how blue the sky was and how white the clouds were from her big watery eyes.

Tinged into Lavender hair randomly scattered in the shoulder, with the pace to move gently shaking, she took the old man's arm: "grandfather." The sound is as clear as a oriole bird, which makes people feel shocked.

Zhang Chu took a deep look at the girl.

Seeing that Zhengzhu was coming, Qin Siyu immediately welcomed him and gave the old man a polite smile: "are you Mr. Lin?"

The old man looked at Qin Siyu, but he didn't say anything. A 50 year old man with a face of national character kept Qin Siyu out. He said with strong vigilance: "are you the boss of the hotel?"

Qin Siyu didn't dare to talk more about this kind of upper class people. When he heard people's questions, he just nodded.

"Are you ready?" The old man asked again.

Qin Siyu nodded again.

Mr. Lin looked around: "Why are there so many people around the door?" In order to keep a low profile, he came here in an Audi today, which should not cause such a big stir.

Qin Siyu said that something happened here just now, and now it has been solved: "you can rest assured to have dinner."

"It's OK." Mr. Lin gently patted his granddaughter's hand, with an undisguised indulgence in his words: "my granddaughter likes a quiet environment, which is why I arranged the birthday party here."

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