"Fang Ze, we are very interested in saving you. If you want us to help you deal with Zhang Chu, it's impossible. We have two more years to live." One said.

But fonze is still shaking.

Luo Heng saw Fang Zena's blackened lips and realized that something was wrong: "stop!" He said hello.

After the car stops, Luo Heng feels Fang Ze's pulse and grabs Fang Ze's hand. Luo Heng frowns. Fang Ze's hand is so cool. He probes Fang Ze's body with real Qi.

As soon as Luo Heng's true Qi enters the body, it is immediately torn to pieces by Fang Ze's true Qi. The fierce and unparalleled true Qi impacts on the meridians, and Fang Ze's mouth can't help sending out bursts of pain.

"Brother Luo, what's the matter?" Those people were also a little flustered. They all watched Fang Ze grow up. Naturally, they didn't want to see Fang Ze die in front of them.

Luo Heng carefully pressed on Fang Ze's Dantian, and was immediately opened by the real Qi.

"The real Qi in Fang Ze's body is in disorder. Is it attacking the acupoints? Enhance strength? "

"What a promotion!" Luo Heng stood up, even if it was the true Qi attacking the acupoints, there should have been an omen. How could he be as surprised as Fang Ze, as if he had gone astray


This word has set off a huge wave in their hearts. It's not a small matter to be possessed. This kind of thing happened in tianluomen before. A disciple with good talent was possessed by the devil because of excessive cultivation. Although he recovered his life, his meridians were completely broken and he became a useless person.

Fortunately, there are many monks who have lost their lives because they are possessed by the devil.

"Elder martial brother Luo, what do you think we should do?" These people are panicking.

If someone rolls up his sleeve, he will lose his temper.

Luo Heng sighed. It's more important to catch yuan Zhihong, but he was afraid that Fang Ze would be dead after he came back. "Let's stabilize Fang Ze's acupoints and meridians with real Qi first." Drop this words, Luo Heng sits down directly cross knee, begin to convey true Qi to Fang Ze.

The other three also sat down to help Fang Ze heal.

In a few minutes, Luo Heng was sweating, but Fang Ze's trembling body didn't stop. One of them couldn't support him. His Qi was exhausted and he fell to the ground.

Without one person, Luo Heng's pressure is greater, and Luo Heng's heart is more urgent, because Fang Ze's real Qi is too fierce. Luo Heng can only guide them slowly, and face to face with this real Qi, which will hurt Fang Ze.

More than ten minutes later, those people can't support, only Luo Heng is struggling to support, and now Luo Heng has reached the limit, his body keeps shaking, and his breathing becomes very unstable.

When the real Qi was about to run out, Luo Heng's eyes must have reached out and touched Fang Ze's body a few times, sealed Fang Ze's eight channels, and used up Luo Heng's last strength. He collapsed on the ground and gasped for breath for several minutes.

"How are you, elder martial brother Luo?"

Luo Heng waved his hand and indicated that he was OK. His eyes were always looking at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze's body twitch has stopped, and his breathing has become more stable. A few seconds later, he slowly opens his eyes, and Fang Ze feels his head is dizzy, especially his meridians seem to be pricked by needles, giving out bursts of pain.

"What's the matter with your body?" Luo Heng ignores Fang Ze's pain and grabs Fang Ze's neck: "the true Qi of tianluomen's cultivation can't be so fierce. Have you practiced other sects' cultivation during your time in Dongzhou?"

"No, No." Fang Ze was startled and looked at Luo Heng's red eyes, forgetting the pain. In memory, Luo Heng is still the first time such a big fire.

"According to our tianluomen's practice, you will not be possessed." Luo Heng puts Fang Ze down. Fang Ze is raised by Luo Heng. Naturally, Luo Heng knows Fang Ze's temper very well. Fang Ze is a bit playful, but he can't do anything to humiliate his teacher.

Fang Ze said that he had been practicing according to tianluomen's method. Recently, Fang Ze had the feeling of breaking through the middle of Qi training.

This is a good omen. If Fang Ze breaks through the middle of Qi training at this age, he will be more valued in zongmen.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Luo Heng stares at Fang Ze. If he knows that Fang Ze is at such a critical time, Luo Heng will not let Fang Ze come out to practice. It is difficult for a person to improve his martial arts. But if he can teach his disciples who are better than himself, it will be even more difficult. Luo Heng hopes that Fang Ze can surpass himself.

"Well, master, I don't want to give you a surprise." Fang Ze scratched his head.

"Surprise?" Luo Heng wry smile: "you this is to frighten me."

"My cultivation was going smoothly, but it was because of Zhang Chu's sudden cultivation." Fang Ze was very depressed when he thought of what happened that night, because Zhang Chu had absorbed all the aura around him. He had no aura of heaven and earth to practice, so he could not break through the present state.

"Afterwards, I bought a piece of jade with rich aura for cultivation. Unexpectedly, Zhang Chu also valued this jade and said that he would let me send it to him in three days." The more Fang Ze said, the more angry he became.

"Well, there's no need to talk about what happened between you and Zhang Chu." Luo Heng waved his hand. Now he has no time to listen to their love and hatred: "anyway, with your qualifications, even if you practice for another 100 years, you may not be someone else's opponent. If you want to revenge, you will die."

"I..." Fang Ze wanted to revenge Zhang Chu, but he was in the clan all the time. When he met Zhang Chu, he became very unhappy.

"Where is that jade?" Luo Heng asked in detail.

"Where I live."

"Take me."

"Master, aren't we going to catch yuan Zhihong?" Fang Ze surprised asked Luo Heng a, nothing to see jade do.

"Now there are more important things to do than catching yuan Zhihong." Luo Heng assigned a task to the people around him and asked them to investigate yuan Zhihong first: "when I deal with Fang Ze's affairs, I will join you."

These people didn't say that Luo Heng pretended to be a public servant, but said one after another: "OK, elder martial brother Luo, please let us know if you need anything." Drop this word, these a few people left here.

"Master, these martial uncles can't get by without talking to you. Why are they so obedient now?" Fang Ze laughs and frowns at Luo Heng: "did your domineering spirit subdue these people?"

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