The next day, Zhang Chu drives slowly to Lin Zhong's home, not to help Lin Su with treatment, but to listen to Lin Zhong's suggestions for the hospital. Zhang Chu is thinking about how to make use of the opening of the hospital to get closer to Qin Sitong. After all, a person often can't sleep well, so he has to find a way to climb to Qin Sitong's bed.

Just thinking about things, a loud siren came from behind, which attracted Zhang Chu's attention.

Looking through the mirror, Zhang Chu can see a black Hyundai car rushing into the traffic, with a police car chasing behind.

It's like something happened. Zhang Chu frowned, and his relaxed spirit came back. The co driver's window of the modern car rolled down. A man leaned out his head and rushed to the car in front of him, shouting: "all special, get out of my way!" While talking, I found a handful of black things in the car.

Guns! Zhang Chu narrowed his eyes.

"Bang" saw that his shouting didn't work. The man shot the car in front of him. The car window was broken and the body was seriously damaged.

Fortunately, the driver was not injured, but when he saw that the black muzzle of the gun aimed at him, the driver screamed and was scared out of control. He stepped on the accelerator when he wanted to escape from the place quickly. However, his action did not make him rush, but hit the car in front of him.

The sound of the gun overshadowed the sound of the siren, and also caused the chaos of the vehicles. Those drivers wanted to leave the right and wrong place and filled the gas door one after another, but their actions caused a series of car collisions, which made the originally smooth road blocked like a parking lot.

"Layman." Zhang Chu shook his head slightly when he saw the man's action. However, Zhang Chu was still a little afraid of the gun in his hand. It was a hunting gun made by himself. This kind of gun was not a conventional bullet. It was filled with iron sand. It was just a point when it was shot out, but when it flew for tens of meters, the scope of the shop might be several square meters, and the killing power was very good.

The traffic jam forced the man to stop the car. The driver got out of the car with a shotgun and picked down a crying little girl about five or six years old from the back seat. He kicked his shooting partner aside: "who the hell let you shoot!" The boy is not successful enough, he has more than enough to defeat, and he has messed up his plans.

Now the road is blocked by cars, and my escape plan is about to change.

"Brother, what should we do now?" The man got up from the ground and asked, his hand shaking when he saw the police car stopping.

They have been on the spot for a week, and they have already made a plan of action. They did not expect that a police car happened to come by when they took action. At that time, they just caught the little girl, so they had to send it. But the little girl's cry aroused the vigilance of the police.

So it quickly turned into a chase.

MuQing, who stopped the police car, was sweating when she saw the current situation. She had just investigated yuan Zhihong's affairs, but she didn't find anything. She was depressed. She was driving around in her car. She wanted to relax, but she met the scene of kidnapping. She immediately stopped, but she let them take hostages and get on the bus.

While chasing, she reported the incident to her superior. She thought it was just an ordinary kidnapping case, but she didn't expect that the other party would shoot in the downtown.

Moreover, the drivers in the field were in a mess and the cars couldn't go. They got off one after another and ran towards the distance. They only hated that their parents didn't give them two extra legs.

"Captain, the suspect has a gun, the suspect has a gun!" MuQing immediately reported the situation here to Li Qiang: "the scene here is very chaotic."

"Don't chase me! Keep a close watch on them. I'll take the Swat right now. " Li Qiang's steady voice said: "we must ensure the safety of the citizens and the hostages!"

"Yes Mu Qing's sharp answer, in fact, her voice is a little trembling, this matter is too big, if one can't handle it well, it will make them shoot indiscriminately, then it will become the worst case in Dongzhou city in the past 30 years.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and opened the door carefully. The cat got out of the car with sweat in her hand, but her eyes were staring at the situation.

"I'm afraid of hair!" The elder brother pulled on the bolt and fired a shot into the sky, which made those running people scream, cover their heads and lie on the ground. He was very satisfied with the effect of the shot: "we have hostages!"

He snorted, two steps to the nearest car, watched a few, and then a butt of the gun broke the window, pulled down a four or five-year-old boy from the back seat.

"No, please don't touch my child!" The voice of the young woman's begging came from inside.

But the man didn't pay any attention at all. He threw the crying child to his companion: "rush out with someone!" He himself is the little girl in his arms, do their own shield.

The companion drew the gourd and put the little boy on his chest like his elder brother. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the forehead of the two children. The two eyes looked around warily and ran to the distance. They thought that when they got to the place where the road was clear, they could get away from the police quickly.

Mu Qing sees this kind of circumstance, mercilessly patted next car door: "abhorrent!" Looking at the two kidnappers, their eyes almost burst out. These two guys didn't pay attention to themselves. They even tied people in front of the police. They didn't pay attention to MuQing!

However, MuQing has no way to deal with this. If she does it by herself, maybe something bigger will happen. If she forces those two people, maybe they will shoot at the citizens. It was terrible at that time.

"Officer mu, what are you doing now?" Zhang Chu didn't know when he came to Mu Qing. That pair of eyes has been staring at the two people, they are simply crazy!

If they kidnap the little girl for a certain purpose, but they capture the little boy for their own life, Zhang Chu snorts: "it's damned to pull the child in."

Mu Qing heard this familiar voice, turned to see Zhang Chu, she Leng next: "how are you here?" However, Zhang Chu's reminder was very important. She immediately got up to follow the two men, hoping that the police would deploy in front of them and surround them so as to rescue the hostages.

"I said we had a destiny. Just now when I was driving, I felt flustered and went this way involuntarily. I saw you as expected." Zhang Chu grinned.

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