The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 108: The death of Yinsen, the birth of Iron Man

The beard with his eyes widened, he saw that the golden-red robot, with heavy and flexible mechanical steps, took a few big steps forward, the steel fist, from the bottom up He waved an uppercut, and his man who fired at the robot slanted into the air, hitting a broken wall, and he lost his voice.

Immediately afterwards, the continuous chaos of "DaDaDa" sounded in all directions at the same time. The siege of Tony Stark, the response method he chose was the "flight stabilization device" that lit up his palm. The sound of "嘭 嘭 嘭" is muffled.

Each hit with a beam of light-shaped energy shock wave from Mars accurately hit the terrorists holding arms. The people who were hit by the shock wave were all flying backwards with their backs up. People were still dead in the air. One of the corpses flying in the air crashed into a large hole after hitting the wall of a house. It can be seen how heavy the shock was before his death.

Well, for Tony Stark, who is determined to stop making weapons, this is really just a flight stabilization device ...

After realizing that the guns in his hand did not threaten Tony Stark, the remaining five or six terrorists were already hostages, all hiding behind the villagers who were in distress and pointing their guns at them. With the heads of the refugees, they shouted something in a mess of unknown language.

Tony Stark, who did not want to accidentally hurt the refugees, slowly put down a pair of steel arms, and the light of his palm gradually dimmed. Just when the terrorists of the Ten Commandments thought that their threat had taken effect, they were all happy. I saw the golden red robot in front of them, and a strange box-shaped device popped up on the left and right shoulders at the same time, and then they knew nothing.

From the perspective of Tony Stark, with the intelligent assistance of Jarvis, the steel suit aimed at the heads of all the terrorists at the same time, and then a pair of multi-barreled miniature missiles usually hidden on the shoulders of the suit were launched. The weapon, while popping out of the armor, fired several small missiles the size of a bullet. Before the brains of those terrorists reacted, they completely destroyed their brains.

As these terrorists fell, the hostages they held shuddered, all of them froze for a long time before realizing what was going on, and then they looked at Tony Stark in their eyes. , Fear means more than gratitude.

The little boy in the hat was not included. The first time he got his freedom, he rushed to his father, rushed into his arms, and shouted "Dad", but Contrary to the previous, his voice was full of hope.

Seeing this, Tony Stark staggered a little before turning around, striding towards a broken house, punching through the wall with steel arms, and pinching the bearded man hiding behind the wall. At the same time, a large hole was made in the wall.

"He is yours."

After throwing the bearded beard on the ground, Tony Stark dropped such a sentence to the refugees. Then, four hands of flames were sprayed out of the palm of the steel suit at the same time, slowly rising into the air, After climbing to a sky several meters high, the flames rose sharply again, pushing the steel suit and quickly rushing to another village.

Tony Stark's rescue operation just happened to be just the right time. He came here for two purposes. One, to confirm whether Dr. Yinsen is safe, and to lend a helping hand to him. Second, destroy the arms that were made by Stark Industries and fell into the hands of the Ten Commandments.

A few minutes later, Tony Stark arrived at the address where Dr. Yinsen had left him, and the dead ruin in front of him was undoubtedly telling him that you were late.

Tony Stark gritted his teeth forcefully, with an exact sense of ominousness, and began to fly over the ruins. He searched for Dr. Yinsen's trail condescendingly, with the help of a broad auxiliary field of vision. Soon, he Dr. Yinsen found in a pool of blood ...

"Yinsen !!!"

When "Dangdang" landed on the ground, Tony Stark lifted the faceplate of the suit, snatched it in front of Dr. Yinsen, and squatted down to check ...

"I'm sorry, sir, I ... didn't detect any vital signs ..."


With Jarvis's voice ringing in his ear, Tony Stark slammed the floor with a severe punch, and with a slightly moist pupil, he looked at Dr. Yinsen, but he was very bright: "Silver Sen, I'm sorry. "

"I didn't do enough ..."

"I shouldn't have discovered the internal problems of Stark Industries ..."

"You shouldn't ignore the danger of the Ten Commandments ..."

"I can't change the mistake I've made ..."

Tony Stark simply buried Dr. Yinsen, and finally glanced at the humble grave.

"I can only follow the right path and go all the way!"

The golden red steel battle suit rose into the sky again, and flew straight to the ten ring arsenal, and then ... miraculously hit by a tank ...

If it is an anti-aircraft missile launched by a multi-purpose tank, there is nothing to say, but ... the hit is only one person, and the steel battle suit flying at high speed in the sky is a cannonball! Cannonball! Cannonball!

At this angle, this accurate head has no adjectives except the word miracle.

Unlucky Tony Stark, who climbed out of the sky, climbed out of the pit he had smashed on the ground, using a pen-sized mini missile hidden in the arm of the steel suit ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ turns that magical tank into an explosive fireball.

At the same time, dozens of ten-ring terrorists have surrounded Tony Stark in all directions. With the sound of "DaDaDa" guns constantly ringing, countless metal warheads, successively toward him. An air raid came.

Tony Stark ignored these bullets, and ignored the members of the Ten Rings who shot at him, and immediately emptied again, a pair of "flight stabilization devices" in the palm of his hand, while ejecting a large beam of energy.

In front of the two shock waves with Mars energy, there are two mobile missile launchers. It is the Jericho missile invented by Tony Stark. Only one missile is required to achieve a range of kilometers Covered bomber, there are a total of six on the two launchers.

With the continuous explosion of "Booming", the entire arsenal of the Ten Rings suddenly fell into a sea of ​​fire. With simple visual inspection, it was also known that no one could survive.

Yinsen, may you rest in peace.

In the sky above the sea of ​​fire, Tony Stark, who had suddenly killed hundreds of lives, turned away sadly, spraying the flames and flying away.

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