The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 115: The true face of afterimage fist

This time, Obaday had taken precautions in advance. While Instant started to move, he also lifted the steel arm on the left side by side, aiming at Instant with a multi-barreled missile launcher on his arm, "咻"The missile that flew out with tail flames, when it hit the golden lightsaber that came opposite," Boom! "Exploded into a ball of fire.

However, in the next moment, the golden lightsaber had poked its head out of the fireball. Before the Mars and smoke in the air began to dissipate, it caught the eyes of the Iron Overlord with a thunderbolt. Obadé inside the mech only had time to control the Iron Overlord and made a crooked upper body movement. The right arm of the mech had been penetrated forward and backward by a three-finger width and two-finger thickness. Prismatic hole.

This time, it wasn't just the metal Mars that splashed in the air. The internally damaged mech flashed a "crack" electric spark, and Iron Overlord's entire steel arm was completely lost. Control, with multiple cannons mounted on it, pulled weakly down.

Obadiated with a cold sweat, he couldn't help but feel grateful. Instead of designing the Iron Fighter as a close-fitting suit like Tony Stark, the whole person was crouched in the chest of the mech. No matter the damage to the limbs or the head of the Iron Overlord, he will not hurt him at the same time, otherwise, his own arm will be included because of the sabotage.

I'm actually not as skinny as I think ...

Because Saint Te was keenly aware that the steel armor on the iron tyrant's arm was far less thick than the breastplate and shoulder armor, and so on, the steel plate on the leg should be the same. After discovering this weakness, he had The action immediately turned the thorn into a sharp cut, and once again, the golden crescent was drawn with an overwhelming force. Although the power of a straight pricking is much stronger, it is obviously easier to get rid of than a cut with a line. Iron Overlord looks clunky, but in fact, the movement is flexible.

Opadry manipulated the Iron Overlord and jumped suddenly, avoiding the golden crescent that slanted and flew towards the mech's legs. While jumping into the air, the mech's feet sprayed a raging flame. The two-step jump method once again avoided the second golden crescent crescent that was added due to the opportunity of Shengte. Under the action of jet thrust, this second jump seemed extremely amazing, making Iron Overlord suddenly jumped more than ten meters high. Landed on the roof of a factory building.

Chasing Insante who was flying past the Iron Overlord, he immediately saw that Obaday raised the only left arm of the mech and mounted the multi-barreled missile launcher on it, but did not aim at himself, but Aimed at the highway outside the factory area, the round of machine guns that Iron Overlord had just fired completely destroyed a corner of the plant. The large pieces of reinforced concrete that were lifted off fell on the highway beside the plant. After getting on, there were several serious car accidents. At this time, the road that had been completely blocked had also gathered a large number of vehicles that could not move forward. A missile went down and took double-digit lives. That was There is no problem at all.

"Super boy, stop me!"

Obadi, who was hiding in the iron tyrant, shouted with a commanding tone, and also revealed a cruel look: "Last chance, you can now pull away and there is still time! Otherwise, the death of these innocent lives All are counted on your head. Without your war against me, there would be no such damage! "

提议 "The proposal is tempting."

Landing on the top of the building, Instant did not take a half-step forward, at the same time, while stabilizing Opadry, his brain flashed through several contingency measures. He was comparing After the pros and cons, he immediately made a choice, splayed his arms, drew a circle around his chest, closed it on the right side of the lower abdomen, and at the same time his palm began to shine brightly, Grin grinned half-white teeth: "Unfortunately, I don't negotiate with terrorists!"

His voice didn't fall. When he saw his strange action, Opadry had a hunch in his heart. He pressed the launch button in disguise, and the next second, he only heard the sound of "咻", one half. The round-headed missile with the size of an arm flew out of the factory area with tail flames and went straight to the congested highway! Obadei didn't believe it. As a superhero golden boy, watching the dying of those innocent lives, he could really be indifferent!

However, for this upcoming tragedy, because Saint is really turning a blind eye, not only has his movement not changed in the slightest, if you look closely, you will also find that his eyes have not flowed in the slightest ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ completely stagnated at this moment.

At the same time, Obadi in the Iron Overlord suddenly widened his eyes, and saw that a combination of pictures provided by several high-definition cameras, a mech assisted field of vision suddenly lit up a golden Lightning, the moment lightning struck through the sky, it was the first-come first to surpass the missile. After less than a blink of an eye, it stopped in front of the trajectory and became a blond boy.

残 The afterimage fist that transcends the dynamic visual limit of the naked eye, this is the first time in the world, showing an amazing true face!

At the next moment, at the same time, "Shenkongshu", "Remnant Boxing" and "Turtle-style qigong charge" Yin Shengte were turned at the same time, turning the wrist to push out the arm, touching the upper and lower mouth, spit out tepid A word came: "Wave!"

With this "wave" character, a column of golden energy beam thicker than the thigh slammed his head out of Incent's hands, and projected forward slowly and quickly. The first missile was, At the moment when it was penetrated by it, it turned into an expensive firework, "Boom" lighted up the sky, attracted everyone's attention on that congested highway.

Whether it ’s a big car or a small car, as long as there are people with eyes and ears inside and outside the car, at this time, all follow the sound and light effect and look up to the sky. I saw that on the roof of a building on the roadside, a three or four The giant robots, which are tall and high, are facing the ground where they are, firing missiles continuously, and this scene that should be lethargic is very counterintuitive and not in the crowd. Caused widespread panic.

Because, a golden light shining on and around him was very noticeable. At this moment, he was standing in front of these missiles, and sent out a more attractive golden light beam from his hands!

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