The Marvelous Dragon Balls

: A note on combat effectiveness! Come in and watch, do n’t care, please ignore

I'm sick of the recent book review area! !! !!

For the physical and mental health of the author's bacteria, as well as normal coding ability, hereby explain! !! !!

First, the combat effectiveness set by the protagonist is calculated on the basis of ordinary people in the Marvel world. Because he has not been to Dragon Ball World, he only knows the five scums, and he does n’t know whether to take a gun or something. People have five points of combat power, so that's it.

Second, Uncle Bird's fighting ability will not be more reasonable than mine, because he doesn't care about me without him.

Third, I said at the beginning that the devil Buu is the ultimate BOSS, so my dragon ball is just a dragon ball. Any childhood ruined series with a prefix suffix, I have not seen it, and I never plan to see it.

Fourth, the protagonist's skills must be modified to a certain degree on the basis of the original work, which is reasonable and easy to understand, because this is a novel and not an anime. For example, if I take the residual image boxing, if I am a visual remnant according to the original work I am insulting your IQ.

Fifth, I wrote Marvel, and Dragon Ball is my golden finger. Isn't it obvious? As long as the situation where Dragon Ball must give in to Marvel, I have no hesitation.

Sixth, if the above five points are unacceptable, can you go away silently? Thank you!

Finally, thank you for your support, and also please understand that I am a mortal and always have a low tide.

I will work hard.

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