The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 123: 2 without saying anything

Following the hand "Alexandra" and the leader of the meeting, the other four fingers that came out of the elevator were:

Mrs. Gao, the head of Shouhehuihuaguo Branch, looks like a 70-to-80-year-old Chinese-American woman, in fact, she is also hundreds of years old. Don't look at her thin body, a fragile look, strength But it is unfathomable. Among the five fingers, her "Qigong" is the strongest, and she will even use a stroke similar to that of Insante's "Guessing Fist: Cloth", which used only one hand. , Just volleyed down Danny Rand's iron fist, making him unable to climb for a long time.

Murakami, the head of the Japanese branch of Shoukaikai, looks like a forty-year-old Asian of about 40 years old, the same age as above, is good at various assassination techniques in Japanese ninjutsu. A pair of daggers.

Botu, the head of the America Division of Shouhe Club, looks like a young Latino in his thirties. The actual age is the same as the above. He is also good at Japanese ninjutsu, but only takes the light spirit route and is used to. A katana is exactly the original master of Colleen Wen.

The person in charge of the White Hat, Hand and Club Africa Branch is a young black man who likes to wear pure white clothes and a pure white hat. He is actually hundreds of years old. It is very interesting that when he joined Kunlun In those days, the common name used by black people in ancient China for blacks was Kunlun slaves ...

To sum up, we can draw a very cruel conclusion that women are more likely to age than men ...

On the other side, there is a lineup of defenders.

At this time, Matthew Murdoch had already put on Daredevil's tabard, his dark red skinny leather jacket, although it was a close-fitting design, brought a thick texture, in fact, It is indeed extremely tough. Although he is not like Iron Man, if he does not have a suit, it is a waste of firewood, but this shirt is a bonus to his strength, and it should not be underestimated.

Danny Rand, a billionaire, is still in a straight suit. It doesn't look like a fight at all. In the context of the war, he didn't light up his fist. It was not that he didn't want to. It was because Saint had repeatedly told him in advance that Tekken was the key to open the ruins, and he could not be summoned easily until the moment of life and death.

Jessica Jones is also a casual dress, but compared to Danny Rand, her black leather jacket and dark jeans are already more suitable for fighting, at least there will be no clothes broken. The situation happened ...

The **** Luke Cage is a combination of T-shirts and jeans. For him who is habitually resistant to attack, he has no clothes or is intact after a fight. He often wears it in battle. A coat, it ’s all too extravagant ...

When five fingers stepped out of the elevator one by one and came to the four of the defenders' alliance, the Ninja army of the hand and the meeting had all descended through the rope. The ninja uniforms in the **** were divided into two black and red torrents, which attacked the left and right forward, and within a short time, the weak defender alliance had been surrounded by a flood.

"Immortal Iron Fist."

Alexandra emerged from the crowd, glancing over the four defenders, staying on Danny Rand: "We finally meet ..."


A long, crisp and loud noise suddenly passed down from afar, interrupting the words in Alexandra's mouth, followed closely by a "cracking" sound like a whip waving, right at all When people looked up at the sound of sound, they saw a thick and long wire rope, twisted wildly like a snake, and quickly fell from the top of their heads!



Whether it is a defender alliance with only four people, or a crowd of people, the involuntarily far away from the elevator, the thick and long steel wire rope is one of the lifting ropes used to pull the elevator up and down. The stress of the fracture itself, coupled with the gravity of the fall, has made it a steel whip with extremely horrible lethality. If the average person is scratched, it will certainly be dead or injured.

This thick and long steel wire rope didn't hit anyone when it fell to the ground, but under the reaction force transmitted from the ground at the same time, it bounced up again, waving wildly to the Quartet, it is difficult to predict Under the indiscriminate attack of the offensive, the large number of hands and meetings in the head suddenly turned into an inferiority. The flurry of steel cables swept a large number of ninjas, and they were flung backwards and flew backwards Back, knocked more ninjas.

这 Under this messy situation, Yin Sheng, who had already flared in his body, fell from the sky in the arms of Colleen Wen, wearing a white ninja suit, and fell to the ground in good time.


Under this black ground, the glittering Yin Shengte ~ ~ is conceivable, he just released the clinne win, five roots in his arms. Alexandra, the head of his finger, called out his superhero title.


Yan Yin raised one arm and waved at the ninja army in front of him, and then slap in the air in the direction of Alexandra!

Guess Boxing: Cloth!

With more than a dozen hands and meeting ninjas, under the action of invisible huge force coming from the face, they almost left the ground at the same time, flew into the air involuntarily, revealing their five fingers behind them.

After saying hello to Yin Shengte, he started to say nothing, including the four allies of the Defenders Alliance. Everyone was a little bit shy. The only one who kept up with his rhythm was only exposed. Collin Win, with a pair of eyes, looked sharper and sharper.

Colleen Win, holding a white samurai sword in one hand, followed Inst's footsteps, rushed into the enemy group with him, stopped four scattered, and temporarily avoided one of the five fingers Bit.

I was just her former master, now her deadly enemy, a bodily.

"Coleen ..."

At first glance, the disciple recognized Colleen Wen, who had covered his face. He looked at the proud student who had "killed" him once, and his eyes seemed very complicated: "You are strong again."

Colleen Wen narrowed her eyes slightly. She deceived her for more than ten years and made her a good bodily with countless mistakes. She was half a word and did n’t want to say more. She just lifted it up. The katana in his hand, chopped his head and cut his face.

The boto erected the same samurai sword in his hand, and "ding" blocked Colleen Wen's chopping, and the mighty power coming along the blade made his wrist tremble, and he couldn't help but feel shocked. .

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