The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 132: Underestimated the degree of revenge against Saint


Because Sainte suddenly dissipated the flames of his body, and neither threw any harsh words such as "You wait for me" to Tony Stark, nor said "dispossess your authority on Friday." If you do n’t say whether Tony Stark will agree, even if he does n’t have the highest authority, he wo n’t be able to hack “Friday” in minutes even if he does n’t have the highest authority. ?

Twenty-five hours later, the Queen's fighter jet landed on a cliff overlooking the coast of New Jersey, not far from the mansion of Tony Stark.

"Uh ah ah!"

With a prolonged exclaim, Tony Stark, wearing a gold-red steel suit, fluttered out of the rear hatch opened by the Kun-style fighter. Well, to be precise, he In fact, it did not fly out "voluntarily" ...

Tony Stark, who thinks that he has not missed anything, has underestimated the degree of revenge for Saint Saint, and underestimated his determination to collect debts ...

After using the "guessing fist: cloth", Sint slaps Iron Man out of the cabin door with a slap in the air, his body has re-emerged the flames, and then he rushes out of the Kun-style fighter and catches up The steel suit of the propeller had just been lit up, and the Iron Man hadn't waited for his balance to be grasped, followed by another slap.

Iron Man, who flew into the sky "passively" again, finally fully reacted, and the whole person was completely in combat. Without a word, he immediately popped up the multi-barreled miniature missile launcher on the shoulder of the suit. Aiming at the Instant near by, a brain pours out all the ammunition reserves.

In Saint, who chased him again, looked down on these miniature missiles that looked similar to bullets, and took it with care and carried it under the flame of the guard. He first suffered a loss, accompanied by a scream of "唔", his upper body While slamming back, he saw red for the first time in the battle and was given a blood by Iron Man.

He didn't want to think about it. Tony Stark, who had seen his flame defense for a long time, how could he be useless if he did not have confidence in his miniature missile?

These Tony Stark-made miniature missiles are not only made of special-strength steel with amazing strength, they are far harder and more penetrating than ordinary bullets, and they have features not found in bullets-they can target targets To track aim.

The ability to turn in the air provides micro-missiles with precision against the sky. A total of twenty warheads made of special steel have hit the same position on the chest of Instant in a negligible short interval. A position, only within the range of this point, the recovery speed of the guard flame cannot keep up with the continuous consumption, from being able to shatter the warhead to being able to fly the warhead only to being able to bias the warhead only. Inclined, in the end, the energy of the flame's counterattack has been lost to the penetration of the warhead.

Because St. volley turned over, removed the impact force he received, and hovered steadily in the air, the flame of his body jumped with it, and he was caught by his chest muscles and ribs. The eight bullets immediately sputtered out along with a fluffy blood mist.

After taking a big breath and taking the **** smell from his face, the eyes of Sainte changed instantly. Except for the flames of anger, those green eyes were all very rich in emotional factors. It was replaced by a piece of ice cold, and the gaze transmitted through it was like the interweaving of ice and fire.

"嘭! 嘭!"

At this time, the Iron Man who regained the upper hand by one move has changed from passive to active. The two "flight stabilization devices" in the palm of the battle suit have been aimed at Instant and sprayed out at the same time. Shockwave with energy from Mars.

Because of the corner of Saint ’s mouth, he re-flyed with a sneer, facing the two energy shocks, and rushed straight to Iron Man. The only defensive posture he made was to wear a five-star tattoo. Right hand, before the head and face.

Immediately, just when Tony Stark showed a stunned expression, Jarvis's database also had a question to be verified: "Hairspray boy doesn't eat energy to attack?"

First a scientist, then Tony Stark, a superhero. He gave Insent two more proofs, and then came to an accurate conclusion-the right hand of the hairspray boy, like Like that weird stone, he can absorb energy.

If it's just the right hand ...

Tony Stark's eyes flashed, deliberately waiting until the Saint Express rushed to the front, the turbojet engine on the armor of the battle suit, which then sprayed out a blue flame, in cooperation with the propellers of the palms The battle suit flew out like lightning, and before Int's response, he had already circled to the side of his side, and immediately followed by ~ ~ the suit ’s palms spit out with Mars at the same time. Energy beam.

Before Sainte had time to turn his head, he felt only two blows on his lower back. The first shot lost most of his protective flames, and the second shot pushed him straight out. .

The bulb man upgraded the battle armor ...

Instant, who came to understand at this time, fully operated the air dance and forcibly escaped from the thrust of energy shock. The whole person was like a flexible bird, drawing a beautiful circle in the sky. Arc, dodging the two beams of energy from Iron Man.

Tony Stark poked his lips and looked at Insant, except that there was a big hole in the clothes, and came to the second conclusion-except for his right hand, who was completely immune to energy attacks, the hairspray boy Resistance to energy attacks is also much higher than physical resistance.

On the other side, Instant also slaped his lips and added the steel suit of the turbojet engine. Now not only is the flying speed faster than him, the flight flexibility has also been greatly improved, although it is still not as good as his Air dance, but the gap has also narrowed to the point where it will not become a weak point. Before that, he already felt that long-range attacks were difficult to work, so he decided to get closer, and now, it is even more determined that he wants to be close to the battle.

Therefore, Iron Man, who chose a physical attack, and Incent, who decided to use melee to teach him to be a man, launched a charge at the same time, with a bang, they slammed into each other, each facing each other. Launched a crazy punch and kick.

It was like Instant who had previously entrusted the University, and suffered a big loss all at once. Tony Stark, who thought he could fight with his professional martial arts, had a hand-to-hand combat ability. Arrogance, paid the price of bruises ...

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