The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 136: Conquer the ocean! juvenile! For that Dragon Ball!

A day later, Incente took Colleen Wynn to find a two-star bead in the United States, and then found a six-star bead in the United States of Mexico in the south of the United States. After a restful night, in the early morning of the next day, we boarded a Kun-style fighter that opened the optical stealth and hidden outside the city.

Relative to the ease of taking the first two Dragon Balls, at noon on this day, I came to Innsent over the Pacific Ocean, and finally encountered the first problem encountered in the way of finding Dragon Balls.

Last time, a dragon ball fell into the sea, but it was only on the continental shelf more than 100 meters deep. With the most basic diving equipment, it could be easily salvaged.

However, this time, the dragon ball that fell in the depths of the Pacific Ocean should be located on the ocean floor at a depth of 3,800 meters according to the information obtained on Friday ...

Three thousand! 800 meters!

深度 For manned submersibles, this depth is not very scary. On the contrary, it is just an entry-level number. However, if there is no such professional equipment, it is an extremely desperate number ...

This is true even for Incent, who has inhuman strength.

"Are you going to the bottom of the sea?"

Hovering over a Kunshan fighter above sea level, Colleen Wen asked such a question with some worry, because the previous two times, Yin Sheng also made the Kunshan fighter hover in midair, flying down to find Dragon Ball. So, although it is still unclear what he is looking for, it is not surprising that Colleen Win could guess that he was going to sea.


Yan Yin nodded first, and then comforted Colleen Wen. "Rest assured, I will do what I can, just try it. If it doesn't work, let it be."

The deep sea is called "the forbidden area of ​​human beings". It is not without reason. The increasing pressure with depth is the most horrible invisible killer. However, it is not the point of stumbling because of Saint ...

Why can't the saiyan survive in space?

Because they, like humans, need to breathe oxygen ...

After incorporating the Saiyan genes, because Saint can adapt to ten times the gravity and the body's ability to resist pressure is not only ten times that of ordinary people. Even without the flame protection, deep sea pressure can absolutely do nothing for him. The real problem is that his lung capacity is not enough ...

It's very simple. The seawater resistance is hundreds of times the air resistance. Because Sainte's speed of diving and floating is lower than the speed of flight, it is conceivable. Although his vital capacity is also extraordinary, But in a short breath, it was obviously not enough for him to go back and forth for the next 3,800 meters.

This is not a simple oxygen hood, which can be solved. Although it is not as extreme as in the deep sea, it is also a place where oxygen is deficient. On the Kunming fighter, there is actually a reserve of oxygen. However, in fact, pure oxygen Oxygen cannot be used for diving, and even if it is a special mixed gas oxygen tank dedicated to diving, it cannot be used for deep diving. The oxygen supply equipment will be damaged up to a depth of several hundred meters. The reason is still two words. ,high pressure.

Because Sainte turned on 20% of the Saiyan's full power, turned into a golden boy form, jumped out from the rear hatch of the Kun-style fighter, and plunged his head to the sea level. Can he get the dragon ball only? It depends on one factor, that is-his protective cover is waterproof or not ...

A few days ago, because of Saint, I learned that the protective cover does not hinder the air, because he has not been hypoxic in the protective cover.

Since gas can penetrate, liquids are not necessarily impossible.

If it is not waterproof, then you can only go back to the bulb man and ask him to make a manned submersible for me ...

With such an idea, Yin Sheng floated a few meters above the sea, added a spherical protective cover with a diameter of about two meters, and then pierced the sea.

A protective cover that cannot be moved by external forces will only move synchronously with its core. In the absence of an energy source as the core, Incente himself is obviously the core. Before he entered the water, he first contacted the sea level. It is a golden translucent protective cover.

The strong resistance felt from the protective cover caused Yin Shengte to raise his eyebrows suddenly. For a time, he felt only mixed feelings. This kind of feeling is like pressing a balloon into the water and pressing it into the water. It is undoubtedly Tell him clearly that your protective cover is waterproof ...

I do n’t need to repeat what I like. The worry is that, due to some physical law that he could n’t fully understand, after entering the water, a huge layer of buoyancy was created through the air of a protective cover. , His protective cover is also windproof ...

To put it bluntly, under the premise that the wind is strong to a certain degree, the air also cannot pass through the protective cover, but will trigger the physical resistance of the protective cover ~ ~ Instant ’s protective cover, but There is nothing to say that you cannot enter. At this time, you are being subjected to internal air buoyancy and external seawater resistance. Especially, because the protective cover also bears the pressure of the seawater, the air inside will not be compressed and still The original volume is maintained, and it is well known that the larger the volume of the discharged liquid, the greater the buoyancy produced ...

Because the protective cover cannot be moved by external forces, no matter whether it is buoyancy, pressure or resistance, it is actually "attack" the protective cover. It absorbs external energy to supplement its own speed. The core to make up for it, at this time, the Qi in Sainte's body is rapidly decreasing.

I ca n’t, I ca n’t insist on a round trip ...

Because Sainte swiftly lifted the protective cover, the huge bubble that he brought into the sea suddenly rushed to the surface when he lost his restraint. Because Sainte also set up a rider, and followed the bubble The buoyancy rushed out of the sea along with it.

After returning to the sky from the ocean, she flew up to the Kunming fighter aircraft hovering above because of the unrelenting soaring of the sky.

Corinth, who had been looking down, the first time Inst flew into the cabin, he immediately asked: "So fast?"

"I just told you to try it."

Quinn's mood was obviously very good. He stretched out his hand and pinched Colleen Wen's face: "If you have been so nervous for me, I will be proud."

Colleen Win slaps away the salty pig's hand of Instant, and does not admit that she is worried about him: "I am less narcissistic, I am just watching the scenery."

With a sound of "Hehe" by Yin Shengte, he walked away two steps when he was satisfied, and took out the blue universe cube from a small silver suitcase.

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