The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 150: Space gem, protective cover, instant movement


Because Sainte put away his joke, he straightened his face and said, "Don't blame me for not listening. If it ’s not forever, at least for a long time, you will never get rid of Hulk, no matter how you Are you planning to continue studying 'antidote'? You must accept this reality and learn how to get along with Hulk. "

"get along?"

Bruce Banner showed a "Are you kidding me" expression: "Do you know what you're talking about? It's a monster! A murderous cold-blooded monster!"

"'Monster' is a relative concept. For a sparrow, a cute cat is the monster in its eyes."

In Saint shrugged his shoulders: "Hulk is not as bad as you think. True, he is as brutal as a primitive beast, but who wasn't in the beginning? Since humans can learn to control their animals Naturally, he can too. "

"No, he can't!"

Bruce Banner shook his head vigorously: "At the moment when Hulk appeared, I could clearly see his thoughts. In his mind, there was only anger and destruction. Hehe, his 'Destruction List' In the first row, I wrote my name! If he can do it, I don't know how many times I have died! "

"I think it's fair."

Because Sainte shrugged his lips in disapproval: "Your so-called 'antidote' just sounds good, in the final analysis, isn't it to kill Hulk? Do you think that if you can detect his thoughts, he cannot feel them? Are you hostile? "


Bruce Banner frowned, and frowned deeply: "What do you mean? Is this still my fault?"

"It has nothing to do with right or wrong."

Instant waved his hand: "I just said, since you can't let go of prejudice and hostility yourself, why should Hulk be kind to you?"


Bruce Banner made a strong grit: "I just want to be a normal person!"

"I can't do anything about it."

Instant spread his arms, and then turned again: "But if you listen to me, maybe one day you can have a relatively normal life."

After hearing that, Bruce Banner skucked his lips: "Listen to you? Go" hulk "with Hulk? Tame the beast in my heart?"

tame? You dare to think ...

Instant twitched at the corner of his mouth and shrugged his shoulders again: "I wouldn't use the word 'taming' ... but it's true in general, accept Hulk's existence and find a way to coexist with him."

"Even if I wanted to do that, I didn't know where to start."

"You can try to talk to Hoctor first. Even if he is a beast, it is also a beast that can only understand people. Remember, never lie."

"So your solution is to let me talk to myself all day?"

"How? You haven't accepted it yet, are you a schizophrenic?"



After sending the depressed Bruce Banner to the slum of Rosinia, because Sainte did not go to the SHIELD port base as usual, but turned around and returned to the original tropical rain forest. deep.

"I hope nothing big will happen ..."

Because Saint is floating in the air and holding a blue universe cube, he is quite agitated in his heart. In fact, he can't blame him for making a trifle. In the original plot of the movie, the first time the universe cube broke out with real power, it caused A large-scale space collapse not only destroyed the entire SHIELD secret base, but also caused a large-scale collapse of several kilometers.

That's right, after more than half a month's research, Yin Sheng basically figured out how to use the power of "space gems" to use the principle of "momentary movement". Now, it is time to practice.

"No consequences!"

Because Sainte took a deep breath, calmed down the turbulent mood, then closed his eyes, shielded the five senses as much as possible, and concentrated all the minds on the "qi".

The next moment, a mass of air a few meters away suddenly twisted a bit, as if it was squeezed by something, scattered into a gust of wind, as opposed to a two-meter cube protection. The cover, using a point-to-surface diffusion method, suddenly appeared in mid-air. From the outside, it looks exactly the same as Instant usually opens the Rubik's cube protective cover, the only difference is that inside this protective cover, the air is empty. Nothing, not even the core that provides energy.

"The first step was successful ..."

Because Sainte opened his eyes and looked at the strange protective cover not far away, the tension in his heart continued to increase. After taking a deep breath again, he gritted his teeth forcefully: "The success or failure is here!"

The voice did not fall, the cosmic cube in his hand was already full of light, intertwined with a group of blue and bluish white, and began to spread rapidly and evenly, and from a distance, it seemed like a group spread out. The coming spheroidal nebula envelops the whole of Inst.

When Instant's figure completely disappeared into the blue and white light, the nebula also stopped spreading outward and began to contract slowly inward.

At the same time, in the protective cover that was originally empty, at the center of the cube, a bright spot of light suddenly bloomed, and as the nebula not far away narrowed rapidly, it was continuously enlarged. When the shrinking nebula disappeared, the light spot had already risen into a new nebula.

The next moment ~ ~ The new nebula, like the green smoke blown by the wind, fluttered and disappeared into the air, revealing the Incentive hiding in it, and the one caught by him Cosmic Cube.

"It feels ..."

Very extravagant way of shuttle in space, Insun moved a few meters away, smashed his mouth and said: "A bit weird ..."

"Try again ..."

Through the induction of breath, an alligator who was a few kilometers away due to the sacred position, followed by an empty cube protective cover, squeezing the air from point to surface, and appeared on the top of the crocodile Then, a blue-and-white nebula enveloped Incente again and took him to the center of the shield.

"It feels completely the same ..."

The alligator who escaped because of the sight of Sante, as far as his own experience is concerned, the shuttle space reaches a few meters away, and the shuttle space reaches a few kilometers away, there is no difference at all, the only difference is The reason is that one is based on the breath that he radiates to the surroundings, and the other is based on the other breaths he senses.

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