The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 158: SHIELD's Extraordinary Agent Program

"She was taught by me, and she said that there is no mutant who can control the mutant ability. It can be compared with my family Lona."

In Sainte said so confidently, and then looked at Tony Stark: "Also, more than two months ago, I have asked her to do special exercises for your situation."

I heard that Tony Stark couldn't help it, but he was really touched, but on the surface it was still cynical: "Oh, hairspray boy, did you start worrying for me so early? This is really ... ... I warn you, I'm not interested in men. "


With Saint's expression of eating a fly, he resisted the urge to punch Tony Stark into a sentence: "You have to make the topic so crooked ..."

Tony Stark gave a "haha" and offered to meet: "So, when can I meet your Lorna?"

"Theoretically, you've seen her the last time you came to my store."

In Saint shrugged his shoulders: "She's already prepared, she can do it anytime."

"So ... right now?"

"No, she's still working. I just have her as a waiter."

"... Do you think your small broken business is more important than my life crisis?"

"Don't go online with me, you can't die a day or two, okay."

"Give you millions of dollars! Give me a hiccup in advance!"


Yin Shengte, who was habitually slamming his head, originally just wanted to get a 10,000-dollar flower. Under a hundred times the unexpected harvest, he was overjoyed and agreed. He got up directly from the dining table and walked to the place of the cosmic cube: "I Go back. "

Tony Stark watched Instant be taken away by a nebula, and later hesitantly poked: "I seem to have been fooled by this kid ..."

At this time, Bruce Banner, who had been speechless before, suddenly asked: "Stark, have you tried using lithium superoxide to alleviate the symptoms of palladium poisoning you said?"


Tony Stark reported the chemical formula of lithium superoxide and raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this still on the theoretical level? So far, no one has been able to purify the true lithium superoxide, if you say that in fact If it is 'lithium peroxide li2o2', when the excess lithium element neutralizes the palladium element, it will directly poison me. "

Bruce Banner, who is also one of Marvel's top brains, could have made such a low-level mistake. He shrugged his shoulders at Tony Stark: "What you said is 'No one is yet,' Just sit in front of you. "

"The hairspray kid is right, today is indeed my lucky day."

Tony Stark stood up and reached out in a "please" gesture: "Dr. Banner, would you like to visit my studio?"

"of course."

"Come with me, every research equipment there is the most advanced model so far, and you'll love it."


At the same time, the SHIELD Trident Building, Nick Fury's office.

Phil Coulson was standing at his desk, holding a freshly released report, and handed it to Nick Fury: "Secretary, we can basically be sure now, because Sainte a month ago, why would Stayed in Brazil for a while. "


Nick Fury was obviously no stranger to the monster that General Ross had accidentally created. This information only refreshed his knowledge of the strength of the Hulk: "This accident from Rose was so powerful. To this extent? With the strength of Yin Shengte, even this beast cannot be subdued ... "

"That may not be the case ..."

Coulson shrugged his shoulders: "Instant played against the Hulk more than a month ago. However, until today, this monster has been exposed to the public. I think we have every reason to believe that Instant They have the ability to control it. "

Nick Fury showed a thoughtful expression: "You mean, because Saint is fully capable of destroying the Hulk, but he is not willing to kill Bruce Banner for this?"

"Incent has asked us to collect a series of research resources for him, and now it seems that it was obviously given to Bruce Banner, maybe he thinks that this intelligence is comparable to that of Stephen Hawking's multi-degree doctorate , Can you change yourself back to an ordinary person? "


Nick Fury knocked on the table for a moment and thought for a while, and made the final decision: "Anyway, for the time being, we will only keep a certain degree of attention for the time being, and do n’t rush into it. We are talking about his 'Super Soldier Fortified Serum'. As for Incente, go and share the information we know with him and see if he wants to give something back. "

"I understand."

"Speaking of this, how is our own" Super Agent Project "going?"

"Everything goes well. In the latest round of tests, Melinda May's indicators have been close to four times that of ordinary people. When Sainte said last time, she said that in another half a month, she Should be able to start, as for those of our newly recruited staff, the schedule will be behind her, but this is because they have less classes, and also need to receive our agent training, as long as they have passed the current Should be able to catch up quickly. "

"What was outside the original plan? Romanov, Button, you?"

"Well ... when Agent Romanov forcibly developed his own self ~ ~ the strength rose a bit, but in the following more than a month, there was no significant growth, Of course, if you include the "protection bracelet", you have to say something else. As for Button and I ... there is no progress ... "

"In terms of your own experience, what is the difficulty in developing your own energy?"

"Uh ... the specific situation is actually difficult to describe accurately. I really can't organize the language. I can only sum it up. The biggest problem is the cognitive difference. This is not simply a matter of learning Chinese. Solve ... Well, it seems a bit wrong to say that. It should be said that it is quite difficult to learn Chinese alone. It is even more difficult to understand the meaning. Even if you understand it, it is not enough. In the subconscious, unreservedly believe these truths. "

"It sounds like your feelings are deep. Isn't this level of cognition enough to understand 'qi'?"

"Ahem ... I actually asked the same question from Yin Shengte, most of these words were also said by him, I just repeated it in my own way ..."



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