The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 163: Beauty and the beast, is it true love?

When Sainte broke a Chinese swearing, he hung up Tony Stark's phone, and rushed out of Colleen Wen ’s martial arts hall, ran towards his restaurant, and the universe cube was killed by him. It was routinely placed in the basement there.

When he got the Cosmic Cube, turned on 20% of the Saiyan's full power, transformed into a golden boy form, and then positioned the Hulk's energy, teleported to Culver University, this green grassy campus had already become The battlefield filled with smoke.

Suddenly appeared in the cuboid protective cover on the battlefield, and just reached out from a nebula, Incente, the first thing he saw was a figure wearing a dark green uniform, whistling "flying" from his front. Later, after landing on a parabola, it rolled on the grass countless times and banged into a big tree.

Well, everything that should have happened, I'm here to clean up the mess ...

Because Sainte looked at the numerous metal wreckages surrounding his body, he knew that the various weapons that the military had high hopes for had been demolished by the Hulk, and looking at the wreckage of the human body that had stained the lawn, he knew that In the process, the number of unfortunate deaths exceeded at least double digits, and General Rose's ace, injected with "Imperfect Super Soldier Fortified Serum", Emil Brownsky, just flew in front of his eyes ...

The only good news is that General Ross was not crazy after all. Before the capture of the Hulk started, the first clearing operation was carried out, because Sainte did not see any students or teachers on this campus that became a battlefield. I did not see the body of a suspected civilian.


I don't know if the Hulk didn't notice the appearance of Saint Saint, or ignored his existence at all. After clearing the last obstacle in front of him, "咚咚咚" took a heavy step and rushed towards The only armed armoured vehicle left by the military was that of General Ross.

There, this is where Betty Rose is. For some reason, the only daughter of General Rose was being held by two soldiers at this time. Looking at the posture she had been struggling with, it was obviously forced. Controlled freedom.

Seeing this, due to a frown on Sainte's brow, he quickly lifted the protective cover, grabbed the cosmic cube, grabbed the front of the Hulk with Wukong after the dance, and fell to the ground to make a blocking gesture: "Fat, stop."

"No !!!"

With a loud roar, the Hulk's pace not only did not slow down, but under his feet, he increased his strength and slammed directly towards Yin Shengte.

Because Saint wasn't upset, he raised his arms and made a straight upward movement. A large green lawn in front of him, together with the Hulk above, rose up into the air, surrounded by a large puff of mud. , Straight into the sky, watching the mighty momentum and rapid castration, you know that you will not fly to an altitude of ten or twenty meters, don't think you can fall.


The Hulk's infuriated roar was immediately uploaded from the top of Instant's head. However, once he was in the middle of the air, he could not give him the ability to fly even if his anger value was high ...

After Sainte threw a trick and tried it out and tried it out, regardless of the Hulk who was struggling in the air, he turned away and looked at the surviving spirits because of the appearance of his superhero. Soldiers, and General Rose's father and daughter surrounded by them in the center.

He mistakenly thought that he had come to lend a helping hand, and General Ross' expression had just eased a little. The next moment, his complexion became more blue.

"General Rose, please release Dr. Betty Rose immediately."

Because the words in Sainte's mouth did not fall, two of his figures appeared on the field, one still remained in place, and one appeared in front of General Rose in an instant, causing a large amount of fright, causing zero A few scattered exclaims.

"Order them to let go, or I'll let them let go."

Because of Saint's words, General Rose, who had not heard it, could only look with helpless expression, looked at the two soldiers who controlled Betty Rose, and said, "Let her go."


The first time Betty Rose got back to freedom, she rushed to the Hulk who had begun to fall back to the ground without any hesitation. Even if Sainte had already seen it on the screen, After that, at this time also had to lament the greatness of love.

General Rose didn't appreciate him so well. He stretched out his arms and wanted to grab his daughter. Because Saint can make him more chaotic. He swept a fly like a palm and pushed him through the air. There was a shudder, and all I could see was Betty Rose, passing by.

"Betty! Come back!"

Betty Rose turned a deaf ear to General Shout's shout and ran away without looking back.

"Do you know what you did ?! You are murdering!"

"It's you who doesn't know what you're doing!"

Facing the accusations of General Ross, Yin Sheng returned with a very strong reply, and then said in a commanded voice: "Let your people all lay down their weapons. From now on, don't let me hear a gunshot."

"You are not qualified to order here!"

"Stupid fool."

Yin Sheng shrugged his face dismissively: "What can your weapons do besides angering the Hulk? Order disarming and don't mess me up!"

Anyway, regardless of General Rose's reaction, Sainte took care of herself on the tiptoe ~ ~ and flew towards the Hulk, hovering in a place that can both adapt to the situation and not be too close to become The distance of the light bulb.

He was sent to the Hulk in the sky with a trick "Guess the Fist: Cloth". At this time, he had fallen back to the ground, and he flew to Betty Rose in front of him, facing each other quietly. Instant Why don't you think you will become a light bulb?

Can this be considered true love?

Because Sainte was watching the theatrical version of this beauty and the beast up close, I felt a little unclear for a while. In Betty Rose's eyes, it was obvious that Bruce Banner was seen. In fact, he had his own independent thinking. The Hulk is indeed another existence, however, their two feelings for Betty Rose are completely synchronized ...

Is it ... this is the legendary daughter and husband?

It doesn't seem right. Although there are two people in the soul, and the shape is even more different, the Hulk and Bruce Banner are indeed sharing the same body ...

This relationship ... is too chaotic ...


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