The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 165: Uncertainty of identity crisis


Instant got out of the protective cover, walked to the center of the martial arts dojo, and waved to Peter Parker on the ceiling: "Come down."

"I, I, I ... I can't!"

Instead of doing the same, Peter Parker moved in the opposite direction of Inst. He started to crawl like an arthropod quickly, and the whole person shrank in the corner of the ceiling: "Boss, you can stay away from me Point? I, I, I have no other meaning, I just, just ... I do n’t know why, from the moment you just appeared, my skin was as uncomfortable as crawling with bugs, I can't stand it! I can't stand it! "

Spider induction ...

Because these four words came up in Santa ’s heart, immediately against Peter Parker ’s madmanlike neurotic performance, he immediately tried to use “breath shielding” and converged all his own qi: “Are you better now?”

Peter seemed to be suppressing something forcibly. At this moment, he couldn't even say a word. He could only shake his head like a rattle to express a completely negative meaning.

It's not even a mask of breath ...

Because Sainte raised her eyebrows with a bit of surprise, at the same time she lifted 20% of the Saiyan's full power and changed back to her original appearance. Her combat power of up to more than 800 was also halved immediately. Changed back to more than 400 basic combat power: "What now?"


Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel a sudden relief from all over his body, and then he jumped off the ceiling obediently, and then "screamed" again, and asked, "Boss, you know what happened Why? The closer I am to you, the more uncomfortable I am? I almost plan to run away from the wall. "

In Saint shrugged his shoulders: "Because of your body, I feel keenly dangerous, just like a spider. If I detect the approach of birds, I will instinctively avoid the danger of life, and my state just now It's twice as strong as usual, which directly overloads your senses. "

After hearing that, Peter pouted his lips: "Boss, although I did say that I might have been bitten by a spider before it became the way it is now, but this is just my guess, are you taking it too seriously? ? After I told you, you've made dozens of analogies related to spiders ... "

Incente shrugged his shoulders again: "I think your guess is very reliable, and there is no other possibility at all, isn't it? Holmes's sentence is saying, yes, no matter what the conclusion is How outrageous, if all other possibilities have been ruled out, it must be true. "

Peter is not as sure as his traversal. He came forward and said, "Boss, are you sure I am not a mutant? I think this is also very possible. My age is the high incidence of awakening, and the symptoms now It's also like it's out of control. "

"How many more times do you ask?"

In Sainte rolled his eyes and shook his head, "No, I told you long ago that your anger is completely different from Lorna. There is no similarity, it can never be the same breed, and , Your problem is not that you can't control the power. After the mutation that happened yesterday, have you accidentally broken anything? "

"It really didn't ..."

Peter nodded first, then his tone suddenly turned: "But this is because the enhancement of my senses is higher than the enhancement of strength, and I know how much strength I should exert before even taking one thing , And my question now is, can't I control my senses? "

"do not mind the details."

Instant waved his hand impatiently: "Anyway, you are not a mutant. The debate ends here."


"To shut up!"

Instant glared at Peter: "Don't talk about it, do you want to quickly adapt to the rapidly increasing senses?"

"Of course I think."

"Then don't continue our practice?"

"Uh ... boss, I can actually continue training with Sister Colleen, so I don't need to bother you."

"Ha ha."

Because Sainte sneered, his solution to Peter's call for help was very simple and rude. He kept Peter in danger, and it was obvious how to do it.

"Your sister Colleen is so soft-hearted that she can't bear to give you a heavy hand, how can you feel dangerous? Or I'll come!"

"Boss, can't you be lighter? It really hurts ..."

"Why don't you remember?"



An hour later, Peter Parker changed his opponent as he wished, and practiced with Colleen Win. It wasn't because of St. Anthony's heartache, but today is really a busy day for him.

"You really do it."

Still in that black off-road vehicle, Coulson came to the door again and sighed and said, "Take Bruce Banner, I can understand, but you really shouldn't take Betty Rose with you. Go, this offends General Ross. He is already investigating your true identity, and the phone calls to our director. "

"He's rather careless."

Instant pouted his lips: "At this time, shouldn't he go all out to track Bruce's whereabouts?"

Coulson also pouted his lips: "You teleported people directly, how do you want him to track? Finding you is the only way he can now."


Because St. Teren froze and pursed his lips with a "puppet": "This information, shouldn't Ross share it with you? You say you don't interfere, but you have been monitoring the military?"


Coulson quickly changed the word ~ ​​ ~ Surveillance of the US military. Even the SHIELD could n’t put it on casually: "The Hulk has the same level of combat power as you, this one. Certainly, we must keep a certain attention. "

"What can you explain to me?"

In Sainte showed a "what matters to me" expression: "You said Rose is investigating my true identity, so is he likely to succeed?"

"In theory, it's impossible."

Coulson shook his head: "You are a top ten secret in the game, and anyone who can learn your information can count it with one hand."

After this sentence, Coleson's tone changed: "But you should remember, the infiltration of Hydra into us? Their leader," Alexandre Pierce, "is unfortunately one of those who can understand One."

"Do you want to tell me that in your last cleanup operation, in fact, there are still fish that leaked the net?"

"That's the problem, we can't be sure of that."


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