The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 167: Disgust that shouldn't be born

In just one week, a martial arts beginner became a first-class martial artist.

Instant wanted to say that he taught it well. The problem is ... He taught for three months before, and Peter Parker was just getting started ... Even if he insists on finding a reason, it can only be said to be the basis. Play firmly ...

And Lona Lanschel, who had abused Peter Parker for three months before, now ... she can still trick the poor little spider, because since everyone is now a superpower, how can she not have the ability to mutate?

After accepting Incent's "Iron Palm" proposal, Lorna's mastery of her variant capabilities is obviously biased towards the "fine and intricate" side. Of course, in terms of macro, it is certainly no better than "Lao Wan" who demolished the Golden Gate Bridge as a spaceship Scene people, but when it comes to "micro", she has not even lost to her, no matter what form of metal it is, she only needs a snapping finger of "pop" to turn it into zero and become A swarm of metal worms flying in the air, and these metal sands under her control can be turned into zeros at any time, and according to her ideas, to form ever-changing metal weapons.

It is conceivable that as long as there is metal around Lorna, the little spider has no temper. Although he has spider induction to predict danger, it is impossible to win, but he has no other than close fighting. This is really a fatal weakness. It is impossible for salted fish to turn around before he invents the "cobweb liquid".

At this point, the Saint Lee ’s Chinese restaurant, up to the boss and the lady, down to the waiter and handyman, have all been extraordinary existence, so long as the official name is given, this is a brand new superhero league ... oh No, because Sainte is 19 years old this year, Colleen Wen just passed her 21st birthday, Lorna XVIII, Peter XVI, should be called "Super Boy Super Girl Mashup Sky Team" ...

In this week, because of Santana ’s continuous practice of death for the whole month, it was finally interrupted for the first time, not because of Peter ’s bite, nor because of General Rose ’s actions, but because of Betty Rose ...

Before, Bruce Banner was a lonely existence, because Sainte didn't need to worry about finding him, and after adding a girlfriend like a paint, things became complicated all the time, especially in Yinsheng In the eyes of Mr. Te, the relationship between the "Hulk, Bruce Banner, Betty Rose" is really chaotic, and before they understand it themselves, because St. Don't plan to blend in ...


In the evening of the eighth day, at Colleen Wen ’s Wu Guan, Instant fed Peter Parker routinely, his eyes suddenly changed, he turned his head sharply, and looked across the wall to the distance. There, a The monstrous horror suddenly appeared like nothing.

how can that be? !! Bruce has been staying at the bulb man's house! Where did this monster come from?

In thinking about this in my heart, under a god, Peter Parker punched him on the soft underbelly, and the little spider just made a frowning expression. The fetters flew for several meters ...

"Peter, I'm fine now, you play with Lorna."

After Santo dropped such a sentence, he directly turned on the full power of 20% of Saiyans, and turned into a golden boy with blond hair and upright hair. Now, Peter Parker has already adapted to his incomparable keenness. The spider sensed that the moment he turned, he suddenly felt only a tight skin, and the sweat on his body was erect.

"what happened?"

Colleen Wen, on the other side of the martial arts, interrupted Xiu and walked over: "What did your breath sense?"

"A breath stronger than mine."

Instant briefly explained a sentence, and opened a window of the martial arts hall. Before preparing to take off, he said, "I think it's a bit wrong. Pay attention to Peter and Lorna. Don't let them go out and mess. run."

"I see, you have to be careful yourself."

"I will, don't worry."

After Sainte gave Colleen Win a hug, the whole person stopped at this moment, apparently, the afterimage fist has been used, the real body has risen into the air, with the expanded protective cover, quickly flew towards East of Harlem.

How could abomination be born without Bruce's blood?

In Saint Frost in flight frowned. Although most of the film plots in his memory were blurred, he clearly remembered that when Bruce Banner and Betty Rose found the "Samuel" pseudonym "Mr. Blue" Dr. Stern ", after conducting a human dialysis test that temporarily suppressed the Hulk by hemodialysis, he arrested his Emile Brownsky, and was able to persecute Dr. Stern and inject himself The Hulk's blood turned into a human-like, no human-like horror monster.

I must have overlooked something ...

Yin Sheng racked his brains and still didn't understand how this happened, but at this time, "why" is no longer important.

At his current flying speed, just a few kilometers away, it is just a few breaths of effort. After crossing the blockage of a building, the street underneath ~ ~ a body shape and green The giants were almost the same. The elbows, knees, and the entire spine all had bone spurs protruding outward, and a huge humanoid monster with dark brown skin appeared in front of his eyes.

"Da Da Da" roar of heavy machine guns and various explosions of "Boom Bang" were then introduced into Incent's ears. The exact same story as the original story is that Emil Brownsky ​​changed After becoming an abomination, he immediately turned against the water and slaughtered the soldiers under General Rose. This monster was not only dehumanized, but also dehumanized.

Fighting power of nearly two thousand ... Marvel of Dog Day is so unreasonable. After months of hard work and the help of three wishes, there are nearly nine hundred in this battle. This grandson has a simple brainless gene Suddenly, it flew me twice as far.

Because Sainte was scolding his mother in his heart, the last time he saw Emil Brownsky, this special force injected with enhanced serum had a combat effectiveness of only ten points, that is, what happened after the injection of Hulk's blood The second genetic mutation directly increased his strength by more than a hundred times.

No ... Hulk can't show all his strengths, and hate should be the same. No matter how well he is trained, he can't directly control the power he just got. He is not as strong as he looks!


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