The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 183: It is my responsibility

The surface of the broken Rubik's Cube, like a glittering glass slag, floats in the air, before it approaches the ground, it has turned into a blue smoke, and it is blown away by the wind in the blink of an eye, at the same time The nebula contained in this container quickly began to shrink inward, and soon, the true capacity of the space gem was revealed-a dark blue oval gem the size of a quail egg.

Immediately, a large hand wrapped with endless shadows held this small and delicate gem tightly in the palm of his hand, and it was Tyrone Johnson.

"Don't attack!"

Seeing this, because Sainte hastily stretched out his injured left hand, he made a blocking gesture to Tony Stark: "He was dominated by his own power against the guest, so he lost all his mind, that is, He was not intentional, but manipulated by his own capabilities. "

And, even if you do n’t attack, this kid is probably too fierce ...

Because Sainte silently added a sentence in his heart, watching Tyrone Johnson who touched an infinite gem from zero distance. At this time, his mood was undoubtedly very complicated. Let ’s not talk about how **** this sudden situation is, in the final analysis. In other words, if he didn't bring the Rubik's Cube to come into close contact with the cloak of the shadow, this scene in front of him would not happen at all. If Tyrone Johnson really lost his life, he would undoubtedly have to take part of the responsibility.

"Even if this kid is innocent, we can't just watch it like that!"

Tony Stark looked at Tyrone holding the space gem, and his voice seemed a little anxious: "What exactly is in the cosmic cube? I have never seen such an exaggerated energy index! If we do n’t do anything more, a disaster will be In sight! "

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"

Tony Stark's voice did not fall, a heartbreaking scream rang suddenly in front of him, and I saw that at this time Tyrone Johnson, the dark smoke on his body was frantically tumbling, apparently already It was forced out of its full potential. However, this still cannot be blocked. The infinite energy of the space gems, the erosion of his body, and the bright blue rays have been projected through his flesh and blood. Large burns spread across his skin.

The severe pain caused by the energy erosion undoubtedly awakened Tailong's mind. At the same time he screamed, he had waved his arms frantically and wanted to throw away the source of pain in his hand. However, no matter how he was With force, the space gem is still as stagnant as the epidemic gangrene.

"help me……"

Tyrone knew that he was near death, and his instinct for survival was fully awakened. He faced Inst and Tony Stark, and stretched out his hands helplessly: "Save me ..."


Under the armor of the steel suit, Tony Stark showed an intolerable expression: "Sorry, I can't help it."

Incente turned to look at Katie Bowen. If she would hold hands with Tyrone at this time, it might be possible to fight against the space gem, but it is also possible that two people were burned by the energy of the gem together. Into fly ash ...

Knowing that this risk exists, of course Sainte could not speak to ask Katie. The whole thing happened because of him, and he should take risks himself.

"Hairspray boy!"

Tony Stark watched Instant striding forward, and couldn't help but say something to his back: "You think about it, even if you don't, you can't afford this scale. Energy erosion. "

"It is my responsibility."

Because Sainte turned back, his tone seemed calm: "Once Tyrone can't hold it, the energy of the space gem will be completely out of control, and what disaster will happen later, you should know better than me."


Tony Stark was silent for a moment, and "Dang Dang" lifted his faceplate, with an indescribable solemn expression, and said solemnly to Inncent: "Good luck."

"Thanks for your good words. This time, I really need a bit of luck, maybe, just a little is not enough ..."

After sacrificing a joke easily due to the pretense of Saint, he strode to the front of Tyrone Johnson. Without saying a word, he first tried to draw a "scissor" and cut it towards Tailong holding the space gem. The right arm, as he expected, this half-moon golden light blade, before touching the skin of Tyrone, was blocked by a blue wave of energy.

It is confirmed that under the current circumstances, attacking Tyrone Johnson is equivalent to attacking the space gem. After Sainte immediately took his injured left hand and placed it on Tyrone ’s arm, the space gem infused his majestic energy. Immediately following this vent, he rushed into the body of Yin Shengte.

Because of the scream of Saint, he clenched his teeth firmly. Although his body was already familiar with the energy of the Rubik's Cube, the space gem was completely released after the Rubik's Cube with a restricted container was broken. The power that comes out is not on the same level as before. If the energy of Rubik's Cube is only a trickle stream, the energy of gems is a river of galloping.


Tyrone Johnson, who was already speechless, felt relieved a lot after he helped him share the pressure. ~ But I still feel reluctant to speak normally. :"Thank you……"

Because Sainte looked at the skin on his face, which was full of energy burns, he knew that he would not be able to hold it for long. He couldn't talk to him. After the energy of the space gem had filled his whole body, he immediately stretched out With his arms out, he grabbed the gem in Tyrone's hand. At this time, the three "space gems, Tyrone, Incente" have become a whole. Naturally, he did not get the slightest resistance and took the gem to himself. In his hand, Tyrone replaced direct contact with the space gem.

The next moment, Yin Sheng burst out of his own air from the palm of his left hand, breaking off the connection between him and Tyrone, and bearing the energy erosion of the space gem alone.

Tyrone, who was pushed away by him, fell slammed to the ground with a bang, and then, a wave of energy waves intertwined with blue and dark black splattered from his body. The air rushed to Incent, holding the space gem.

Seeing this, Yin Saint frowned slightly, but finally did not make any dodge action, letting the blue lines representing the energy of the space gems and the dark black lines representing the energy of the cloak of the shadows intertwined. Into his own body, in the face of these two energies that also have spatial properties, evasion is obviously not useful, and rigidity is the only option.

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