The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 113: SHIELD's luxurious lineup, Jan Foster's astronomical research

A day later, a large and powerful unit belonging to the SHIELD has arrived in New Mexico in the southwestern United States. As the commander of this mission, it is Phil Coulson who has heard After Saint Senator's sensational words, this team he brought can be described as an elite gathering and the lineup can be regarded as luxurious.

First of all, the "Super Agents" headed by Melinda May, after months of Inst. Training, have reached the level of "Captain America without a shield", although there is only Melinda May, But the apprentice who has more than three times the average strength of ordinary people has reached double digits, and they are all equipped with protective bracelets, but there are shields ...

Secondly, one of the only ten level 10 agents of SHIELD also joined Coulson's team to hear orders. It was unfortunate that he was encountered by Inst. The identity of the shadow agent was taken apart by him, and he and Tony S. Tucker's unhappy black widow, Natasha Romanov, was obviously a member of the protective bracelet bracelet after being forced to develop her own qi by Sainte, compared to Tony Stark. Although the shield wand and the SHIELD bracelet are a bit lacking in imagination, the use of energy is not efficient enough, and the conditions of use are quite harsh. However, the advantage lies in the low cost, the concealment and convenient use.

And, Hawkeye, Clint Button.

Well, in the original story, Hawkeye, the ace of Coleson's original team, is only worth the pen and ink in this brand-new luxury team ...

After arriving at the hammer, SHIELD marshals the surrounding area for the first time. Within a few hours, a circle of barbed wire was surrounded by the hammer, and a temporary military was established. base.

"Well, I have to admit, this hammer ... looks a lot like a fairy tale illustration ..."

The central location of this temporary military base is also the center of the crater smashed by the hammer. Standing in front of the hammer, Coulson, holding the children's book "Nordic Fairy Tale" in one hand, made a "please" in one hand. Action: "Does anyone want to try it?"

"Instant said, this hammer has 'fingerprint lock anti-theft function'?"

The black widow stepped forward, put her fingers on the hammer handle, and felt its unshakable characteristics, then she let go of her with nostalgia: "He shouldn't mean it literally? Maybe ... it means ... Something magic forbids? "

"do not ask me."

Coulson shrugged. "That **** bastard, after throwing a lot of subversive remarks, he didn't give a detailed explanation at all. You've all heard the phone recordings. I know no more than you. "

"You have no doubt at all?"

Eagle Eye, who has had the least contact with Instant, questioned Tian Fang Ye Tan in his mouth: "Is it the only thing I think, is it ridiculous for us to hold a fairy tale book to define the origin of this hammer? ? "

Upon hearing that, the black widow pouted: "Of course this is ridiculous, but who made this statement because of Saint? Although most of the time, his character is more **** than Stark, but you I have to admit that he has always been reliable when it comes to right and wrong. "

"There is no need to discuss this issue."

As a commander, Coulson set the tone of the current operation without hesitation: "Our mission is only two. One, before Thor's Thor comes to retrieve his hammer, we must completely control this area. Avoid any extra knots. Second, before the hammer came, there was a strange weather phenomenon nearby. We need to investigate this matter, and we may be able to infer why the Thor's hammer fell to the earth. "

"One person may know."

Melinda May, who had been quietly listening, stepped forward and passed the tablet in her hand: "Eric Selwig, happens to be here just to study the weather you are talking about."

"Selvig? The Selvig who presided over the protective cover and invented the bracelet for us?"

Coulson took the tablet in surprise, and after reaching a positive conclusion, he frowned. "He is a space physicist, how could he come to be a" chaser ", weather Isn't learning in his field? "

"Because of 'Jane Foster'."

Melinda May slid the tablet in front of Coulson, dragging out another profile: "A young astrophysicist, she thinks the unusual atmospheric fluctuations here, and the universe she has been studying The celestial body is related, and Selvig is here. "

"She's probably right ..."

Coulson shook his head sadly: "It's a pity we can't let her come up with the answer," We are not alone in the universe. "When you go to" Please, "Selvig has confiscated all her research. As a result, I don't want to see any public opinion about aliens. "

"I know."


At the same time, Incent, who was still retreating in the gravity chamber, received a call from Tony Stark.

Compared to Coleson's politeness, Iron Man was not polite at all: "I'm home, come here."

In Saint, who was at a critical point in his practice at this time, frowned reluctantly: "I'm busy. What's wrong with you?"

"If you want to save time, teleporting directly is the most efficient option."


At the same time as Sainte rolled his eyes silently, there was a flutter of black smoke on his body, and the whole person disappeared in the same place as if blown by the wind.

The next moment, Incent, who was already in front of Tony Stark, asked again: "What's the matter?"

"Guess who came to me just now?"

That's what Tony Stark said ~ ~ but did not give Incente any "guessing" time, and then asked and answered, "Nick Fury!"

"Directly speaking."

Impatiently waved, "I said I was busy, but I wasn't kidding you."

"What's the point?"

Tony Stark poked his lips: "For so long, the gods in northern Europe are actually aliens, and in the galaxy, there are so many living planets, you never think you should tell Me? "

"I did not think."

In Saint shrugged his shoulders: "What if I tell you? We are talking about the Milky Way, not the Solar System, and you can create a spaceship that can make a space jump?"


Tony Stark was dumbfounded by him, and then his eyes widened: "Is this just a question of 'going'? What if they decide to 'coming'?"

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