The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 219: Trial of God Odin, Iron Man and Little Spider

In fact, since Sant has already spoken, SHIELD has no choice, and Coulson didn't hesitate, he said decisively: "You have the final say."

At this moment, the field changed suddenly.

Thor, who had disappeared with Loki before, suddenly appeared in shape, but Loki, the master of illusion, was still missing.

In the querying eyes cast by Coulson and others, In Saint directly revealed the mystery: "He is gone, at least, it is no longer within my breath."

In other words, because Saint left the crowd of SHIELD and walked towards Thor, who had lost his face: "Bad news?"

Thor looked up, with tears in his eyes, and replied in a husky voice: "My father, Odin, king of the gods ... has been asleep ..."

"I'm very sorry."

Because Saint first mourned a bit of courtesy, and then pointed to Thor's hammer not far away, and questioned Thor: "However, you just said that God Odin deprived your divine power, sealed in Inside Mournell, if ... this seems unlikely? "


Tollen reacted for a moment, because Saint was out of intimacy, and what he didn't say was that if Odin was dead, the seal he put on would disappear as a result.

The reason for Sainte's speculation was that when Odin was really dead, the seal he used to imprison "Hela" also disappeared. Of course, there was no problem in questioning Thor.

As a result, Thor stared at his eyes suddenly, and finally retrieved his lost mind for thousands of years: "Rocky lies?"

"I can't draw conclusions for you."

In Saint shrugged his shoulders: "Well ... he's the **** of mischief and lies ..."

"How dare he? !!! I want to ..."

Tol was furious to half, and his expression suddenly froze. Obviously he remembered that he was just a mortal who couldn't do anything now ...

Because Sainte saw a clue, he reminded again: "Thor, I think that the practice of God Odin should only be some kind of test for you. As long as you meet his expectations, there will be hammers and divine power. of."


Thor's mind, which had just been retrieved, was obviously not very bright: "I don't understand what you mean."

"In our country of China, there is a saying called" Experience ". Heaven will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions. So he was patient, and Zeng Yiqi couldn't. "

Because Shengte has always seized the opportunity, he will publicize the culture of the Chinese state: "In short, this is that only after experiencing all kinds of sufferings can people hone their mind and perseverance. To increase the capabilities that were not originally available, I think that the King of the Gods hopes that you can become a more qualified heir to the throne through this ordeal, and then you will be exiled to the earth. "

"The sky will descend to the people of Sri Lanka ..."

Even Thor, who was able to understand the magical treacherous language of "I am Groot," was able to understand the Chinese language. It was not a problem at all. As a result of the words of Saint, he immediately caught him. In meditation: "I must be conscious to be worthy of Mourne ..."

Or ... you hang it up once, it should work ...

In fact, Sainte is not sure. In the original plot, Mourneil, who was sealed by Odin, took the initiative to fly to Thor, because he understood that "as a king, he should Protecting the people under the rule of law is the first priority, even if they give their lives for it. "This principle is purely because he is about to hang up ...


At the same time, the New York, Stark Industries Tomorrowland Expo Park, and the Central Main Exhibition Hall.

At the opening of the expo, Tony Stark was on the same stage where he had made a splash. Today's protagonist is Justin Hammer, chairman and executive officer of Hammer Industries.

What is surprising is that it is the owner of this grand expo, Tony Stark, who is in the center of the first row of seats at the venue.

It's not that Tony Stark, as the host, appears strange here, but that he sits under the stage honestly, but never in his style.

Well, look at his somber face that is dripping with water. Obviously, it is actually not very willing ...

"I swear to God ..."

Tony Stark, who talked to himself for a short while, made up the last sentence in his heart: If the hairspray boy is a good friend, I will never end with him!


It was Pepper Potts who was sitting next to him, and he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's all right."

The person who knows Tony Stark the most is undoubtedly Pepper Potts. After hearing this, he said something insincerely, and immediately gave him a wink: "No one forced you to come with me to the exhibition, if you want Exit now, and I have no opinion at all. "


Tony Stark silently poked his lips. After getting the warning that Ivan Vanke was not only dead, but also embarrassed with Hammer Industries, where would he be assured to leave Pepper alone, there are on the Monaco circuit The lesson learned, Ivan Vanke is crazy about what crazy behavior he can do.

"Mr. Stark."

The man sitting on the other side was Peter Parker: "Since you don't want to come, why should you bring me? Oh! I just feel a little weird ~ ~ There is no complaint at all, This pavilion looks really cool. Did you design it yourself? What material was used on that stage? It was so sturdy. When I saw the opening ceremony, I thought it would be broken by you. You know , When you are wearing a steel suit, your weight should be close to two hundred kilograms, accelerating under gravity ... "

"To shut up!!!"

Tony Stark snarled madly, causing everyone sitting nearby to look sideways, and after realizing his malaise, he coughed and pointed at Peter: "Cough, teenager, you know."

At this time, Justin Hammer on the stage finally finished the nonsense and went to the topic: "Ladies and gentlemen, today I show you the new generation face of the U.S. Army-Hammer drone ! "

The next moment, along with "Army", "Navy", "Air Force", and "Marine Corps" were named one by one by Justin Hammer, thirty-two steel mechs, and eight as a group from below the stage. Ascended, the four mechas have different shapes and different weapons, but this is not really important.

Importantly, the core of these mechas is the Ark reactor that Tony Stark is very familiar with!

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