The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 226: Harvest Goddess Sif, 3 Warriors of the Palace, I'm still brushing my teeth

Because Saint was lying on the bed with his eyes wide open, and thinking about the words before Lorna in his mind, his chest felt as if it was scratched by a cat, and his thoughts could not be calmed down. After a while, he finally could not bear it. Unfolded the Shadow Cloak and disappeared from the bedroom instantly.


Outside the door of Colleen Win's apartment, Sainte emerged from the air without any warning under the shadow of a shadow, and then immediately raised her arms and knocked lightly. door.

A moment later, with a light footstep coming from the crack of the door, Colleen Wen's voice immediately sounded behind the door: "Who?"


Hearing Incent's voice, Colleen Win subconsciously stretched out her arm and held it on the doorknob. Then, the movement of the hand suddenly became rigid: "Why are you here so late?"

At such a close distance, with the superhuman senses of Yin Shengte, even when she walked through the door, she was very clear about the action of Colleen Wen, and quickly tried to use words to strengthen her hands: "I heard that the apartment It's finished, let's see. "

Colleen Win slapped her lips, where could you not hear the thief hiding under the excuse of Saint, neither turning the doorknob to open the door, nor taking the hand away from the door: "You also speak for such a bad reason Export?"

"I miss you and can't sleep."

As soon as the truth from Sainte came out, the door of the apartment in front of it opened, and Colleen Wen appeared behind the door. He sturdyly grabbed his collar and dragged him into the door. The way, also said silently, "I miss you too".

Then the apartment door was slammed down.

"... we are not reconciled."

"... ok."


After a long time, Yin Shengte, without a cling, clung to a pile of clothes, and reappeared in his bedroom under a shadow ...

Why do I feel hurt ...

Colleen Wen was kicked off the bed by Insant afterwards. At this time, the expression was weird, and one thing that should be laughed, he just couldn't feel happy ...

What Incente has not realized yet is that in his close relationship with Colleen Wen, he has long been used to being a strong party, this is the first time that he has completely lost his initiative ...

Let's wash and sleep ...

In a short while, in the bedroom next to the bathroom, the sound of the shower made by Sainte gave Lorna Lanchel, who suddenly woke up, annoyed while turning over in bed anxiously, wondering Came up with an idea from his head-what? Get up in the middle of the night to take a shower?

Lona's ears listened to the sound of puddles of water, and a clear sense of the picture followed. Her thoughts were also out of control ...


The next day, Asgard, Golden Palace.

This magnificent building made of gold, like a whole body, is enough to crush the tallest skyscraper on earth, both in height and volume. At a high-rise position not far from the top of the building, a gorgeous overlooking half of Asgard In the hall, a fierce brawl was going on.

"Enough! Both of you stop me!"

A dark-haired female warrior wearing a silver armor and looking valiant, stopped the quarrel that was about to intensify and escalate into a fight. It is precisely in the Nordic mythology that the legendary goddess of the earth and the harvest-Shef.

"Stop it!"

Shiv separated the two perpetrators, one tall, one short, and one thin and strong: "In fact, we all know in our hearts what we should do."

The body shape is at a disadvantage, and the blond man with a goatee on his chin is "Vandal", one of the three warriors of the fairy palace.

The red-haired man whose body is obviously dominant and whose beard is longer than the average person's hair is a "Wastag" who is also a three-warrior.

"We must act."

A black-haired, black-eyed, white-faced, racially-like man without a man, followed Hiff, and quickly came forward: "We must go to Thor."

Needless to say, this is the last of the three warriors, Hogan.

Hearing that, Vandal turned around and looked at the outspoken Hogan: "This is a treason."


Vostag then turned back, saying that the term was too light: "This is suicide."

Hiff did not deny their claims, saying truthfully: "If he replaced him with Thor, he would do it for us."

"do not talk!"

Vostag made a snoring gesture: "Heimdal may be watching us."

His words did not fall, the golden door of the hall was pushed open from the outside, and a heavily armed guard appeared at the door: "Heimdal wants to see you."



On hearing that, Shiv and the three warriors suddenly stared at each other.

A moment later, at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard's Space Teleportation Room.

Heimdall used a study-like tone to question Shiv and the Three Warriors: "You intend to disobey the vows made as warriors, to disobey the orders of King Asgard, Rocky, and commit treason. Go back to Thor? "

In the silent silence of the three warriors, Shiv stepped forward: "Yes, but we ..."


Heimdall interrupted the excuse in Hiff's mouth, and strode out of the teleportation room without saying a word, and it seemed that he was planning to leave his duty.

Hiff froze, and quickly caught up: "So, are you planning to help us?"

"I am loyal to the King of Asgard."

Heimdal walked away without looking back: "Of course I can't open the Rainbow Bridge for you and send you to Thor."


Amidst the silence, Vandal whispered, "This guy really doesn't understand ..."


Shiv pointed at the center of the teleportation room. Heimdal "forgot to take away" the "guardian sword" and grinned confidently: "I bet the teleportation coordinates set by Rainbow Bridge now must be at Near Thor. "

The next moment ~ ~ On the top hall of the Golden Palace, holding the king's symbol of the "eternal gun", Loki, watching the rainbow bridge in the distance glowing with colorful lights, gritted teeth brow.


On the sunny earth, Instant, still sleeping, received a call from Coleson and heard his anxious voice: "The Rainbow Bridge has appeared again!"

Yin Sheng said "Oh ...", then hung up the phone directly, turned over to get up, and began to put on clothes.

After a while, Coulson called again, and his voice became more impatient: "Why haven't you arrived yet? Asgard has four gods at once !!!"


"... is this Chinese dialect? I don't understand!"

Instant spit out the foam in his mouth and said again: "I'm still brushing my teeth."



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