The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 235: In Saint's new toy, Iron Man's invincible logic

A large number of Ulu metal strips that were directly dismantled by Lorna were sent to the secure warehouse under the ground with the cloak of the shadow. Yin Sheng took Lorna to leave the island, returned to the restaurant's living room, and left her. When one studies the properties of Ulu metal, he can't wait to set the space gem.

The current location of the space gem is naturally Incent's gravity chamber and safety warehouse. After teleporting to this closed space located hundreds of meters underground, he immediately lifted the protective cover opened by the space gem, and then The dragon ball glued to the gem was replaced by a Rubik's cube energy block.

After everything was ready, Yin Sheng tucked up his sleeves, exposing the Ulu wrist brace on his right hand, using the thumb and index finger of his left hand, pinching the space gem, and approaching the inlay hole on the wrist brace.

Before the space gems contacted the inlaid holes on the wrist of Ulu, a discharge phenomenon had occurred. A dozen blue and white energy arcs were first generated between the two, and they felt a pulling force due to the Holy Spirit. In particular, the finger that controlled the space gem was immediately released, and allowed to be spontaneously embedded in the groove on the wristband under the pull of the energy arc.


The next moment, accompanied by a groan from Saint, the blue energy belonging to the space gem filled the Ulu metal that was cast into the wristband, and then filled his whole body along his wrist.

This is where Ulu Metal is the most powerful. It can carry almost all types of power and build a bridge between the human body and a certain force. The name of the magic metal also comes from this. .

Of course, whether the human body can withstand a certain force, Ulu Metal is not responsible ...

In particular, because of the "infinite wristband" that St. Tex used to inlaid space gems, it is so simple and crude that it only has the inherent interconnection function of Ulu metal itself. There is no blocking switch in the interior to suppress the buffer structure such as the loop. Ordinary people dare to wear it. Compared with directly touching an infinite gem, the consequences are not much different ...

This is actually no way out, whether it is Asgard ’s magical side knowledge or the “Dwarven Kingdom” scientific side knowledge known as “Needweal”, because Saints are all ignorant, but like Thor. Hammer, Eternal Gun, Guardian Sword, etc., are all the products of the combination of the two.

The last time, it was necessary to rely on the full power increase of Saiyans to be able to barely pass the test of infinite gems. This time, with a black hair on, it completed the process of adapting to infinite wristbands. Familiarity with the energy of space gems is one of the reasons, but more importantly, it is because his physical strength is already much stronger than the original, and even in the case of immobility, he has already surpassed the previous one. The strongest state.


Feeling the energy of the space gem that he can control through his wristbands, Saint Saint revealed an interesting expression. If before, he could only use the power of the space gem like a sledgehammer, now he has You can play all kinds of exquisite swordsmanship.

In addition, the Infinite Bracers can also allow the five-star beads on the back of Incent's hands to always receive the energy supply of space gems, without worrying about holding an infinite gem on their hands, and accidentally causing harm to those around them. This is undoubtedly accelerating the recharge speed of Dragon Ball in disguise. In the future, Instant who needs a large number of wishing zero substances is even more important than further controlling the power of infinite gems.

No matter how strong the infinite gem is, after all, it is still a foreign object. From the first day of practicing the Qi of the Dragon Ball world, because of the sage, the consciousness has long been realized, and he is the strongest weapon.

Having said that, I just got a fresh toy, and I still want to have a good time ...

So, later, when Tony Stark called to Instant, he immediately discovered that following the shield-type teleportation, the nebula-type teleportation, and the cape-type teleportation, Instant played again. A new trick ...

It is precisely that no matter which world's mage, they are very proficient in housekeeping skills-opening the door.

"What is it?"

Asked by Instant who came through the space door, Tony Stark just returned to his mind, and when his thoughts were interrupted, he inevitably said: "Help me hack Vakanda."


Instant blinked: "Do I still have this hidden skill? I don't know how ..."

"Uh ... it doesn't mean that, at the stage of the network invasion, of course, it was me."

Tony Stark realized something wrong with what he said, and explained it in detail immediately: "I ca n’t send the intruder into their 'boundary shield' without triggering their alarm, using you Shadow Cloak, please send me a courier. "

Why did you invent the computer ... Asgard hasn't had this stuff for tens of thousands of years, and he has not had a good time ...

In Sainte mourned for Wakanda for three seconds in his heart, and then hesitantly poked: "You really do not hesitate. Have you spent one second thinking about the consequences of being against Wakanda? ? "

"Who said I would be against them?"

Tony Stark looked innocently at Innocent: "I just want to learn from their existing Zhenjin technology. Although I developed it from scratch and it is only a matter of time to surpass them, it can speed up the research and development speed. That is always good. "


Instant was shocked by this invincible logic, and then suddenly realized that it was only a long time after listening to Tony Stark's tone ... This grandson actually got the money?

"Listen to you ..."

Although I guessed a bit, Yin Sheng asked: "Where did you get Zhenjin?"

"A black market arms dealer ~ ~ When Incent went to deal with Asgard, Tony Stark was obviously not idle. When he figured out Wakanda's evasion policy, he was doomed. After you may be willing to trade for gold, your eyes will naturally be placed on the channels behind the scenes: "When Stark Industries was still manufacturing weapons, I met him at an arms conference. Well, I must explain, I did n’t Sell ​​him any arms ... "

It was said that Yin Sheng mourned for three seconds for the yet-to-be-created "Ao Chuang" and "Phantom Vision": "If I am not mistaken, his Zhenjin should have been stolen from Wakanda? "

"It's not my business?"

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders: "I bought it in real gold and silver, that's it. Don't talk nonsense, can you help me?"

"You are asking me to help you commit a crime, can you be so righteous?"

"Crime? I checked it a long time ago. Wakanda is a farming country. There is no hacking law."


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