The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 255: What news is left to me to solve

After the apology from Saint, and the comfort of Lorna, the three cuckoos looked at him, although it was unavoidable, but it was barely normal.

Now that the misunderstanding had been resolved, Lorna remembered the business for the first time: "Boss, help us, the Sentinel Secret Service secretly conducts human experiments on mutants."

Mutants, human experiments, what news ...

Because of this defamatory sentence in Sainte's heart, it was obviously out of fashion, and he replied, "How do you want me to help?"

Lorna froze, with an expression of "Isn't this obvious?", And said, "Of course, to rescue those who were killed."

"and then?"

Inquiring such a sentence, Sainte said, and then there was a reasonable analysis: "Once I have rescued all of them privately, they will become federal wanted criminals. How do you plan to place them? If you let them go, it won't be long before they They will be caught back, so why save them from it and suffer another sin? "


In the surprise of Lorna, Esme among the three cuckoo sisters interjected weakly: "In fact, although this is our private action, it has nothing to do with the Hellfire Club, but we have also prepared in advance Those belonging to the organization can live there temporarily. "


Lona nodded again and again: "We have somewhere to house them."

"Why is it enough?"

Yin Sheng waved his hand: "Is it so simple to hide the fugitives? Everything is necessary, and there must be someone to come forward to organize it. Otherwise, within three days, someone will make trouble and expose the entire group, among you. Who has the ability to act as this managerial talent? "


In the silence of the three cuckoo sisters such as Esme, Lorna came up with a lively idea: "We really don't have a good way, but you have, you can send them out of the United States to those who control the mutants More lenient and remote countries. "

"Although this requirement is a bit too much for me, it sounds feasible."

Instant shrugged his lips in disapproval: "But why do you think that they would be willing to go to a foreign country that is speechless and unfamiliar? Well, even if they are all willing, then these mutants, who have nothing, sneak in to After other countries, what do you eat and where do you live? What do you use to support your life? If they use their mutant ability to break the law in order to survive, or even innocent casualties, is it yours or mine? "


The more Lorna listened to Instant, the lower her head dropped: "So, won't you help them?"

"What a joke? Of course I will help them. We are talking about cruel human experiments. Okay, who do you think I am?"

Because of the fortune, a forefinger struck Lorna's head: "I just want to let you know how stupid you were before!"


Lorna screamed in pain as she covered her forehead, and then glared at Yin Shengte with a cheek helper: "Smelly boss, what you said is good, in fact, I just want to satisfy my bad taste!"

"I don't deny this."

Yin Sheng shrugged his shoulders: "But this is a double-edged thing, mainly to give you a lesson, and to carry on with good intentions to toss, can not help others."


Lorna pursed her lips, obviously not convinced: "Then you say, how do you plan to help them?"

"First of all, they must not be allowed to become criminals. They must be rescued through regular channels."

Incente turned to look at the three cuckoo sisters: "Did you tell Lorna about human experiments? Is there sufficient evidence?"


The three identical blonde girls reconciled again perfectly. Phoebe and Sophie turned their eyes to Esme, obviously, the evidence was on her.

Esme took a step forward and handed his smartphone to Instant: "We controlled an IT staff member in the Sentinel Secret Service and obtained a complete experimental record, all of which are there."

"Friday, make a copy."

Instant also pulled out his cell phone and told his smart housekeeper, "Then give me a call from Coleson."

"Observe, boss."

A few moments later, after listening to the three or two sentences of Incentives, and the request from SHIELD, Coulson, through the phone, almost screamed: "This is impossible !! To expose such a thing is totally against our basic policy! The Secretary will not agree. "

"Colson, you seem to have misunderstood."

After Sainte said so kindly, the tone suddenly became tough again: "I'm not asking you this, no matter what, this matter will be exposed, or you SHIELD cooperate I, to solve this matter smoothly, or, I, in my own way, to solve this thing crudely alone, believe me, no matter how bad your sense of the former, you will not want to choose the latter . "


Coulson took a deep breath, and for a long time he calmly calmed down: "Instant, you think about it, even if we agree to cooperate with you, there is no way to" smooth "the end of the matter, those The experience of the mutants is indeed worthy of sympathy, but you must not forget that they are not innocent. At first, they were detained by the Sentinel Secret Service ~ ~ either because of severe consequences caused by the out of control, It ’s simply a violation of the law on purpose, and I can understand your mood, but if the mutants are allowed to return to society, the harm that we can cause, we can't ignore it! "

"I agree."

Unexpectedly, Coleson agreed with his long story: "Of course we can't handle it like you said, yes, those mutants will be pardoned by the government because of the unequal treatment. However, if they want to regain their freedom, they have only two options. First, join your SHIELD, and second, lose their ability to mutate. "

"That's a wonderful statement."

Coulson pouted on the other side of the phone: "However, first, we do n’t accept mutants. Their abilities are too unstable. When they are emotional, it ’s easy to accidentally hurt their allies. How can you avoid emotional problems in the field? As for asking mutants to do back office for us, it ’s pure nonsense. Second, if you are talking about giving them the ability to suppress collars, this will obviously arouse Public outrage is likewise not feasible. "

"Coulson, in your mind, am I such an irresponsible person? Since this is a problem I raised, it is naturally entrusted to me to solve it."

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