The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 260: Magic feathers

"I feel……"

Under the magic seal given by Saint, Angel, whose potential has been forcibly developed, slightly fanned a pair of huge white wings, his expression seemed a little fascinating: "I never ..."

Her hair ...

Because Sainte raised his eyebrows in surprise, those wings are now only one-sided wingspan, about three meters in length, even if they are gently fanned, the airflow emitted can not be ignored, however, Angel's long silver-white hair with wings, however, completely violated the physical rules, and remained motionless, just like the air blowing through her could only flow along her hair.

This is the hair ... what about the eyelashes? Can this be considered ... with windshield goggles? This evolution is a bit extreme, as if born purely to conquer the sky.

When Saint was thinking this way, Angel was already slightly strengthened on a pair of wings. Even though the flapping action seemed to be quite soft, her toes had already smoothly left the ground. It was very easy. Fly up.

In contrast, the people around her only felt that they were near a taking-off helicopter, and the violent wind that hit the face, if they did not hold their arms against their faces, would simply make people Can't open my eyes.

Of course, the closest Saint Angel to Angel is an exception. In the face of this degree of wind resistance, let alone say what protection is needed, not even blinking his eyelids.

Although the space of this laboratory is large, but want to let a pair of wings that add up to five or six meters to fully spread out, it is obviously still far behind. After Angel tried to let himself rise, he immediately put away the wings again. After landing, just before the feet touched the ground, the re-expanded wings flicked slightly, completely removing the force of falling, and the movement seemed very skilled, so that people could not see at all. She was the first Fly to midair.

It is worth mentioning that the feathers on Angel's wings are incredibly stretchable. When she folded her wings, the pair of wings attached to her back looked small and exquisite. Once re-expanded, it was another Amazing grandeur.

It's not just elasticity, it's amazingly tough ...

Due to the poor physics of Saint, it can also be seen at this time that after stretching several times, those feathers that can still support huge aerodynamic forces are definitely not of ordinary material.

In fact, Angela's feathers were extraordinary before there was an additional mark on her chest. What Santa didn't know was that she was taken into custody by the Sentinel Secret Service at first because she used her wings. , Cut a man ’s arm from it, whether she did it on purpose or not, the serious injuries were nailed down. As for why the man ’s arm appeared under her sharp feather, the information Relatively vague, regarding this, the SHIELD receiving her was not very clear.

In contrast, the information about Angela's wings itself is very detailed. The SHIELD researchers are naturally all aware of it. One of the white coats has quickly reached Nick. · Frey whispered to him, "Sir, the structure of the feathers on her wings must be very magical and worthy of our in-depth study."

Nick Fury waved his hand, silently waved the monkey-anxious researcher, strode forward, and extended an arm to Angel: "Worker Fizelt, welcome to join the SHIELD."

After seeing Angel's dramatic changes under the seal of Incent, Nick Fury actually valued her more than her wings and feathers, and even had a preliminary plan in mind— SHIELD will use the angel in front of it to form a "Super Agent Team" alongside the "Super Agent Team". The SHIELD Bureau, whose power is still above the Sentinel Secret Service, has included a large number of It is not difficult to select mutants from the profile of recruits.

The hard part is that Nick Freed had to think of a way to get Incent to cooperate ...

After shaking hands with Nick Fury, the future boss, and saying two polite words, he did not forget to create his benefactor: "GOLDENBOY, thank you for your accomplishment, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I'm here to help."

Instant waved his hand, and secretly said in his heart: If you know, through my mark to you, if I want to, I can take your life at any time ...

Although the "M" was printed on the forehead and the "A" was printed on the chest, the "Bibidi Original" "headshot function" was also gone, but it is obvious that it was replaced by "Brush at any time" "Heart function" is also a fatal weakness of the human body. From a certain point of view, the heart is more fragile than the brain. At least the brain is protected by a tightly connected skull. The heart can only be blocked by ribs that are very large. outside.

After being changed so sharply by the Saint, the core position is already away from the "mark of enchantment" far away from the head. The original mind control ability is obviously also abandoned. For such a person who is determined, The third-rate mind control that can be easily resisted, of course, Sainte is not optimistic at all, and throws it out of nostalgia. He always thinks that unless the mind is cleanly wiped out, manipulating the mind is completely a joke. , Jun has not seen how many villains fell in the hands of the "protagonist whose soul is controlled" ...

Closer to home ~ ~ Can't wait for Angel, who wants to fly formally. After heartfelt thanks to Incent, he left the laboratory accompanied by SHIELD agents to arrange follow-up matters. Nick Fury, and then saw the needle coming to Instant.

Already prepared psychologically, I am afraid that from the "Refrigerator" base, I will take one or two "084 items" from Nick Fury, and tentatively made a mention of Instant to the mutant agent After the thought, he got a reply that surprised him.

"no problem."

Because Sainte changed his greedy face and demanded money, he nodded directly to Nick Fury: "This matter, it was your SHIELD who helped me once, and when you ask, I will pay you back. The relationship is good. "

The four words of overjoyment were not enough to describe Nick Fury's mood, and he immediately promised: "We will be cautious about those who can be imprinted, and you will never regret it."


Because Sainte shook his head indifferently: "No, I can give them strength, and I will naturally recover it."

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