The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 277: We do our best to make up for it, Super Agent VS Captain America

Because Saint stayed in the spiritual world for a while, then he pulled away and returned to reality. With Tandy and his departure, they lost the support of the light dagger first, and then lost the soul that the cloak of the shadow took over. The world, with it, collapsed and ceased to exist.

After coming out, Instant stood patiently and allowed Tanti to run around in a panic for a while, until the exploration of the breath induction revealed that there was no other person around her, so he opened the cloak of shadow. , Teleported to her.

Tandy, running, bumped into the arms of Instant without stopping the car, and was hugged tightly by his arms.

"IT \ 'SOK."

Because Sainte was aware of Tandy's struggle, he patted her with the palm of his hand, while calming with a softer voice: "IT \ 'SOK ..."

Infected by his calm tone, Tandy's turbulent mood gradually eased, ostrich buried his head in Incent's chest, and stumbled with a few inaudible voices, and said, "I am not ... I ……I……"

"It's ok."

Incente rubbed Tandy's head and took a glance at her bad behavior: "You made a mistake, but this is over, and now we try to make up for it."


Speaking of now, of course, Tandy certainly understood what she had done, because Sainte was so clear in her heart that she bit her lip and raised her head. The words in her mouth seemed a little difficult to say: "I ... I can't put Hope to give them back ... "

"I know."

In Sainte's second fiddle: "Don't worry, we can compensate in other ways."

After all, don't give Tandy time to think, because Sainte said in an undeniable tone, and calmly asked, "Tell me, who have you taken away from you? Let's go to them one by one. "


Tandy was silent for a moment, and nodded obediently: "Okay ..."

Since being singled out by Yin Shengte, "not now", in the past month, there have been a total of seven people who have been "poisoned" by Tanti, if you add the one who just escaped Women, there are eight, and the way she chooses goals is also very simple, that is, people who look for a temperament that looks cheerful and sunny ...

Of course, after the hope was taken away by Tandy, when Incent saw these people, there was nothing left on their faces, but there was nothing but gloomy ...

"you want……"

When Tandy followed up with a spiritual world created by the cloak of the shadow, she immediately understood that what Saint Saint called "other ways to compensate" was that he took away the despair of others, and immediately felt guilty in her heart. With open arms, he stopped in front of him: "You can't do this!"

"This is the only way."

Incente gently pushed Tandy away, then patted her hand gently: "It's okay."

"No! You shouldn't pay for it!"

Tandy grabbed In Saint's arm. Of course she knew how good she felt when she took away the hope of others, and how she felt when Saint De took away despair. bad……

"This is the only way."

Instant repeated this sentence, relaxed with a look of pretense, and broke away from Tandy's hand: "Relax, I'm not so vulnerable."

Tandy couldn't beat him, and he could only watch it, because Sainte strode forward and put his hand on a female mulatto.


At the same time, New York, near Times Square, was in a building that was "not a secret military base."

The ground floor of the building looks empty as a whole. In the central position, a box-shaped building stands alone. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary container. The inside is actually very unusual. If someone looks at it from the inside, I just think of myself in a retro-styled bedroom.

It is a "mimicry room" that simulates what a New York hospital recovery ward should look like in the middle of the last century.

Of course, the "ward" should have windows, and outside the two windows are two city background boards used to deceive the eyes. In order to be realistic, not only the lights of the mimic room are illuminated by special electric lights that simulate natural light, but also There is a silent fan, and a breeze blowing into the window. Anyone who is in this mimicry room without knowing it is almost imperceptible. He is actually located in an underground space.

And at this moment, in this "ward", there is a blonde, blue-eyed, burly, white-looking young man lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep, and a little strange. The place is that he is not only neatly dressed, he even wears shoes on his feet.

After a while, the young blond man woke up amidst the broadcast of the ball game broadcast from the radio. When he tried to get up from the bed, the soreness from his body made him frown.

When he heard the game's provenance on the continuously-broadcasting radio, his brows deepened.

Just then, a brown-haired white woman dressed in the style of the last century entered the room "coincidentally", and said with a smile on her face, "Good morning."

Already from everything around her, the young blonde, feeling deeply confused, was not bewildered by this kind smile, and asked with a face full of alert: "Where am I?"

"You are in a recovery ward at a hospital in New York."

Theoretically, this statement for brown-haired women is not a lie, but it happens that time is not mentioned ...

It is a pity that this kind of sincerity is only half sincere and does not convince the blonde young man: "To be honest! Where am I ?!"

"I do not quite understand what you mean."

The perfunctory expression of the brown-haired woman completely ignited the hostility of the young blonde. He pointed at the radio and said, "This game took place in May 1941. I was on the scene!"

After all, the white youth rose up and strode toward the brown-haired woman whose face changed suddenly: "I'll ask you again, where am I ?!"

"Captain Rogers ..."

The name shouted from brown-haired women ~ ~ The identity of white youth is almost ready, it is Steve Rogers, the first superhero in history, Captain America.

"who are you?!"

When Steve Rogers strode forward and questioned, the brown-haired woman had quietly issued a silent alarm, the door when she arrived was pushed open again, and two Asian agents wearing bulletproof vests , One after another.

Seeing this, Steve Rogers' face changed greatly on the spot, not because the two agents were both yellow-skinned, but because they were not wearing the vintage clothing of the last century.

Although it was not clear what the situation was, Steve Rogers was quite certain that he was deceived!

From his simple thinking, deception is undoubtedly representing hostility!

So, in the face of two Asian agents who are a little shorter than themselves and seem to be less threatening, Steve Rogers slams his hands and plans to make a way out!


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