The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 283: The farce of a foreign visitor, the love between man and **** is not easy

Earth, New Mexico, near Old Bridgetown, near Jan Foster's laboratory.


Still in a suit of armor, the whole person seemed to be a seductive Hiff, and said to Thor with a stern face: "Whether you like it or not, I have to follow you until you return to Asgard. This is the order of the King of God, and I have no choice. "

Didn't expect it? Let me just say, since Odin will give in to you, it must be ... lying down? !!

Intork, who brought Thor and Shiv to the earth, was standing by his arms while watching the show. However, he was just half happy, and only saw that Thor, who had failed in words, convinced him. I gave her a hammer without saying ...

So ... Instant who was dumbfounded for a moment, and then, a harvest goddess who was unconscious was harvested ...

"Lee, Shiv, please."


With Saint's face full of dullness and muran, he took Schiff from Thor in a subconscious way. For a moment, he was a little bit confused, and he was completely silent for a long while before he came up with a sentence. "Thor, I need an explanation."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of starting."

Thor shrugged. "She'll be fine after a single sleep."

"I'm not talking about this!"

Because Sainte was holding on to Shiv, who was almost as high as himself, he smirked and said, "Even if your Asa Protoss won't get concussions, your approach is too much. How can you do something that doesn't agree?

"It's not what you think."

Thor shook his head solemnly: "This is also the result that Shiv wanted, except that the vow she made as a warrior did not allow her to disobey the command of the King of Asgard. Just now, it was The tacit understanding between me and her, after that, she has done her duty, and there is no need to force herself. "

"real or fake?"

In Sainte did not suspect that Thor was lying, but felt that ... he was not the party to be beaten, of course, it was easy to say this, who knows if it is his own wishful thinking ...

"Rest assured, I promise she won't bother you when she wakes up."


Because Sainte rolled his eyes silently: "It's best to do this. I promise to help you, based on the premise that Schiff himself agrees. If this is not the case, then ask for blessing!"


Thor patted In Sainte's shoulder: "You should give me more trust. Since we met, when have I let you down?"

I have n’t known you for a long time, okay ... not to mention Lu Yaozhi's horsepower is still very early, if you think that I will trust you unconditionally in everything, then I would be wrong!

Because Sainte slandered and hid this sentence, on the surface, he just threw a sentence to Thor: "Let's go, let me go first, call me if I need to."

There is no such thing as a mobile phone, and there is no Thor with a Sainte number. At this time, he nodded naturally: "OK."


A moment later, New York, Manhattan Island, Hell's Kitchen, Colleen Win's apartment.

Because Sainte had unconscious Shif on her shoulders, both of them appeared in the large living room for the first time, and they said to the colleague Wenlin who was practicing: "I didn't do it."

Colleen Win glanced at Sifu ’s gorgeous bright armor and rested on the average person. It is estimated that she thought that she had picked up one from which anime show, and she knew about her recent trends. Of course I would not think the same: "Asgard?"


While nodding due to the characteristics of Saint, she put down Shiv on her shoulders and let her lie flat on the sofa in the living room: "The legendary earth and goddess of harvest, Shiv."


Colleen Wen, a Chinese-Japanese hybrid, although she has lived in the United States longer than China and Japan combined, but the stories she has heard as a child are obviously not Nordic fairy tales: "I have not heard of it, What's up with her?"

"Well ..."

With a look of "I don't want to say anything", Sainte tried to take it all through: "Thor had to knock a hammer on her head because of the long story."

"Thor? The Thunder God you told me?"

Colleen Win got up from the yoga mat and moved barefoot to Incente, watching Siff on the sofa, apparently not going to let Incente easily: "Well, you successfully caused my curiosity Mind, how come you talk? "

It's the failure that caused your curiosity ...

With this idea, Sainte raised his arm and rubbed his forehead. He felt a headache and organized the language: "Well ... let's say this, Thor is coming to earth to meet his girlfriend, which is me and you. Said 'Jane Foster', and his father Odin resolutely opposed, so the two were so upset, and then, under the mediation of his mother, Friega, the father and son each stepped back, That's how Thor and Schiff came to Earth together, picking up ... "


Colleen Win raised one arm and made a pause gesture: "You clarify the words first, why did Odin object at first? And why was he willing to make Thor after adding Schiff? Concession? What's the point? "

"Uh ... how do you say ..."

As Sainte felt that this story was inexplicable, he groaned for a long while touching his chin, and then continued to say, "In the final analysis, the reason is that the average life span of the Asa Protoss is 5,000 years. A mortal companion less than a hundred years old, so I ordered that Schiff, who was more suitable for him, came with him to the earth. As for whether to retreat to Jane Foster, or to let Thor change his mind, I can I can't guess. "

"I understand."

Colleen Win nodded, guessing and questioning: "Then what? Thor and Shiv had a fight because of disagreement?"

"Not really ..."

Instant aimed at Hiff's bright and clean head, and made a simulated gesture: "The two of them were well, Thor suddenly came with such a hammer, and the battle ended ..."


Colleen Win stared sharply. "Don't you say, Thor is a good guy? I don't see anything from his behavior."

"We are talking about two aliens."

At that time, her response was similar to that of Instant, but she shrugged disapprovingly at this time: "For their behavior style, you can't look at it from the perspective of the earth."

"What do you mean?"

Colleen Win frowned slightly. "You're telling me, resting in Asgard, is this normal?"

"I didn't say that."

In Sainte with an innocent expression, he spread his hands and said, "I mean, since we don't understand these aliens, then don't think about anything, and wait for Shiv to wake up , The truth of nature is clear. "

"Speaking of this ..."

Yin Sheng pointed to Shiv lying on the sofa: "Using your iron fist, UU reads to treat her head. Even if Thor is right, she is not in any way inconvenient. It's been a coma for so long, and that's not a problem. "


Colleen Wen took a step forward, crouched down in front of the sofa, and pressed her hands on the left and right temples of Shiv. All ten fingers emitted a white light from the inside out, so after a few seconds, She raised her head to look at Yin Shengte, and she squirked her mouth and said, "No big deal? Judging from the energy consumed by my iron fist, it is a serious injury."

"Again, they are aliens."

Incente shrugged his shoulders again: "For their physical condition, they can't be measured by the Earth's standards."


Colleen Wen unpleasantly raised her cheeks and continued her movements silently. When she let go of Schiff's head, the white light from her hands gradually faded. , She should wake up soon ... "

Before she said a word, a white fist was zooming in sharply in front of her eyes ...

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