The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 305: Ultron, Vision, Jarvis; Lorna, Wanda, Pietro

"You're right."

Tony Stark got his affirmation here at Bruce Banner, and got his slack: "With Jarvis' insurance, we might try it."


It's not just Tony Stark who feels satisfied. The answer given by Bruce Banner also sighs intent. If he can, he certainly hopes that artificial intelligence will never be born. However, as long as Iron Man is alive, this is obviously a helpless extravaganza ...

And since Saint is unlikely to kill Iron Man, it is a steel-like fact, he can only retreat to the second endurance. The "phantom" evolved by Jarvis has a relationship with Tony Starr. In the "memory" of so many years, this artificial intelligence was firmly on the side of "all life on earth" at the beginning of its birth. Although it is a little different from "standing on the side of humans", it is enough. It's close.

In fact, because Thor is still loving and loving with his girlfriend, and has not participated in this series of events, in the absence of the "phantom pond" factor, it is more likely that Jarvis After undergoing transformation, it will still be Jarvis.


Because Sainte rolled his eyes and taunted such a sentence, expressing the meaning of "this is my" genius idea ", no one came to thank me?" However ... At this time, Tony, who had already entered the state of full attention. Stark and Bruce Banner still kept their heads and did not raise their heads. Obviously, they did not hear them ...


Because Sainte shook his head and left the large physics laboratory, followed the exploration of breath induction, and walked to the biological laboratory where Lorna was.

"How did you know?"

From this question of Lorna Lansell, it can be seen that the DNA comparison between her and Wanda Maximov has been identified with the help of Betty Rose. The two are exactly half-kind. In other words, they are half-sisters. As for the other possibility of not mentioning half-sisters, everyone understands people, no need to talk nonsense.

"Breathing sense."

Because Sainte is obviously flickering with this technique that no one fully understands: "Mutuals as advanced as you are originally rare, and basically only benefit from the genes of the previous generation, and you And there are so many similarities, I don't think these are just coincidences. "

"Our parents are ordinary people."

Wanda's face was very unpleasant at this time, and her identity as a mutant was enough to subvert her three views, let alone a problem brought about by this fact: "You are telling us that they are not ours parents?"

"Of course they are your parents."

Because Saint II was a man, of course, he was clearly distinguished. At this time, it was rare to use a serious expression: "But in terms of blood relationship, you do have another biological parent."

Wanda's eyes eased a little, because Sainte did not hesitate to affirm that it made her feel better, and the evidence of DNA identification was so high that she was not allowed to deceive herself: "You said ... yes Who?"

"I only know that you and Pietro's father is Eric Lansell, the famous King of Magnetism. As for your mother, I don't know."

Yin Sheng hiding what he didn't say is-the young man in the young age, it is a proper little fresh meat, who knows how beautiful the evil is ...

"Ranchelle ..."

Wanda's legend about the mutant was not very clear, and he turned to Lona subconsciously: "What kind of person is he?"

"I'm not quite sure."

Lorna shook her head a bit sadly: "I also ... never met him, I only heard many legends about him."

I heard that Wanda and Pietro's impressions of Lao Wan suddenly plummeted. When talking about the act of abandoning their own flesh and blood, if it is only once, there may be any compelling reason, but twice ? Enough to explain the problem!

"I think……"

Incente patted Lorna's shoulder gently to show comfort: "He must only hope that you can grow up safely. His enemies are countless. If you keep you by your side, it will be It's too dangerous. "


In Lona's silence, Instant turned his head to look at Wanda and Pietro, and started the conversation: "What are your plans?"

After siblings of Maximov looked at each other, Wanda answered Instant ’s question: "Our current super ... variant capabilities are still very unstable. The Coleson said that he would arrange for us to Stay away from crowded dwellings until we can control our own abilities, and then plan for the next step. "

"That sounds good."

Nodded because of Saint's characteristics, although he was satisfied with Coulson's arrangement, he still asked: "However, if this is not what you want, despite telling me that you are Lorna's family, and Luo Na is my family, we are all family. "


Wanda was a little silent, and after exchanging an eye with Pietro again, he shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but do n’t use it. It ’s good for everyone, and we do n’t want to inadvertently hurt others ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ If you change your mind, feel free to contact me. "

Because Sainte left Wanda with his own contact information, and incidentally said for Coleson: "You can trust Coleson. In my opinion, he represents the best side of SHIELD, or that , What SHIELD should be. "

By the way, Incente didn't hesitate, turned around and came to Lorna: "Do you want to come back to New York with me, or stay here for the time being?"


Lorna hesitated for a moment, but he did not hesitate because of the question asked by Saint: "Boss, can't you use your 'Magic Seal' to help them quickly master the mutant ability?"

"Of course it is possible."

Yin Sheng nodded his head first, then shook his head again: "But I do n’t recommend them to do so. They are one of the highest-ranked mutants in the world today, like you, forcibly exploiting their potential with the magic seal. Will ruin their great future. "

"I understand……"

Lorna gently twitched her head, and stated her plan early in the morning: "Boss, I want to stay, I can help them master the mutant ability faster and better."

"Well, call me if you need to do anything."

Innocent nodded in understanding, knowing that Lorna's so-called "help" refers to imparting her own experience. Although she is one year younger than Wanda and Pietro, when it comes to the ability to mutate, the development level is decent. Called Lorna, the first variant of Marvel, that is a well-deserved predecessor.

As for the secret of the breath mask, because the Saint special did n’t think much about it. At first, the mutant is very special. Without the assistance of breath, no one can learn to breath mask. Second, even in the face of his blood relatives, Luo Na will never break her promise to him, at least, because Sainte believes she won't.

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