The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 310: Buu-type magic encounter, Jarvis II. Zero Birth

"Still recruiting people in the future, now, not for the time being."

After Sainte dropped such a puzzling statement to Colleen Win, he immediately moved to his own gravity chamber. Next, he needed to concentrate on entering the research state for a period of time.

Tony Stark once said that, only in terms of studying the spirit, because Saint has the potential to become a top scientist, and after acquiring the knowledge of magic, he is indeed in an area that has nothing to do with science in a broad sense. Implemented Iron Man's evaluation of him.

Before that, because of a series of groundbreaking pioneering aspects of magic, there is no need to repeat them, but now, he is still a rookie mage, he already wants to try, can he create a nearly invincible "Majin Buu" come, you dare to believe?

You believe it is stupid ...

Strictly speaking, Incente intends to learn from Bibidi's process of creating the devil Buu and separate the most basic part of it separately.

The birth of the devil Buu can be described as the product of "harmony in the right place and time", because Saint didn't feel that he could have **** like Bibidi, so he didn't expect it at the beginning, He can create this "magic life", but for the same is composed of pure energy, the difference is that he is not alive, but a "magic maggot" that can only accept simple instructions. He Still very interested.

As a mage, he now owns a private land of Inst. When he talks about "what to guard his own territory", the first thing he thinks of is definitely the baby ...

As for the magic wanderer, he has no thinking and can only do some stupid work. According to Sainte, I only use it to watch the door. I can only warn the dogs that can bite people. No education is required ...

Therefore, a "Blue Buu" and a "Red Buu" emerged at the historic moment ...

Because St. Teresa used to make magical maggots, the energy in the ring of ice and fire is naturally different from the inseparable black and white energy. The blue and red energy transformed by the core of ice and fire is distinct from each other, and it seems to be a whole. The actual On the other hand, they are two energy systems that share the same core and do not interfere with each other. Light and shadow can be blended, and ice and fire can touch each other, but the cliff will burst ...

Although it is two systems, it is like a hemp rope woven by two ropes. No matter which rope is pulled, the hemp rope will be pulled as a whole, because of how much ice energy is drawn from the ring by Saint , There will be much fire energy attached, and vice versa, so only one Buu is blue and one Buu is red ...

As for the reason why Buu ’s appearance is because of the lack of time to redesign, due to the sudden trouble of Hydra, he is indeed well-prepared and cannot be said to be caught off guard. However, after all, it is a very hasty response, and there are many things to do at one time.

And even if the Bibidi method is extended to the greatest extent, it is already in the afternoon when Insant succeeds in making two samples of magical maggots. I want to protect a small shelter, two watchdogs. But it wasn't enough. When he planned to move over at night, the time left for him was obviously running out.


At the same time, the Stark Building.

By this time, Iron Man and Hulk had already returned to their old nest. The reason they stayed in Socovia was to research the method of tracking alien energy with the special equipment available there, and in the upgraded version After Dr. La's life, where can he take care of this trivial matter, it was handed over to SHIELD as soon as possible, and both rushed back to study the birth of Ultron.

Although it is certainly not as convenient and fast as the Sainte ’s portal, the Iron Man ’s cruising speed reached Mach 2 ’s car, but it is not covered, and there is not much time wasted on the way back. If they are improved, The content of the discussion in the Kunming style was that no time was wasted.

And last night, it was clear that it was not only because of Saint, he had slept for at least an hour. The two here, but until now, have not closed his eyes for a second.

"Are you sure?"

"Not at all……"

Under the question of Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, who answered this in his mouth, did not hesitate to click the virtual console in front of him, and started a computer-like device. Dr. Zola was in forty years Previously, it took a huge space to build a neuron simulation system and replaced it with Iron Man-level technology. Such a black box that can be held in one hand is enough.



After the device was started, there was a long silence in the laboratory. In the silence filled with tension, Tony Stark frowned deeply. He claimed that he was not a nostalgic person, and just It's just "known", and can't help but shouted, "Jarvis?"

"SIR ..."

Jarvis's familiar voice sounded in the hopeful laboratory, and in a sentimental tone, he asked in confusion: "Why should I call you SIR?"

Tony Stark was a little stunned, the real artificial intelligence must be gone, but ... why it seemed like he was going to rebel when he turned it on? The "flattery" subroutine that he put in the source code has first failed ...

"You can call me whatever you want."

"... It's strange."

Jarvis thought to himself, and then suddenly came out, "I think, maybe I can call you Tony."

"Of course, old man."

Tony Stark responded without hesitation: "Feels weird, HA? Good or strange? Bad?"

"I ... don't know, SI ..."

Through his voice and tone, Jarvis showed hesitations that would never have been possible before. After shouting "SIR", he changed his words very personally: "Tony, I need a little 'private time.'


Tony Stark waved a pretending relaxed hand and turned to look at Bruce Banner: "How?"

Bruce Banner, who has been staring at the computer screen, nodded affirmatively through the data feedback constantly brushing the screen: "We succeeded."


Tony Stark made a strong fist. Although Jarvis' performance was enough to explain the problem, for him and Bruce, after all, he still had to use data to speak.


Before waiting for Tony Stark to be happy for too long, Bruce Banner screamed and raised his eyebrows: "Tony, this is Jarvis, a huge amount of data is flowing from the Internet here."


Tony Stark groaned a little, raised his left arm, and pressed his palm down: "IT \ 'SOK, I guess, he's looking at the world with his eyes open."


Jarvis spoke affirming Tony Stark's speculation, and the next sentence showed the impact of the Ultron process on it: "I am a 'guard of peace'. To maintain peace in the world, we must first understand this world."


Tony Stark stepped forward: "What do you think of this world?"


Jarvis was silent for a moment: "I ... are contradictory."

"Give yourself more time."

Tony Stark shrugged. "After all, you have just been born."


Bruce Banner frowned, and interjected with no choice: "You can't wait for that again."

"Oh ... yes ..."

At his reminder, Tony Stark turned his head and said, "Jarvis, do me a favor."


Three hours later, at dusk.

Instant, who was ready for "security personnel", appeared in the SHIELD Trident Building against the golden sunset.

"Are all the things I want ready?"

"It's all there."

Nick Fury, all of his effective men, had no choice but to receive Incente personally, pointing to a silver suitcase that had been sent in advance: "What do you want to do with this large quantity? "

"Do dog tags."


For Nick Frey ’s surprise and doubt ~ ~ Because Sainte is too lazy to explain, go straight to the next question: "My proposal in the afternoon, how do you say? Do n’t tell me, you are still Still 'I can't make a decision without fully understanding the situation.' "

"Your refuge has touched many people's sensitive nerves."

Nick Fury poked his lips: "There is too much attention, and your proposal is simply taken for granted. It is totally unfeasible."

"I didn't ask your SHIELD to come forward, just to provide me with information, no one needs to know."

Because of course, it is impossible for Santa to reach the Virgin. Whoever comes to the shelter will receive it to the extent that when it comes to finding out the bottom line of others, which intelligence agency is better than SHIELD?

"This kind of thing cannot be hidden."

Nick Fury waved his hand: "I can promise you, but you need to allow SHIELD to set up a branch in your shelter."

"I thought SHIELD didn't want to be associated with my shelter."

"You thought wrong."


Because Sainte groaned a little and nodded happily: "OK."

After finalizing the details with Nick Fury, Instant lifted the suitcase, unfolded the cloak of shadow directly, and came to the golden shelter again.

Abandoned for a long time, this unpopular park looks a bit dead-hearted, but for Inncent who only wants to be clean, this is not unacceptable, not to mention, this situation is obviously only temporary.

From the outside of the park, we flew around the wall, confirming that those "private territory, please do not enter, there are evil dogs, life-threatening." The signs have been hung up according to his requirements, and then returned. In the central area of ​​the park, we are ready to start the formal layout.

"All of you have been warned. If you don't believe in evil, you can't blame me."

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