The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 326: I have an emergency contact, promise is promise

Jerry Sheppel is a polar explorer who has been working outdoors for a long time. He is not any scientist who has been soaking in the laboratory all day. For the mysterious meteorite, in addition to briefly describing the appearance, Obviously there is no ability to go further and provide Incentive with more useful information.

The surface is full of pit black stones? God knows what this ghost is ...

The curiosity that Sainte had was born out of a sense of acquaintance. If he traveled to another world, it would not be a big deal, but in three days and two ends, alien creatures landed on Marvel This is really not a good sign for the world ...

According to Jerry Sheppel's route survey two weeks in advance, it is easy for Santa to draw a conclusion that the time when NSF found the meteorite will only be before that, and in this case, It's almost a hammer with Thor, and at the same time comes down from the sky ...

Because of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, what kind of collateral effect?

With this kind of speculation, Incente expressed his intention of delivering the guest to Jerry Shepard in the form of thanks, and then called Phil Coulson's phone, although he still did not remember, What exactly is a meteorite, but telling SHIELD to investigate further is always beneficial and harmless.

"Possibly alien matter related to Asgard?"

Coulson, who was trailing Thor, rightfully linked the two: "Do you suspect Thor is looking for this?"


As long as Jane Foster was pulled back, because of Saint, Thor had already completely released Thor. Under the double unknown, he became confused for a while. In the original plot, Thor came to earth. Did you find anything on it?

"How did you come to this inference? What has Thor done these days?"

After listening to Incent's question, Coulson took the idea of ​​"This is not my initiative, no wonder I was", and decisively violated Nick Fury's order, and simply told Thor and Jane to travel around the world. In Sainte.

"You thought wrong."

Because Sainte casually told the fact that SHIELD wanted to break his head, it was impossible to guess: "He is showing Dr. Jan Foster the 'branch of the world tree'. Well, you are right to pay attention. They ’re called 'world branches' and we ’re called 'space channels'. You better manage those crazy scientists. Once the transmission channels connecting other planets are opened, the consequences do n’t need me to remind you, right? ”

"turn on?"

From this verb as the starting point, Coulson directly asked the key point: "That is, those spatial channels are still closed?"

Yin Sheng shook his head over the phone: "No, it can only be said to be in a semi-closed state. Anyone who has mastered the means of transportation can use these to connect the nine kingdoms," Branches, "and come between the nine planets. Freedom, Rocky has done this more than once. "

As for the phenomenon of "Nine Star Lianzhu" that is completely opened every 5,000 years, because of the selective nature of Saint, there is at least one year before this happens. It is too early to worry about it, and Anyway, at that time, Asgard, who ruled by the nine kingdoms, would definitely take control.

Due to the portal provided by Sainte to Warnerheim, the planet-level war in the original plot did not occur, and Asgard's dominance is still alive. It will be the same as the original plot in the year to come. It ’s very different. Asgard, who is basically in a state of full prosperity, will not have to be afraid of the night elves who have a small number of dead leftovers, as they did when they were seriously injured.

After all, the earth known as the "atrium" is, in Asgard's parlance, in the "trunk" position in the "world tree". All the "branches" must pass through here, strategically speaking to Aspen. The importance of Gade is second only to Asgard, which is located in the "canopy" position of the base of Warnerheim. As long as the space channel nodes on the earth are controlled, only they can teleport to other planets, and no other planets. Shares sent to them, on the contrary, if this control is lost, Asgard's defense system will become a screen full of loopholes.

Closer to home.

"Understood, we will continue to pay attention to the location of those access points."

Coulson did not forget Incent's original intention after replying to such a sentence, and then added a sentence: "We will start investigating the meteorites you said immediately, and I will inform you as soon as the results are available."


After Saints threw all the dirty work to SHIELD, he thought he was kind and said, "If you need help, call me."


Coulson knew that because Saint was planning to hang up, he hurriedly called: "I actually wanted to ask you, is there any special emergency contact method? Your phone is often unreachable ... "


Because Sainte groaned a bit, after Asgard, he is now in contact with Karma Taj. Now, not only may he leave the earth, he may even leave the dimension in which the earth is, and enter the mirror world. The dimension, Coulson's consideration, is obviously not without reason.

"If it's really 100,000, and you can't reach me ..."

In the end, Incente still said a secret that is not confidential but quite sensitive: "You can communicate with me through Tandy. No matter where I am, she can instantly establish a spiritual link with me."

"Tandy Bowen?"

Coulson, who had tried to recruit her into the Avengers, guessed in a positive tone: "Her light dagger, and your cloak of shadow?"


Instant simply affirmed it without making any explanation: "In short, if you can't find me, look for her."

No wonder ...

Coulson listened to the "beep" sound of the phone being hung up, revealing a sudden expression, since Incente and Tandy Bowen together with Captain America, since Incente and Colleen Winge In the meantime, there was a situation where a third party stepped in, and he always felt a little puzzled, but of course at this time he could understand that it was precisely because of the inextricable spiritual connection between the cloak of shadow and the dagger of light.

Inevitable derailment ...

Coulson didn't know how close his blind guess was to the facts. After a little confusion, his thinking returned to the business, and he called the phone to Nick Fury without stopping: "Secretary, there is a situation ... ... "

As he had expected, Nick Fury had no comment on this because he provided information to Incente "passively": "Follow Eric Servig, who is also astrophysics At home, he is not only a friend of Jane Foster, but also more focused on the study of cosmic energy. Jane Foster is likely to seek advice from him on the passage of space that Incente calls.

"I will notify agents in Europe, monitor him secretly, and intervene if necessary."

Coulson first accepted the order, and then asked, "So, which meteor is Instant?"

"You follow up on the whereabouts of the meteorite yourself."

Having figured out Thor's movements, and just just to make his girlfriend happy, Nick Fury had decided not to think about it, and he decided: "Thor, give it to Button."

"Roger that."


On the other side, because Sainte had just hung up on Coulson's phone and was preparing to go to the gravity room to continue practicing, the black widow's phone came in: "'They've already met."

Knowing that the Black Widow was working as a nanny for Captain America, of course, Sainte understood this phrase without words, and frowned unconsciously because she was only dissatisfied with the black Widow ’s behavior: and then?"

"A consensus has also been reached."

The Black Widow did not deliberately hang on Yin Shengte's appetite, but even with her experience, the mood at this time is inevitably weird: "Ms. Carter needs a little time ... to deal with her" behind things "."


Because Saint Terlen just realized it, the new life of "Young Peggy Carter" also represents the demise of "Old Peggy Carter". Before she can live again, she must first "die", of course, she must There is a process of saying goodbye to this world.

"A little time? How long is it?"

"It shouldn't be long."

Since the Black Widow used vague terms before, naturally she couldn't give an accurate answer at this time. I can only roughly estimate it: "She devoted her life to SHIELD and did not get married, so there was not much "Before today, we should be able to arrange everything."

"I know."

In Sainte had already anticipated this moment when Steve Rogers went to Washington DC: "I will be ready before that."

"Are you going to take them to Karma Taj?"

The black widow inquired without a trace: "Ms. Carter is already ninety years old and very inconvenient to move. You better take this into consideration in advance."

"There is no need to consider details yet."

Because Shengte has always been a straight character from the ship to the bridgehead, even at this point in time, it is not ideal for him, and there is still no concern: "I will say it after I have seen the Supreme Master."

What the black widow waited for was this sentence: "Listen to what you mean, do you want to test it yourself?"


Yin Sheng poked his lips over the phone: "Don't guess your way of thinking about me, now that Steve and they have made a decision ~ ~ I will naturally fulfill his promise to him, now, let ’s It's time for me to go all out. "


Hearing that the black widow could not help but be silent, and with the help of an ominous foreboding, she couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by going all out?"

"Literally, the way I persuade the Supreme Master is simple ..."

In a more concise way, Sainte informed the black widow representing SHIELD in a more concise manner, and concluded: "So, I have no choice but to go forward. "


The black widow went silent again, and pretended to be relaxed a long time ago: "If you don't know your personality well, I will definitely think that you, like Coleson, are loyal fans of Rogers."

"Ell, APromiseisaPromise." (Commitment is commitment.)

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