The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 33: SHIELD who wants to practice martial arts

Uh ...

One week later, at 2:30 in the afternoon, Li's Chinese restaurant.


Yin Sheng untied the dirty apron and walked toward the store entrance, and said to Lorna, "I'll go out and walk around, and the store will leave it to you."

Wu Wenyan said, Lona pouted her lips: "Boss, are you going to play with the agents of SHIELD again?"

"What do you know ?!"

Yan Yin gave Lona a scornful look: "I'm practicing anti-tracking skills!"

"It's unbelievable in terms of your wicked personality, boss ..."

"... Shaw! Look at the store!"

Because Sainte left the sentence badly, he strode out of the restaurant and turned on the breath induction. He searched for suspicious qi in the vicinity. All combatants have better physical fitness than ordinary people, and In contrast, the intensity of their qi should be more than that of ordinary people, and they should stay in the crowd, not to mention standing up as a flock of chickens.

After a while, because Saint saw the two suspicious targets gathered together, he couldn't help saying to himself: "Are they replaced again? They really don't give up ..."

"Hmm ... follow up, it really is them."

As Shengte got into the alley skillfully and felt that the two SHIELD agents came along, he suddenly stood up and used the fire escape ladder behind the residential building to get up to the roof three or two times and walk around it. Behind the two agents, watching them wandering around like a headless fly confused, a strange sense of satisfaction could not help but rise in their hearts ...

"Well, Lorna's words are right. I did it for practice at the beginning, but now it does have a bit of taste ..."

Gui Yinsheng grasped the back of his head, his expression was a little tangled: "Or else, starting tomorrow, just forget it?"

Uh ...

Eighteen hours later, SHIELD, Trident headquarters.

Phil Coulson sat at a desk and reported to the one-eyed black bald sink sitting behind the desk: "Secretary, In Saint has played our new agent again today, no matter how we change people, he They are always able to accurately identify them, I think, this should be the 'breath induction' of Guixian Liu. "

After all, Coleson added: "In addition, he not only has an extraordinary investigative ability, but also can rely on the" breathing shield "to fool our various detection instruments. Once out of our field of vision, basically It can't be found again. Unless we can put trackers on him, we can't accurately grasp his whereabouts. "

One-eyed black bald frowned slightly, summing up the sentence: "In other words, in this whole week, we have not developed any effective targeted tactics for the turtle fairy flow martial arts?"

"not at all."

Coulson showed a bitter expression: "We have to admit that because of the fearless attitude of Santana, it is not blind self-confidence. The inheritance of the Turtle Fairy is indeed very comprehensive, even from the perspective of modern tactics. Those skills are also very effective. If you face a group of people like him, unless they are silly to confront us, otherwise, our conventional means of attack will probably be ineffective, let alone because of Saint's At the age, it may indeed be the weakest group in the turtle fairy stream ... "


One-eyed black baldness remained silent for a while, touching his chin and asking, "How is our think tank doing research on 'breath practice'?"

"Combined with all the gas-refining data from 'Kunlun' in the bureau, those experts who are proficient in Chinese culture have concluded that if beginners can't feel 'aura' through the way of 'giving breath', Then, I am afraid that no one can sense his own anger without a teacher, let alone practice it in this way. "

One-eyed black bald gently jaws his head: "That is to say, no one can learn by himself, and only a master must be introduced to it?"

"Yes, this also indirectly proves that Incent's master 'Gui Xianren' did stay in New York for a while, but after all, it was a decade ago, and we want to track him down. I'm afraid it will be more difficult. "

Wu Wenyan, one-eyed black bald face knocked on the table with no expression: "It took ten years for Yin Sheng to claim to have today's strength. Has this been confirmed?"

"There is no conclusive evidence, but according to information about Kunlun in the bureau and various legends in China, we have reason to believe that he did not lie."

I said, Coleson's eyes flashed: "Listen to the director, do you have any thoughts on the inheritance of the turtle fairy?"

当然 "Of course I have an idea! As long as we can get this heritage, we can steadily increase the supernatural combat power! Even if the training period is a little longer, it is totally worth it."

With one-eyed black bald words, he suddenly hit his fist on the table with a fist: "However, the potential threat of Guixian Liu is huge ~ ~ We can't help but! Before you can figure out their heels, you can detect Tan Yin's tone, but be careful, don't arouse his alertness, let alone act lightly. "

"Yes, Secretary."

Coulson nodded in agreement. Just looking at Kunlun who has been fighting for hundreds of years, he understands how the Guixian Stream will do to maintain its unique heritage. It must be At all costs, the portal must be cleaned up, but just a little thought, if there are more than one hundred in Saints, an endless attack on the SHIELD ...

After a shuddering shudder, Coulson returned to his heart, and then reported: "One more thing, Danny Land, who was taken away by the Brotherhood, made a big noise at the Brotherhood last night. The stronghold in the outskirts of New York has clearly realized their true colors. "

"This will happen sooner or later."

One-eyed black bald scornfully poked his lips: "He was Kunlun's immortal iron fist, and he was imbued with the idea of" joining hands to endlessly "from childhood, although he is the most stupid of the iron fists from Kunlun. ! But it is purely whimsical that the Federation wants to re-brain him and use it for his own use! "

"Shall we not step in?"

Coulson said without worry, "Kunlun's peripheral organization 'True Pure Society' has been very disturbed recently, and is inquiring about the news of Tekken, apparently knowing that their leader has already appeared in New York. I I always feel that if we continue to develop like this, a big war is just around the corner. "


The one-eyed black vulture narrowed its only eye: "Keep an eye on the movements of the two sides, and when they concentrate their efforts, we will give them a fatal blow!"

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