The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 345: 10 points of key little troublemaker, all things return to the darkness of 1 ...

"Hatthehell?" (What the hell?)

Harpy Hogan and a female team member tracked the positioning chip built into the bracelet. When they arrived at Metro Metropolitan Hospital, they saw a chaotic scene, accompanied by a harsh fire alarm and a bustling crowd. A steady stream of people emerged from the hospital building. It was obviously a difficult task to distinguish their targets among the crowd of people. GPS positioning was not accurate to this extent.


The white woman driving the vehicle, named Isabel Shaw, was from the U.S. Air Force before she retired. It was a pilot recently added to the shelter's rapid response department. The fighter, because of Sainte, was willing to take it out for forfeiture, but his personal butler was unhappy to contribute on Friday.

"We stay in the car."

Happi Hogan took a decisive decision ... and made a lazy choice: "Wait until the situation is clear."

"If it was ..."

Isabel Shaw pointed to those New York police officers who had prominent "NYPD" printed on their uniforms, maintaining order inside and outside the building: "Where did the target person fall in the hands of the police? We have every reason to believe that it was her masterpiece."

"Better, save trouble."

Hapi leaned lazily on his seat: "Our task is to recover the park's assets. The unruly little mischievous man is left to the punisher to worry about."


Isabel chuckled silently: "President Wen may be upset."

"Everyone we turn down for help, President Wen is upset."

Harpy used the old dough sticks of dead pigs not afraid to boil water, and decided to be lazy without care: "However, the person who sets the rules is BOSS, and we are doing things in accordance with the rules and regulations."


A sound that shouldn't exist suddenly rang from the back seat of the off-road vehicle: "I now know ... how do you maintain that fat body as a supernatural human."

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Happi and Isabel both turned around, pulled out their pistols, aimed at the back seat, and then lowered their muzzles together. The head of Happi asked angrily: "When did you slip Come up? "

"When you park."

The black widow taught a little trick: "The braking effect of stepping on the brakes makes it easy to ignore the movement of the door."

"really interesting."

Hapi has no humility to be taught, and after becoming an imperial thug of Instant, he is not as dark as the original widow: "What are you doing? This is the internal affairs of our shelter and has nothing to do with your SHIELD. . "


The black widow did not look at Hapy very differently: "Have you ever used your brain? This series of events is too coincidental, and it may be a Hydra plot."

"So, Casso was caught by the police as a play by Hydra?"

Hapy is not unprepared, shaking his head and negating: "This is impossible, even if NYPD is infiltrated by Hydra, Cassow will never be theirs."

"It's better to stay out of your head ..."

The black widow rolled her eyes: "Is Casso so easy to be caught by NYPD? On the other hand, is Hydra hiding behind the scenes and pushing for a moment, causing the current situation, is it difficult?"


Hapi was speechless for a moment, and Wu refused to admit stupidity: "Even if you are right, then what? The positioning chip is built into the bracelet. No matter what the Hydra plays, we can go directly to the door. , And if they dare to forcibly dismantle, the ice and fire energy inside will collide together, BOOM! "(Explosive onomatopoeia.)

"Amateur ..." (Amateur)

The black widow with an expression of unbearable expression, woke up and said, "I don't say how easy it is to shield the GPS signal. If Hydra wants you to be sent to your doorstep alone? Compared to those ordinary ones, "Dog tag bracelet", you are wearing high-end goods. "


Harpy was speechless again, and forcibly ended the conversation unilaterally: "You must follow, but don't hinder our actions."

Hinder? You really say it ...

The black widow slanted her eyes and slanted her eyes. On the surface, it was really hard to say anything. Although Hapi Hogan's foundation was really not good enough, she couldn't resist the pour out of the resources of Saint. He became a master. If you count the magic shield that comes with his special bracelet and the magic puppet hidden inside the bracelet, the combat power is completely on the same level as her ...

Of course, the premise of this statement is that the two sides must make clear the frontal confrontation of the horse and the horse, otherwise, the black widow has 10,000 ways to easily play dead Harpy ...


At the same time, the golden shelter is facing the park square at the gate.


Coulson was stunned to see that Incent, his ragged clothes, bounced out of a "mini black hole" while walking, then raised his right arm in a hurry, raised his palm above his head, and raised his arm sharply Make a fist, the space gem inlaid on the wristband, and the light shines.

"You scum !!!"

After St. Anthony annihilated the mini black hole that was too late, he did not rush to put down his high arm, changed his fist gesture to a middle finger, and pointed it in the direction of the New York Temple. Cursed: "I believe in your evil!"

Just looking at who has taken Yin Sheng to Hu You to the dark dimension, we know that the right person in the root is the Supreme Master Gu Yi ...


Coulson was unfortunately standing in the middle of Inn Saint and the New York Temple. He misunderstood that he was ruthless against himself, and stepped forward innocently: "What did I do?"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

From the gritted expression of Santan, he knew that he had no resentment after scolding, and he would not believe that before Gu Yi found him, he hadn't seen it in a long time, and he would do it with Domam. Last one!

When a person is on the earth plane, holding the Instant of the space gem, of course, he is not at all obsessed with the dark dimension of the big man, and his absolute grasp of the rules of space allows him to easily bring Domham back to his hometown ~ www. ~ And if the battlefield has changed to the dark dimension of "Oneness of Everything" ...

On the plane of the earth, the rules of the universe are "one, one, two, two, three, and three things." The dark dimension is the exact opposite of it. It is no exaggeration to say that because of what Saint had just done One is hostile to "the entire plane."

Well, the word "for the enemy" is too high for Insanity. It should be said that, under the crushing of the entire plane, he survived very lucky ...

"TMD, almost hung up ..."

Because Sant was afraid at this time, of course, with his extreme fear of death, the so-called "almost" is not worth trusting, just to see that he did not trigger the dying and stronger racial talent, you know He is far from dead ...

Huh! I don't seem to have any decent reason to go to her to calculate ...

Because of Saint's anxiety, he remembered that apart from passing a large wave of knowledge to him “very generously”, Gu Yi did not make any words or deeds that would help the flames. He made the decision to die in the dark dimension. of……

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