The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 348: From the gorgeous appearance to being a passerby, who is the boss ...


Rocky held up the thick and long scepter in his hand, and set the head of the staff inlaid with spiritual gemstones, aimed at the "Instant" who had just restored his ability of movement, and used the iconic superior tone and evil spirit. "I still need that."

"He was talking about that sapphire."

"Can't give him that gem, which contains trembling power."

"But we don't use it."

In the internal discussions of the three cuckoo sisters, Rocky smiled and threw out a temptation that they couldn't ignore: "Leave the gems, I let‘ you ’leave.”

From the deliberate plural term used by Rocky, it is obvious that he is not ignorant of the mental manipulation suffered by Saint, and even because of the "blue egg shell" covering the surface of the spiritual gemstone, It is the same source as the cosmic cube, a container generated by the space gem, which can use this container to ignore the distance to connect the rocky space gem. It is also likely to use the power of the heart gem to make a contribution. the behavior of.

"Don't think!"

Colleen Wen, who was watching from a distance and cautiously, could still sit and watch at this time, and stopped in front of "Instant" from the sky: "Don't want to leave!"

Somewhat ironically, Colleen Win's impulsive behavior due to her concern for Saints, on the contrary, made the three cuckoo sisters, who were hesitating, make a very tacit determination together ...

Of course, even if you do n’t know, the Rocky in front is the legendary **** of lies. As the three sisters led by Esme, it ’s impossible to believe his words so easily. With the light out of the control of "Instant", he flew straight to the direction where Colleen Wen was!

Want? Then grab it!

Esme's conspiracy was not cunning, however, she still underestimated the weight of Incent in Colleen Wen's heart, studded with space gems, and Ulu bracers flying in the air, which failed to attract her at all. Knowing that she could not touch the infinite gems casually, she decisively made a flashover movement, and then flew up again, biting "Instant" who leapt to the sky again.

So, Loki, who was left alone, saw it with a little dumbfounding. There are only one of the six infinite gems in the universe, and no one wants to fall to the ground ...


Rocky raised his head silently, watching Colleen Mild and "Instant" leaping into the sky one by one, and unconsciously made a grinding action, apparently completely achieving his purpose , But at this moment, he just feels very upset ...

Appeared as a focal point, and turned into a passerby's experience in a blink of an eye. For most people, it is also a very unpleasant experience, not to mention that you want to make yourself a "tall figure", overshadowing "Tor light "Rocky.

"How dare you ..."

Like Colleen Moderate, the Rocky who ignores the existence of space gems has obviously missed the best interception time, and waits until he uses his mana to remove the space gems from the infinite wristband. When I dragged it upwards, my virtual palm rested on the palm of my right hand, and there were only two black spots in the distance ...

Even if Loki was really unwilling, and there was an army of Cheryta men to summon him, he could only indignantly take the space gem and turned to the other direction. He thought with Ah Q spirit— —When I become the king of the earth, you only need one look to kill you!

At the same time, in the past month or so, he perfectly interpreted what "boyfriend from someone else's house" should look like. He frowned and released Jane Foster in his arms, picking up Thor again. Identity, looked up to the air and asked, "Heimdal, what the **** are you talking about? How could it be Rocky? He fell into a turbulent space, already ... he's dead."

At the same time, I don't know how many days I haven't groomed, Tony Stark is full of scum, and his bloodshot eyes are rounded: "Stop the hairspray boy? Are you kidding me ?!"

At the same time, Bruce Banner, who was next to Iron Man, shouted the hulk's unique thick voice with the green blood vessels coming out of his neck: "To be clear, what is Nine? The head snake got Lee's power? "

At the same time, Steve Rogers, bloodstained with both hands, wearing a Stars and Stripes uniform belonging to Captain America, stood in front of a large screen with a chaotic screen and spit out expressionlessly: "I am willing to obey. "

At the same time, in the spiritual world jointly constructed by light and shadow, I have tried all the methods of Insanity, and reluctantly accepted the reality-he has only the power of the cloak of the shadow, and cannot break this spirit by himself. The restraint of the cage must rely on the cooperation of the light dagger.


Because Sainte did n’t know, Rocky had taken the opportunity to use the space gem to come to Earth, guessing that his body in the real world must have been manipulated by people, and he looked grotesquely to himself: "The first one to appear My big boss is actually myself? "

"When Captain Jenius and Sun Wukong exchanged their bodies, they could not play one tenth of their power ..."

In accordance with the precedents of Dragon Ball World, Yin Sheng relieved a little: "I should be the same if I changed it?"

"Also, Captain Geneeux will still manipulate the energy of life, and replace it with the world ... eh!"

In Saint recalled the last thing he did before he was drawn into the spiritual world ~ ~, his face could not help but change: "Before ... I seem to have been ... Full power transformation ... "

"Four times more than the base, up to more than five thousand combat power ... even if it is just brute force ..."

"That's an unstoppable level ..."


In the real world, one thing that Inst. Misses is that the three cuckoo sisters who lack a lot of basic knowledge cannot control his distinct "qi" and "mana" of his last name, but the characteristics are closer to the type of talent , And the cloak of the shadow, which also has the characteristics of the mind, they are not very slow to get started.

Colleen Wen, who chased "Instant" for dozens of kilometers and failed to stop him by all means, saw that he had put on the cloak of the shadow, and disappeared silently into the air. Stomp, twisted his head and returned to the shelter.

Even if Colleen Wen's personality is strong, she can only feel deeply powerless. Next, she needs all the help she can get.

Because no matter who is manipulating Incent's body, it will only show more and more strength over time, and thus become more and more powerful!

It is obvious that the next time they meet, "Because of Saint" will not escape without fighting.

As the person who knows Intel in the world the most, Colleen Win also deeply understands that even if it is only a small part of the power of Intel, it is by no means a level she can compete with.

And if you want to get through this crisis, you can only resolve it by gathering all the forces that can be gathered and working together.

What Colleen Win doesn't know yet is that SHIELD, represented by Nick Fury, has already done so.

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