The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 358: He woke up!




Because of Sainte ’s scolding of the country, his voice said that it is not small, and that it is not too large. However, the noisy sound on this chaotic battlefield has stopped abruptly, regardless of whether it is the enemy or us. .

The temporary truce was also achieved from this. In fact, most of the people present stopped the action when the golden spherical shield appeared in the air, shocking the "Golden Boy Returns". reality.

Even the Hulk, the beast, has shifted his attention away from smashing. With a rare and focused look, he looks at the awakening Instant.


After figuring out what the big mountain on his chest was, he drove the sky dance without thinking. The whole person was like a zombie, and it floated upright. The vibrations made by Tony Stark The gold restraint device, after being tightly combined, is equivalent to a strange-shaped skeleton made by Zhen Jin. At this time, although Incente is the deity, it is impossible to bend and win Zhen Jin.

Of course, it's just that he can't bend, but not helplessly. In the process of changing from lying down to standing upright due to the position of Saint, the Thor's hammer pressed against his chest slid down without any effort. " When "" fell to the ground, he used the "elevator principle" of dance air technology to get rid of this mountain with the suppression of divine power, and wanted to solve the vibrations tied to his body, it was just a matter of thought.

With the dark smoke of the cloak representing the shadow, it rises again from Incent's body, and the exoskeleton exoskeleton "equipped" on him is as if swallowed by this darkness, instantly All disappeared.


This refreshing sigh undoubtedly represents that Instant is completely free. He twisted his neck and moved his shoulders, and his gaze swept across the audience.

Just as the Hydra hellfire crowds represented by the three sisters Gideon Malik and Cuckoo, like the frogs stared at by the snake, they collectively trembled as they trembled, hanging on tiptoes in the air of Instant , Instantly disappeared in place.

"Coleen ..."

Because Sainte ’s extremely calm voice did not fall, people had appeared in front of Colleen Wen, looking down at her with no arms, in a very unusual relaxed tone, full of ridiculous mouth and said: "Don't tell me, this is what I did ..."


Colleen Win rolled her eyes angrily, took the only small fist left, and hammered it on Incent's chest. In the eyes of others, her injury could obviously not be more serious, no matter what It is because of Saint or herself, that she knows that for a Namik warrior, the lack of arms and legs is purely a conventional fighting method ...

Of course, it ’s unusual to grow a new arm, and that's probably not without cost. Compared to Colleen Wen, Instant, who has a much stronger energy, paid the price for her without hesitation. Even if his quick healing ability is more comprehensive, the amount of energy he consumes will be more than the talent of Namik Star.

It's a long story, in fact, from the time he was vacated by Saint, to his green hand that stretched out and gave Colleen Win a brand new arm, it was just a few breaths. The enemy, I have not even fully digested the fact that "he is back".

Didn't he explode?

After accepting the reality of the return of Sainte ’s, basically everyone's mind came up with this question mark. In particular, he fully understood that he must compare the baht, and must report the nature of the black widow, Coleson, etc. SHIELD ...

There is no doubt that since Incent's debut, he has never suffered such a big loss.

"All right."

Because of Saint ’s method of curing Colleen Wen, it is naturally no different from “miracles” in the eyes of everyone, and the friendly side is here. Seeing this, they both gave him the offended Hydra. And hellfire crowds, imagine the mood at this moment.

As the culprit of the whole incident, Gideon Malik's face at this time is not enough to describe the word gloomy and watery, others may be confused by the "low-key return" of St. Turner's abnormality, But in his eyes, he is extremely scary!

This is the calm before the storm ...


Even if it's Gideon Malik's city, it's hard to hide his mind at this time, even if he is not without the backhand: "What are you waiting for? It should have been the 'cutout' It's time. "

"That's what I want to tell you."

With this iconic electronic sound, one of the two robots protecting Malik, who were originally blue electronic eyes, also transformed into green representing Dr. Zola: "We arranged in advance The remote bomb inside 'he' is gone. "


This is clearly the message that Malik is most afraid to hear. His voice has always been smooth, and at this time it is full of anxiety: "What's missing?"

"The exact answer cannot be calculated."

After being a machine for decades, it's hard to say that Dr. Zola is not a human being. When it comes to speaking, there is always a half-man, half-mechanical taste: "However, according to what I collected Ninety percent of the data about the Cloak of Shadows is likely to have been transmitted to a different space by him. "

I heard that earlier, relying on "Instant", it was called the three cuckoo sisters who were incomparable. At this time, Sansan was trembling in the teeth. How strong is the lethality of the nuclear bomb, of course, the person who has controlled the nuclear bomb I understand the most, and the consequences of losing the "cutout" of a nuclear bomb need not be repeated.

"You still control Tandy Bowen, use her and trap him again!"

Regarding Malik's last hope, Esme responded with a bitter smile: "It's no use, once he has prepared, our mental strength ... it's not his opponents combined."

On the other side, time goes back a minute ago.

After Sainte had cured Colleen Wen, she immediately discovered that her right hand was empty and the Ulu wristband inlaid with space gems was missing.

For the most important equipment of his own, it is of course impossible for Saint to fail to get insurance. The inside of the Ulu metal that casts the wristband is engraved with a magic pattern that can be used for positioning. It can be summoned back at any time. When he found out, With the cloak of the shadow across the space, the wrists "grabbed" back have no space gems ...


Because of the expression of the old **** of Saint Turner, he could not break away in an instant. He was able to settle down in the past. The confidence is that no matter whether it is Hydra or Hellfire, there is no way to take the space gem, and what he didn't expect is ... ...

"Oh, right."

Colleen Win looked at the stupid expression on Sainteint, and then remembered to mention: "Your space gem was snatched by Rocky."


Because of Saint, he was shocked. Because of the time difference between the spiritual world and the real world, long before he forced himself to "hibernate", the concept of time had shattered into slag: "How long have I been asleep? Three months? Six months? "


Colleen Win shrugged her bare shoulders: "Just one day."

"That Rocky already ..."

Because Saint Te almost exposed the nature of the traverser, fortunately he closed his mouth in time and turned to look at the people who had been close to him because of the temporary truce between the two sides.

"Are you really the boss? Are you still in a mood to chat here?"

When first came to Lorna, half-truly questioned: "The boss I know, it's time to fight."

"What is it?"

Because Sainte narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced over at the Hydra hellfire that was closing the formation: "It's not good to let them bear more burdens and fear for a while."


Feeling the familiar bad taste, Lorna nodded deeply, "You are indeed the boss ..."


At this time, Thor, who had recalled Thor's hammer, was slaped on the shoulder of Instant with the force of milking: "Welcome back."


After this shot, the sole of the foot sank into the three-point Incent, and he secretly gritted his teeth, forcing no exhalation, then looked around and pointed at Thor and asked the others: "I'm not wrong. If so, was he stabbed by me? "


"Guess right."

"That's it."


The crowd nodded, and Thor coughed hard, keeping his head upright, and said intently to Incent: "We did have a fight, well, I won."

"It doesn't sound right."

Because Saint didn't believe it, he flinched, but he didn't really compare with Thor. He turned to look at the Iron Man and the American team who were standing on the opposite side of the team: "The light bulb man and Steve were also Are they in control? "

"Stark yes, Rogers is not."

The black widow shook her head and pointed to the three cuckoo sisters hiding in the crowd. "Be careful, Teddy Bowen is still controlled by them. What does UU reading mean, you Better than we are. "

"do not worry."

Because Saint Tein waved his hand indifferently, turned his head to look inside Titan Bowen, who was imprisoned and protected, "the same trick is useless to the Saint Seiya."

"Saint Seiya?"

The black widow is obviously not the type of comics, not to mention the stalks used by Saints, not from the native American comics: "What is that, some kind of title for your turtle fairy?"


Because of Saint's speechlessness, the little spider interjected: "No, haven't you seen 'Saint Seiya'?" It's an old Japanese manga that was already more than 20 years ago It was published, when it was the hottest, not when you were young ... uh ... "

The aging comrades, represented by the Black Widow, suddenly looked at Peter Parker with unscrupulous gazes ...

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