The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 364: What does the Avengers do best? Of course it's infighting ...

Europe, Germany, Stuttgart.

"Knelt before my eyes !!!"

At this different time, in different places, facing different crowds, a group of "rockies" holding a scepter of the mind, in the same high tone, roared out the lines exactly the same as in the original plot.

But this time, Rocky didn't have time to finish the remaining lines, and his brother was killed.


Thor, who appeared in a cloud of dark smoke, immediately forgot about the "wait for me to confirm the authenticity before acting" instructed by Sainte before, and hesitated without hesitation to fly forward, discarding the belt directly The "free ride" coming by yourself and the passengers

Before coming here, I seriously discussed the battle plan. Both Santan and Iron Man raised their arms by accident, and made a neat move together.

"Leave it alone."

The first response was from Tony Stark, and after letting him down, he turned his head and said to Incente: "Let them out first."

Because Sante nodded indifferently, the infinite gem is too strong, depending on who is holding it. Compared to the invincible annihilation of the universe, a loki is obviously not available. He is under too much pressure. If he can, he is more willing to do it alone, and bring a "burden" like Thor, which is decisive and harmful.

However, in the case that Thor had already stated clearly that Rocky would burn the fire all over the earth, it is obviously impossible for Sainte to ask others to stand by. Tony Stark's voice did not fall, dangled in the height of Innte Black smoke, like a burning flame, was splashed with gasoline and jumped into the sky.

A Kun-style fighter belonging to the SHIELD, then from the sudden soaring shadow, out of nowhere.

After a trip to the dark dimension and making full use of the time spent under house arrest in the spiritual world, due to the development of the cloak of the shadow by Saint, it can be said to be supreme, although it is limited to the cloak itself. The characteristic is that it can only take two people to shuttle space at most, but with the extra function of "stow in the cloak and then release it", it is no longer a problem for teamwork.

Well, because of Sainte, I think that ’s right, as for the others

"Forget eight !!! Why is there a bomb floating in your cloak of shadow? !!!"

"You don't feel it at all, should you tell us about this in advance? !!!"

"Are you intentional ?! Give me the bad taste of your death! Forget eight !!!"

The black widows and other people in the queen-type fighters have yelled at the communication channel. It was because of Saint that they remembered it. Before that, they inserted the gold-stretching restraint device produced by Tony Stark into the shadow of While in the cloak, he also dropped the tiny bomb that Hydra was in his body and stuffed it together.

Although it is a micro-bomb, this Dr. Zola's calculation is enough to cause a life-threatening gadget for the golden boy. Once the explosion explodes, destroy a Kun-style fighter that is not known for its defense. Obviously, it is more than enough, and the internal space of the Shadow Cloak is equivalent to a piece of space without stars. Once the closed environment inside the fighter is damaged, the fate of the passengers on board is conceivable.

"What psychological quality? If I thought that bomb would explode, how could I have put you in the cloak?"

When Colleen Win was also on the plane, because Sainte apparently would not admit that he had negligently forgotten

"Forget eight !!! You really did it on purpose !!!"

"Can something like a bomb be played ?! It's not ridiculous!"

"Boss! You're too much!"

A group of people who were all stimulated by the saints to lose their senses did not completely forget this task, but agreed that instead of disturbing the two brothers of the Torloki who are "Qing Qing I, I", it is better to condemn them first. Something forgotten because of Saint

In this situation, Tony Stark, who had completely lost sight of the "combat plan", rolled his eyes with an expression of hatred for iron and steel, prompting the nearby Saint said: "Don't play! After all, which Is Rocky Real? "

"Isn't Thor dragging his collar? Isn't that obvious enough?"

Because Sainte is not as impatient as Tony Stark, it is precisely because in his eyes, the situation on the field is much clearer: "You seem to overestimate Rocky. Although his illusion can be faked, but still It's still illusory, it can't be materialized. "


Tony Stark raised his eyebrow quite unexpectedly: "I also think that the excited silly big man just picked one of Rocky casually. Since he can distinguish between Rocky's true body and phantom, why before Do not say?"

"Why be jealous of yourself? You think that's right, OK?"

In Saint shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sure Thor has found the true body of Rocky. It is purely luck of no skill."


On the other side of the field, time goes back two minutes ago.

"I think you are dead."

Thor's truth was revealed, in exchange for Loki's cold taunt: "Did you mourn for me?"

As always, the irony in Rocky's discourse was that Thor didn't hear it.

"We have all mourned for you, our Father"

"Your father."

Rocky interrupted Thor with a bite of stress, and took a step back, widening the gap between the two: "He has told you, my true life, isn't it?"


Thor was silent for a moment, still not giving up on Loki: "We once grew up together, played together, and fought together. Do you not remember any of this?"

"I remember, only shadows!"

Rocky was "emotional", yes, but it wasn't what Thor expected: "Your! The supreme figure! It is always over my head!"

"So, this is all revenge on me?"

Thor stepped forward, pointed at the scattered crowd, and then patted his chest: "Rocky, no matter what I did wrong, these people are innocent, don't hurt them, punch Come alone. "


While Rocky laughed loudly, he gave a strong scepter to the words in his mouth, adding a vibrato sound effect: "The earth makes you weak, Thor."

"Rocky! Stop!"

Perceived by the huge energy fluctuations, Thor raised the hammer of Thor, and at the same time, Tony Stark in the distance "slammed!" And slammed the faceplate of Zhenjin's suit: "This is the end of the negotiation . "

Then, Iron Man, who was approaching with rapid flames, was suddenly hit by Thor, who flew with a hammer.

"Stop it all for me!"

A rough thunder that Thor called from the sky was undoubtedly a shock to the super-chic guys. He shone with the electric light of his height, and waved his hands arrogantly: "This is our family affairs in Asgard. Don't interfere! "

"Thor! Calm down for me!"

Of course, there are not a few people who are afraid of the thunderous power, but because Saint is not one of them, and his airborne action is undoubtedly equivalent to posing a combat posture: "After I took back the space gem It ’s up to you, brothers, how to love and kill each other with excitement, but I do n’t care! But before that, do n’t block my way! ”

"Li! Trust me!"

Thor, whose strength has been at the top of the pyramid for a long time, was the first response to the conflict. On the basis of this, he briefly resorted to force. This picture of trying to solve the problem with words is rare: "Give me a persuasive Luo Opportunity. "


Because Sainte glanced at because of Thor's abnormal action, he temporarily chose to keep the Rocky ~ ~ nodded thoughtfully, and lifted the air dance back to the ground: "Of course Say, I don't feel you can succeed, but I respect your willingness to solve the problem peacefully. "

Seeing this, Thor had just loosened his breath, and ate an unsuspecting "Friendly Injury" Iron Man. He was furious back and forth, and killed him aggressively.

So, looking forward to seeing the situation on the court, Insanity became a mess. After Thor, he had no choice but to give Iron Man a "surprise".

"Procrastination is good for us."

In Sainte waved a "guessing fist: cloth" in the air, and after pulling Iron Man from the sky, he pointed to the people who were evacuating around him, and stood right on the moral high ground to advise: When they retreat to a safe place, I won't stop whoever you want to hit. "

I heard that Tony Stark, who was hiding inside Zhenjin's suit and glared and no one could see, could only vent his anger with a humming sound that was painless and itchy. On the verge of losing control The novel takes Dragon Ball to the latest chapter of Marvel Chapter 364. What is the best Avengers? Of course, it was internal strife ... URL: https: //

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