The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 67: Looking for Iron Man? Wait for me for half a month

"I used to think that your SHIELD's 'attention' is far away, and I should be acceptable ..."

Saying, because of the pause in Sainte, the tone suddenly turned: "But I was wrong. It turns out that I can't accept it at all, so starting tomorrow, I don't want to get up every morning and see your Aegis Agents of the Bureau, if you have any official duties, you can come to the store to find me. When it's okay, leave them all away! "

"Your request is not to be negotiable."

Nick Fury swallowed the words "Fuck Away" without changing his face, and also changed his tone: "However, our concern for you is not some kind of aim, but we are doing things in accordance with the rules and regulations. Don't you think we will make an exception for you for no reason? "

"Then discuss it."

Yan Yin shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "But ugly words are ahead, if your conditions are too excessive, don't blame me for being soaring!"

"Relax, it's just a hand for you."

Nick Fury leaned his hands on the desk, leaned his upper body forward, and stared at Inst. With only one eye: "But before that, I must first ask, your 'breath 'Sensory', how much range can be detected. "

"A circle with a radius of about 19 kilometers centered on me under normal conditions, doubled under special conditions."

Because Sainte seems to be out of the whole, and even rounded up to zero, in fact, he is hiding an ultimate means far more advanced than breath induction-if he is very familiar, he can even be on a global scale Inside, this person ’s anger is sensed, which is also the “momentary movement” starting style, that is, Sun Wukong ’s classic posture with **** against the eyebrow, the real momentary movement. It can be done, but it's not a problem if it's just a starter.

也就是说 "That is, a circle with a radius of up to 38 kilometers ..."

Nick Fury hid his shock, picked up a high-resolution photo from the desk, and pointed to the blonde, hair upright, and raised in color of the photo: "If I didn't guess wrong, "What do you mean by special status?"

"Yes, if it's accurate, it's a state of blast."

Because Saint didn't hide it, but persuasively misled Nick Fury. He raised one arm as a model and wrapped the blue flame around his palm: "Under normal conditions, I This kind of Qi is like this. In the state of "Explosive Qi", my Qi will not only become golden yellow, which will change my appearance, and more importantly, it will become extremely explosive, whether it is Whatever technique you use, you will double your effectiveness and power. "

"I know."

Nick Fury impassively remembered this "significant information" and finally spoke out his own conditions: "I want to invite you to go to Afghanistan and use your breath sensing ability to help us find someone . "

With a raised eyebrow, Quinn asked affirmatively, "The missing Tony Stark?"


Nick Fury nodded, and it was no surprise that Incente could guess: "As long as you are willing to help, I can fully agree to your request."

"He has been missing for almost ten days."

Instant stated a fact and then asked a question about no nutrition: "Although he is indeed the most valuable hostage, not even one, but so far, no news of any kidnappers came Do you really think he is alive today? "

"It's up to you to tell us."

Nick Fury waved unmovedly: "Whether he is dead or alive, the conditions I open are as valid."

Hearing that, because Santa sacrificed her lips, she made a ridiculous saying: "Life is to see people, and death is to see corpses. It seems that the king of arms in the United States and the world is really very good for you What's important, his Stark Industries, what percentage of your armament? "

"It's not what you think."

Nick Fury shook his head: "His father," Howard Stark, "was actually one of the founders of SHIELD. We were just reading a piece of incense."

Quinn's "haha", who did not comment, confirmed Nick Fury's condition: "As soon as I promise to go to him, you will immediately withdraw from my surveillance? Regardless of the result?"

Nick Fury nodded without hesitation: "Effective immediately, when you leave the Trident building and return home, you will not see any of our agents."

行 "OK, I agree."

Yin Yin first nodded happily, and then a sudden turn: "On the premise that time is not now, at least half a month before I can leave for Afghanistan."

Nick Fury frowned slightly, and spit out an English word like gold: "Why?"

With a natural expression, Sainte said confidently, "My restaurant has just been closed for twenty-one days, and now it has only been open for four days. How can I go out of business again? At least half a month Buffer, give my guests a mental preparation. "


Nick Freeman never expected that ~ ~ would get such a reason full of petite citizen style, he courageously said, "We can arrange a chef for you to ensure that you do not need to close the door. "

"No, no."

Quine Saint Teren shook his head again and again: "My guests are basically directed at 'Kung Fu BBQ'. No one except me can do this."

"This is not a problem. In fact, there are already several restaurants in Manhattan that have become your imitators. As long as you use the induction cooker disguised as a plate, you can basically tell the truth."

"Isn't that deceiving consumers? No, no, absolutely not."

Speaking of this, if Nick Fury hasn't seen it yet, because Sainte is purely making excuses, what kind of SHIELD director is he? After understanding that Incentive would definitely not budge, he considered it a bit and said, "So, if half a month later, our garrison in Afghanistan has found Tony Stark?"

Dream you!

At the same time that Yin Yin slandered, he shrugged without any pressure: "If so, I owe you one time."

After getting this promise, Nick Fury no longer hesitated, and immediately clapped: "Okay! Half a month, half a month, deal!"

"Happy negotiations."

Because Sainte took a step forward and extended a right hand to Nick Fury. The reason why he had to drag on for half a month was because he was becoming a Saiyan and mastered 20% of the full-powered transformation. After the formation, I have not fully penetrated the strength of my surge. Second, I am worried that if I go too early, I will deprive Tony Stark from a super dude and transform into the superhero "Iron Man". Opportunity ...

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