The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 82: Teleportation


After hearing Coulson's question, Nick Fury glanced subconsciously. The newly changed glass in his office couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. He skipped the remarks and said, "Ke Your next task, Olson, is to invite Instant to be our instructor at all costs. Whatever he wants, as long as we can do it, we can give it to him! "

"at all costs?"

Coleson raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Secretary, because of the" pointing "of Sainte, it is impossible to include the unique skills of Guixian Liu. Is it worth us to do this?"

"Nothing is possible now, does not mean that there is no chance in the future."

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes and smashed the table with a punch: "As long as he enters SHIELD, there is always a way to tie him firmly to our chariot!"

"……I know."

Deep inside Coleson, he didn't agree with this, but obeyed Nick Fury's order: "I will implement this matter as soon as possible."

After all, Coleson hesitated, and finally asked: "Secretary, can I ask, what do you mean by" suitable candidate "? As far as I know, the Chinese in our bureau are very Young, like Mei who has practiced martial arts all the year round, she is the only one. "


Nick Fury waved his hand: "I'll ask the question of candidates personally. You just need to know that these people will be under the command of Melinda May."

Xu Wenyan said that Coulson was a little relieved, and his tone began to become a little bit sour: "What does this mean, May is going to be promoted?"

"Yes, level nine."

"Level 9 ?! What about me? Because of Saint Secret's confidentiality level, now it has reached Level 10. Should I also ..."

"You are still level seven, but if you say two more sentences, it is level six."


Uh ...

At the same time, Incent, who flew in the air in the form of transformation, has reached the Hell's Kitchen on Manhattan Island. After exploring with breath induction, he descended straight from the sky and landed in an alley without people. At the same time, he restored his original appearance and went down to his restaurant.

It was noon for lunch at the moment. However, when Yin Sheng walked to the door of Li's Chinese restaurant, he found that the main door was locked and a sign was closed.

"It really messed up ..."

Because Sainte didn't seem very surprised, although when he left, Colleen Wen vowed to express that she has become very skilled in exhaling, and there is absolutely no problem with barbecue. However, in Sainte's view, if she breathes External use for combat, that's OK, as for cooking ...

I can only say that when Saint was leaving, she did not have the heart to fight Colleen Win ...

Because he left the key when he left, because Sainte could not enter the locked door. During this daytime, he was not good at turning the window or anything, so he had to open the breath sensor again, and planned to look at his own boss, specifically. In which position.


Yan Yin raised his eyebrows and showed a surprised expression. He pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket and said to himself, "Not within nineteen kilometers? Where have you been ..."

"The phone won't work?"

Because Sainte frowned, she began to feel a bit wrong. She hung up the busy tone, dialed another number, and dialed out. The name that appeared on the screen of the mobile phone was Lorna Lanchel, the younger sister. It will be shielded, and he ca n’t find it without the phone ...


Fortunately, the phone was connected without ringing twice, because Sainte said "um" and said, "Lona, I'm back, are you home? Come down and open the door for me."

"I'm outside, you go to the Wuguan to find a master 呗."

Yun Yinsheng shook his head subconsciously and said over the phone: "She is not in the gym and she can't get through to the phone. Don't you know where she went?"

"The master didn't say to go out, she sent a message yesterday night saying that she would take a day off today."

send Message?

Quinn Saint expressed a suspicious expression, and an upset came from his heart, but on the surface, he calmly said, "I know, you're busy, I think of a way."

Say, because Sainte hung up the phone, turned around neatly, walked back to the alley, confirmed that there was no one left and right, and turned into a golden boy again, and then swept it with the sense of breath. It was found that Colleen Win was still outside the scope of the investigation, and the straight line distance from him was more than 38 kilometers.

I have no choice but to use that trick ...

With a very reluctant expression, Shengte raised his right arm, and the index finger and **** that he took together reached the center of his eyebrow. This is the "momentary move" starting style. Compared with the breath induction, this method There is almost no limit to the scope of the investigation, and you can cover the world casually, but in terms of details, UU read the book www.uukhanshu. Com will not be able to take into account. Among the massive breaths to be calculated in units of 'billion', if it is not very familiar with Sainte ’s or is very special, it is like a drop of water in the vast sea. Indistinguishable from other drops.


He cried out because of Sainte's frowning pain, only feeling that his head was rising as if it were about to explode. He resisted the severe pain, looking for a drop of the sea from the breath of the ocean he felt.

Among those massive breaths, Colleen Wen's breath, like a black stone on a white sandy beach, was extremely eye-catching, and soon attracted the attention of Sainte, and she was in focus. After her anger, it is not difficult to locate her location.

But at this time, she was very grateful that Sainte could not help but taught Corinne Wenqi practice long ago. Among the billions of people in the world, she was the only one. The breath has the characteristics of the Dragon Ball world, and he His own qi is very similar, otherwise, even if she is very familiar with the characteristics of Colleen Wen's qi, Saint should not try to find her easily.

"Southwest ... at least hundreds of kilometers away ... something went wrong!"

Because Sainte opened her eyes suddenly and looked at the direction she sensed. She knew clearly in her heart that if Colleen Wen was going away, it would be impossible not to say hello to herself or Lorna. Absolutely abnormal!

After firmly remembering the direction of Colleen Win, Sainte took away the finger against her forehead and terminated the "momentary move" starting position. Although he could not wait for the teleportation to pass directly, he really couldn't do it. Therefore, the strength of his own breath is not enough to allow him to fold and tear the space, and the strength of his own physical strength is not enough to allow him to hold the process of shuttle space.

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