The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 99: Grandson, you are going to freeze ...

Wrong, is this grandson flying away, is it just a coincidence?

In Incentive's breath induction, Tony Stark's breath is constantly away, apparently not specifically looking for him, and Dragon Ball will spontaneously look for an energy source within seven kilometers. This range is not small, said It's not big, compared to the whole New York area, what is the probability that Tony Stark happened to fly over this area, because Sainte can't really count it at once, because ... this is a very complicated three-dimensional The problem of solid geometry ...

Fortunately, now at this time, the evening meal has already passed. Although the restaurant in Sainte has not closed yet, few customers are still in the store. The sky-high stream of light, except for him Outside of herself, only Lorna Lancher happened to see it.

"Old ... board? That's ..."


Yin Sheng raised a forefinger, signaled Lona not to speak up, turned around and walked towards the back door of the restaurant, leaving her a sentence: "Lona, tell Colleen that the store will give it to her . "

After entering the dimly lit alley, Yin Sheng used both "Dance of Air" and "Afterimage Fist". Before the afterimage on the ground dissipated, he was already integrated into the dark night sky, and then The transformation form was opened, and at this time, the streamer transformed by Dragon Ball had already rushed into the air for several kilometers ...

I really did the same as I thought ... the grandson started to play tricks again ...

Because Saint followed behind Dragon Ball and flew straight up. In front of the streamer he chased, Tony Stark, who was also rushing straight up, was estimated to have climbed to a height of 10,000 meters, apparently following It ’s the same in the movie. I want to use a steel suit to compare with any Air Force reconnaissance plane. Who can fly higher ...

Grace, grandson, you are about to freeze ...

Because of the gloating sacrifice of Sainte ’s gloating, it was not until he reached a height of 1,000 meters that he flew a prominent flame on his body. In the idea of ​​not disturbing the people with a sound boom, he only used 70% to 80% of the force to spray. Go out of breath, fly at the subsonic speed equivalent to a civil aviation plane, and fly towards the moon in the sky without hesitation. In fact, he doesn't really care. Can he catch up with Dragon Ball in advance? It is best to catch up. ... Tony Stark is going to be unlucky anyway ...

Although it is also spraying energy to promote its own flight, because of Saint ’s air dancing, it has already offset its own gravity in advance. Therefore, no matter which direction you fly, the only thing you need to overcome is air resistance. Tony Starr The gram steel suit does not have such a magical function. When flying straight up, it is a direct confrontation with universal gravitation, which completely cancels out the thrust equivalent to gravity. In comparison, the acceleration is far worse than normal. When flying or diving, his current flight speed is much slower than Incente, and the distance between the two is constantly shortening.

"Sir, there is a UFO just below you, and it is coming quickly!"

"I see it."

Tony Stark lowered his head and corrected his face earnestly: "Jarvis, write down, this is actually a known flying object called a hairspray boy."

"My fault, sir, new data has now been entered in the database."

Because the flames on Sainte's body were too eye-catching, Tony Stark ignored the streamer transformed by Dragon Ball, and thought that Sainte was actually chasing him, and immediately dismissed the order: "Jarvis, Give me 100% thrust! Let's speed it up !!! "

"Sir, the surface of the uniform is rapidly freezing, and the uniform may be damaged as a result."

"Continue to climb!"

Tony Stark's rich risk factors (or dead cells?) Made him decide without hesitation and shouted excitedly: "A little higher!"

In Saint, who was very close to him, clearly saw that his shiny silver suit was quickly covered by hoarfrost, and the layers began to accumulate slowly, and soon A thick layer of turbid ice formed, and began to spread into the interior of the armor.

Just listen to the sound of "cracking". With the splash of an electric spark, a short-steel steel suit appeared inside. The main thruster of the foot was extinguished first, and the auxiliary thruster of the hand followed closely. At the position of the eye socket, the white light flickered twice, followed by the dimming. This represented that the intelligent auxiliary system of the battle suit had also lost its power supply and had to be shut down forcibly.

的 The steel suit that lost all its propulsive force, continued to lift off for a few seconds under the action of inertia, the ascending force has completely disappeared, and began to roll and fall to the ground under the action of universal gravity!

"Uh ah ah ah!"

Under the disappearance of the auxiliary vision, Tony Stark in the battle suit fell into darkness ~ ~. He could only see a little outside through the glass in the orbit of the head. People just think that it is spinning in circles, and can't help but cry in panic, and then panic orders: "Jarvis, expand the ailerons and clear the ice inside the armor!"

"Jarvis ?!"

I can only say that Tony Stark was scared out of his mind, and even without electricity, there was no reason for Jarvis, and he had forgotten for a while ...

Seeing all this happening, Instant slowly reduced the speed of flight, because ... when the steel suit stopped climbing and then began to fall, the stream of light that has been transformed by the dragon ball has disappeared. Quickly caught up with Tony Stark. At this moment, it has turned back to stone and stuck to his chest ...

If I catch him directly like this ... will this grandson flash off his old waist?

As Saint looked at the top of his head, in a fancy tumbling manner, he continued to fall down the frozen suit, frowning hesitantly. What he was not sure was the suspension of the steel suit used to relieve the shock The system is a purely mechanical structure, or it must rely on electric power to assist it. If it is the former, the two huge forces of hedging can't help the Tony Stark inside, if it is the latter ... ... I am afraid that a "wheelchair" will be born ...

Hey, let's be careful ...

Due to the volley of St. volley, in a way impossible to do with the steel suit, he instantly reversed the direction of his flight, from a straight ascent to a vertical descent. He kept and fell down with Tony Stark grabbed the back armor of the steel suit at about the same speed, and then began to slow down slowly. After a few seconds, he held the steel suit with one hand, slowly. Slowly hovering in the air.

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