After Criona used her magical power to look at Skraal with the intent of inspecting she knew that she or her friends have no chance against this man, This man completely outclassed them not only in magical capability, he has strong experience too from the demeanor of him.

Criona understands that she was about the die If she was no warned by her friend.

They may be from the Cursed Organization which is most likely the strongest dark-mage organization and, they may be arrogant towards many other mages but they still capable of knowing what is right and wrong and on the top on that they are smart people, they understand if a person is untouchable by them or not.

Criona again looked at the Skraal and spoke.

"I am sorry to bother you"

After she said her words she did not even looked at the Skraal anymore and just turned her head to the table and ordered food.

In the "Broken Staff Inn" just at the other side of the table, two-man was eating food and drinking, At least they looked like having fun and eating, but in the reality, these two was from "Crows" organization and tailing the Cursed Organization people for more knowledge.

After they inspected what happened in just mere seconds they looked at each other, both of them had these words in their mind.

"People from Cursed Organization scared from the Skraal"

As an intelligent collecter organization, they already know where Skraal lives his relationship with the Dark Energy School, and some of his power, but they did not know that he was that strong that even people from Cursed Organization backed off.

This is valuable intel for every organization and all organization knew that Crows never sell false information,

The two-man got up and left the Broken Staff Inn after putting some magical stones on the table. At that time Skraal finished his food and drink.

He already knew these two were from the "Crows" because of the intel from the Dark Energy School, Diana already said to himself that they will be investigating him.

So he saw them, and other crows people tailing him. But he did not know who was the people sitting beside himself and now he knows after looking at their clothes.

They were from "Cursed Organization" and their movements that they did against himself backing off because they were scared of retaliation from himself caught the eye of the "Crows"

Skraal took a deep breath and directly looked at the Criona and started talking, In his eyes there is no fear or emotion, calm like water cold like ice.

"Because of you, people will think the Cursed Organization scared of me"

Criona gulped and shook her head showing that she does not understand. Skraal took a little bit of breath and started explaining.

"The two people who left the Inn was from "Crow" they were tailing you guys and now they saw that you backed down against me and they will report it to their organization as "Cursed People" scared off "Skraal" which is me"

With the words of the Skraal, the trio looked at each other and took deep breaths, They did not expect this outcome at all.

But at that time Criona just laughed and then answered.

"Let them know it like that mister, It is no bad thing that they know we scared of you they should be scared of you too"

After these words, Skraal just smiled a little and then finished his drink and left the "Broken Staff Inn"

After he left the Inn, he looked at his status.

Skraal – Level 5

Class – Necromancer 

Gis Energy – 5.0



 Undead Cursed Ghoul Hunter (Level 7.9) 


 Triple-Bone Arrow (Level 3)


 Dark Energy Shield (Level 4.9) 


 Emperor Crow Feathers (Level 4.9)


 Negative Dark Particles X3 (Level 4.9)


Dark Energy Sphere Blast (Level 8.2) –


"Dark Death Flag" (Level 5) 


- Origins -

Ghost Origin %2.0 =

Necromancy Origin %0.1

Death Origin %0.001


Skraal took a deep breath after he looked at his status, after that he started walking towards school, His face now known by the students as High Guard Of School which means that he is the one who protects all of the students or others if the need arises.

He entered the "Dark Energy School" the sun was up and this time he saw that many students are working on the fields and libraries inside of the school, 

Young couples are walking and trying to read from some school and other things, and young people who try their new spells bought from the Spell Market, with their hard earned magical stones.

In the world of a mage, there are no nobles only Magic Families, which is a family that everyone is a mage of some sort, Many of the descendants of these families are rich and smart because they are taught after they reached a certain age.

They did not have any problem buying magical types of equipment or spells and hiring experienced mages to train.

After the events of the Krimnok Forest Massacre – Dark Year – 5210, all of the schools and organizations stopped sending their students to the Krimnok Forest for the time being.

- Dark Year – 5210 (Current Time) – Year Names –

TimeLine – Dawn – 0 to 10.000 years– Veriala Magnus – 0 to 5000 years – Dark 0 to 5210 ?? years.


Before Skraal even know he already caused an event that made in the history of mages, especially people living in Anderwhal, He was the reason for many people and students killed in the Krimnok Forest in just one day.

They named it Krimnok Forest Massacre – Dark Year, and book keepers already started writing it the public books for the record.


Dawn Years were the years of first magic started used by other humans and other races, from now on then there are no big battles between races or a really-big war that caused everything to broke down.

But after the years entered the Veriala Magnus Years, everything just started feeling down and battles are happening all over the place.

In the current era which is named the "Dark" era, because many magical masters, mages, spell masters from the ancient times vanished with many strong spells" 

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