Skraal took a deep breath and checked his status after finishing reading the Ghostly Curse book completely.

Skraal – Level 10

Class – Necromancer

Gis Energy – 10.0


- Points = " 0 "

- Origins -

Ghost Origin %25 

Necromancy Origin %17

Death Origin %0.48

With the power of Skraal increasing a big smile manifested on his face. The Ghostly Curse book has increased his Ghost Origin by about five percent and necromancy origin for %3 percent. The increase on the Death Origin is just 0.03 but still something one has to know that increasing the Death Origin by one percent is harder than increasing Ghost Origin by twenty percent. Skraal know about these things so did not mind the slow increase in Death Origin, in the end if he were to find a dimensional gateway towards to a place a ruins, any kind of location that would give him resources of Death Origin, he was all good.

Skraal was closing his eyes and thinking about his future plans, the mages around the city started forming small camps and the restaurants and taverns are preparing food for the mages in the city, the small houses and middle level income people are trying to give what they can so that funding for resources and food can be tracked down. This is what Skraal did like when he encountered humans most of the time. The humans are potentially most evil creatures and capable of doing too much of big and evil things but when they are threatened from another race they know how to group up and fight for their lives and their lives. Almost all magical spells and technology is created for two humans to harm each other. It is only times that the human race can unite with each other. It is time when they are fighting against to another race. It is a splendid thing for to be consider. This is the reason why vampires, werewolves or other races can not clear out humans despite their advantages of long-life span, improved physical power and many other things. In the end the humans unite and uses everything to destroy their enemies.

Thinking about these things, Skraal opened his eyes and watched humans with his own eyes. Some of them working, some of them laughing and telling about the battle, some of them were carrying fresh foods to taverns and other food places for producing more meals for the mages and warriors who most likely needed any kind of energy that they can find. Some of the mages and soldiers were sleeping close to camp-fires in the city, the ordinary dark mage city of Anderwhal turned into yellow color because of the campfires, dark is about to come but the city was still had the best lightning and light itself. Skraal gave out a cold breath and smiled as one of the young woman with a mage armor come to his side and gave him a bowl of meat and some vegetables.

"Lord Skraal, please eat"

Skraal looked at the young woman and took the bowl of food and nodded as he answered.

"Thank you, do not worry as long as I am here there will be nothing wrong."

The young woman mage smiled and blushed a little as she nodded and went back to her camp. Skraal looked at inside of the bowl he had given by the young woman and took a deep breath as he started eating it using the wooden spoon. The mage schools and organization have built their camp close to wall, as if something were to happen they were the ones that needed to counter-attack.

Their members and other mages are the ones who have the power to counter-attack, as they have offically taught to how to battle using magical spells. Compared to ordinary magic folk with some spells that they are shooting. They are more organized and at the same time, City Of Anderwhal will pay them for the helping out in the battle as in the end the mages of organizations are did not connected to Anderwhal City other than their organization is in the city.

Skraal just ate his food and did not mind anything else.

At that time, in the one of big camps, two women were talking with each other, from the looks of their face, they are twins and they were wearing black uniforms with Anderwhal sign on it, on their shoulder there is a star symbol giving them some kind of a order-level.

These two twin woman were commanders of mages that directly connected the City Of Anderwhal which means that they are in fact represents to City Of Anderwhal, there are other tents and mages around who have been stationed but as the city itself was so big, every wall and place have some sort defence mages in it.

So, most of the troopes of City Of Anderwhal are springled to every other wall areas of the city, the place they are in right now controlled by these twins.

Namely, Elicia and Elaysia, they are six-level mages, one of them is a fire battle-mage and other one is a emotion-mage which act as support most of the time, these two can take out a level 8 mage with ease, considering their team work.

You venture forward through the brilliant portal at the top of a pyramid. You're immediately met by a depressing world. Clouds of dust fill the air, it stings your eyes and lungs with every breath and obstructs your vision. You wonder if you can trust your senses, surely a world couldn't be as seemingly pleasant as this one.

The landscape is astonishing and it is all yours to explore. This world is no picnic, but looks can be deceiving at times.

In the nearby proximity you see parts of beings literally and figuratively beyond your world. While they show you little interest, you try to avoid getting too close. It's clear there are fluffy creatures, small creatures, and what you think might be muscular creatures of some sort.

With your eyes on the horizon you move forward as you're about to set foot upon uncharted terrain. But, with a few back-up plans, a curious mind, and an eye for details, you might actually end up being able to call this place home.

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