The Master of Elves

Chapter 108 Bad Butterfly, use all your telekinesis on Kodak! ! (Third update completed)

"What a duck! Haha, it's so cute! Can you let my sister touch your head?"


Kodakya couldn't help but hide behind Yang Kaibai and hugged Yang Kaibai's thigh.

Shy duck!

Blushing duck!

Yang Kaibai smiled and reached out to touch Kodak's head soothingly: "This child... he is a little afraid of strangers."

Huang Yanhan smiled even more happily: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! However, if the elves fight, Koda Duck may be injured. Is that okay?"


It's one thing for a duck to be shy when meeting an enthusiastic young lady, but it's another thing entirely to fight against an elf!

Kodak Duck stood up from behind Yang Kaibai, clenched his little paws at the same time, and looked at the trainer lady in front of him seriously.

"Okay, just because of Kodakya's seriousness, Huang Yanhan, let's take it seriously!" Lin Xiaobin said with a smile.

Huang Yanhan smiled and nodded: "Captain Lin, I understand! Young trainer, get the duck ready. I will take good care of it! Come out, my baby!"


In the elf ball, a dark blue-purple butterfly flew out. Its huge white wings flapped slowly, making the butterfly dance in the air quite gracefully.

"This is my beginner elf! By the way, my name is Huang Yanhan, and I am a freshman at Jianghai Elf University!"

Yang Kaibai's eyes couldn't help but open a little wider.

An insect-catching girl who was admitted to Jianghai Elf University!

"Awesome!" Yang Kaibai said with sincere admiration.

The current beginner elf is Bada Butterfly, which means that the young lady named "Huang Yanhan" in front of me, when she was a new trainer, the beginner elf was a green caterpillar!

Although there are insect-catching boys and insect-catching girls who counterattack and get admitted to the top elf universities in the country every year, this is the first real person Yang Kaibai has met!

Absolutely inspiring!

Not to be underestimated!

Arriving at an open free battle field outside the Huangjiang Natural Forest, Yang Kaibai spoke out the extraordinary features of this Bad Butterfly: "It seems that this is a Bad Butterfly with superpowers!

Huang Yanhan couldn't help but be surprised: "Good eyesight! It seems that I have to be more serious! In this case..."

"Ba Dahu, let's use telekinesis directly!"


Hearing Huang Yanhan's command, Chen Yu, another girl in the five-person team, covered her mouth and laughed: "Hanhan is really ruthless! Let Badahuo use her telekinesis as soon as she comes up!"

Zhang Haofei said: "However, the trainer opposite who came to challenge was quite discerning and experienced. Knowing that Huang Yanhan was a student of our Jianghai Elf University, and knowing that Bada Huo was her beginner elf, he directly said Bada Butterfly’s secret!”

Qian Wan opened the mineral water, took a sip, and smiled: "Do you still need to use telekinesis to deal with the duck..."

Lin Xiaobin, the captain of the five-man team, did not speak, but with a calm expression on his face, he knew that there would be no suspense in this elf battle.

Huang Yanhan’s Bada Butterfly will definitely win.

Not to mention mastering superpowers, he was still so stable and used telekinesis on the duck. How could he lose?

that is……

Will it be a bit bullying to the cute Kodak?

The tips of the two black tentacles on Bada Butterfly's head released a light blue light, which condensed together with the super energy attribute energy released by the pale red compound eyes, and launched telekinesis in the direction of the duck. attack!

However, what surprised Huang Yanhan and the other five people was...

Yang Kaibai's Kodak Duck actually didn't move on the Elf Battlefield!

What's happening here?

Is this a telepathic attack that's going to take a big bite out of you? !

Just when Huang Yanhan was about to ask Yang Kaibai why he didn't direct the duck to avoid it, the scene on the field almost made her bite her tongue!


Bada Huo opened his compound eyes in shock.

Facing Badahu's telepathic attack, Koda Duck just stretched out his paws, hugged his head, and even tilted his head...

Psycho attack...

It has no effect at all? !

"Pfft!" Qian Wan directly squirted out a mouthful of mineral water and coughed violently as he said, "Cough cough cough...wha...cough, what the hell! Cough cough! How could Badahu's telepathy not affect Kodakya? It works?!”

"You ask me, who am I asking!" Zhang Haofei said with wide eyes.

"Did Kodak use instant amnesia?!" Chen Yu asked loudly.

As the captain of the five-man team, Lin Xiaobin, who looked calm just now, suddenly lost his composure: "Even if it is instantaneous amnesia... then there must be energy fluctuations, right? Can you lose your memory instantly just by standing still?!"

On the free battle field, Kodak scratched the back of his head with his duck claws suspiciously.

What happened duck?

Bad Butterfly's telekinetic attack on Kodak is like Magikarp using Water Splash...

Nothing happened!

"Ba Dahu, use your telekinesis again, use your telekinesis with all your strength!!" Huang Yanhan couldn't believe it anymore. It's just a reachable duck with water attribute. How could Badahu's telekinesis attack... have no effect at all!

As an insect-catching girl, this is Huang Yanhan's most proud move against Bad Butterfly!

In the beginning, she relied on Badahu to master the characteristics of super powers so that she could successfully enter Jianghai Elf University!

And during her freshman year, Huang Yanhan specially invited teachers from the super training center to train Badahu’s telekinetic moves!

There's no way this isn't working!


It still has some effect.

It can make Kodak duck scratch his head.

Yang Kaibai kindly reminded: "How about we ask Bad Butterfly to change his moves? Insect Bite, Air Slash, these are all fine..."

Air Slash is a very good move!

If Bada Butterfly knows it, use it so that Kodak Duck can imitate it...

However, Huang Yanhan is already a little over the top.

What's going on with the trainer opposite?

Why are you trying to tell me which move to use?

What our our...

Do we know each other well? !

Huang Yanhan admitted that the Kodak Duck is quite cute, but that trainer obviously looks like a sunny boy, quite handsome, but he is a bit disdainful and likes to mess with people!

"Ba Dahu, let me use all my telekinesis on Kodak!!"

The more you want her to use other moves, she won't use them!

To deal with a reachable duck, really, one move is enough!

It must be that Badahuo didn't use any force just now!


Bada Huo doesn’t believe it either!

My own telekinesis moves... After studying hard with the elf teacher at the super training hall, in past elf battles, telekinesis has always been a very useful move, and sometimes it can even turn defeat into victory at critical moments!

How could it have no effect on the Kodak Duck!

It must be that I am not strong enough!

The tentacles on Bada Butterfly's head flashed with a brighter light blue light than before, and all the super energy in the compound eyes was released...

This is a telepathic attack that gathers all the strength of Badahu's whole body and exerts all his strength! !

The beam of telekinesis is like a spotlight, focusing everyone's attention, and all of them are focused on Koda Duck!

A breeze blew.

Under Bada Butterfly's most powerful telekinesis move, Kodakya remained motionless, except...


The duck blinked.

Three black dull hairs on the top of the head.

It moved with the wind.

The third update ~ daily votes!

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