The Master of Elves

Chapter 121 Return! As expected of you, Kodakya!

In the past, Yang Kaibai once showed a speechless expression towards the duck's water spoon, but after this period of special training at the waterfall venue...

That smells really good!

Among the eighteen series of elf attributes, how many moves are similar to "cleave" attacks?

The first thing that Yang Kaibai thought of when he expanded and extended was the "spiritual blade".

Whether it is in the Elf Encyclopedia in the real Elf world or in the Elf Encyclopedia in Yang Kaibai's memory, the move Spiritual Blade has no connection with the Duck.

The word "blade" has nothing to do with Kodak no matter how you look at it.

On the contrary, elves like the Flying Mantis and the Double-axe War Dragon, who have "sharp blade" parts on their bodies, are more likely to learn the move of Spiritual Blade.

It's different now.

Yang Kaibai's Duck...has a spoon of water!

Spoon, super spoon.

As the unique "weapon" of Yongjira and Hu Di, it is like the wizard's wand in the Harry Potter world. Sometimes the super spoon can be used as a "medium" to use the transformation of super power energy to use various moves with different attributes.

Yang Kaibai sometimes even feels in a daze...

Could the Kodak Duck be an archmage who traveled through time from a certain magical wizarding world?

Although there is no specific research, but...


Kodak tilted his head and blinked.

Yang Kaibai also blinked.

One person and one duck looked at each other for a long time.

Okay, that's okay.

Kodak Duck is Kodak Duck, a silly elf of Yang Kaibai.

"Koda, use the water ring to keep Magikarp in the best condition. We are ready to hit the top of the waterfall!"


The Kodak Duck is pretty cool when it comes to seriousness.

Reliable duck!

I saw Kodak taking out the spoon of water, drawing a circle near King Carp, stirring it up...

It looks like stewing carp fish soup.

It would be even more special if the duck took a spoon of water and took a sip of water from the stream.

The water ring that appeared near the Magikarp began to slowly fluctuate around it, and it began to work like a massage.

Special calcium tablets and energy cubes, King Carp had already eaten them.

Magikarp, who was full of energy and energy, looked at the top of the small waterfall and couldn't wait!

In this private waterfall training venue, although the drop height of the small waterfall is about 15 meters, for Magikarp who sprints all the way up from the downstream direction and wants to leap over it, the height of this jump must be at least 15 meters. 20 meters or even 25 meters.

"Do you still remember the feeling of charging in the turbulent water waves caused by the water fluctuations? Make good use of your angry emotional energy, as well as the water attribute energy that you have mastered, King Carp, to show your best side!"

Bang! Bang!

Yang Kaibai patted Carp King's belly twice as a sign of encouragement.

The sound is quite crisp, and it feels like slapping a watermelon.


King Magikarp is like an athlete about to take the high jump stage. Yang Kaibai and Kodakya are his "coaches and cheering team."

It is true that Magikarp does not possess much water-type energy due to his own race. The total amount of energy in his body may not be as much as that of a duck's large water spoon.

Well, it's just perfect to use as a "faucet" when washing clothes.

I like it very much.

But because of this, every extra point of energy Magikarp accumulates is a huge improvement for Magikarp.

The spirals of the tidal waves rise to the sky, and the waves of the water's fluctuations charge.

As well as swimming upstream every day in this waterfall special training venue, they are all helping King Magikarp...

Concentrate and reach the top!


Magikarp leaped out of the ring of water.

It has reached its peak.

It's time to go!

Looking back.

Magikarp never thought he would have such a day.

In Jiangbin Reservoir, although the natural environment there is very good, the water surface with almost no waves at ordinary times also brings a comfortable environment.

For the vast majority of Magikarp, having an environment as good as the Jiangbin Reservoir is already a chosen fish. They are many times better off than those Magikarp who live in small pools or even mire.

So comfortable!

Isn’t it delicious to splash with water every day?

Some are even worse, and some Magikarp don't even bother to splash in the water and don't even want to move.

As high as the Magikarp can reach, the only thing that can be seen is the height of less than one meter above the water surface when it splashes.


At the starting point of the downstream stream, King Magikarp's eyes gradually returned to reality from the memories of the past.

The small waterfall in front will only become the initial "stepping stone" for the Magikarp at the beginning of his magnificent life, just like the rapid waters before it.

Leap over it! Set off!

The carp's tail swings across a beautiful landscape, and its figure will surely leave an exciting story in the path of this retrograde upward stream.

"King Magikarp, charge the duck! Leap hard and fly over this waterfall!"

"Quack quack quack!"

Yang Kaibai and Koda Duck are running on the shore.

The red figure of King Magikarp dashed past the two of them almost instantly in the stream.

From the corner of his eye, Magikarp saw their running figures.

Accompanied by human trainer Yang Kaibai!

Elf companions can be accompanied by the duck god!

Carp King was filled with tears at this moment.

Rush the duck!

Flying duck!

Leap over the waterfall in front of you and let the voice of Magikarp... be heard here!

Magikarp leaps to his feet with conviction!

5 meters.

10 m.

15 meters!

The figure of King Magikarp drew a beautiful arc in the sky.

It... can also jump higher!

Gradually, as the altitude got higher and higher, reaching a height of nearly 20 meters or even 25 meters, King Magikarp's pupils began to shrink little by little.

Its sight saw the scenery above the waterfall.

The end of the waterfall...

It turns out that there are higher mountains and forests!

It...will give you a chance to go there and see it!


Magikarp, successfully jumped over the waterfall!

The second phase of the waterfall training mission has been completed!

"Kaduck, Magikarp succeeded!"

"Yes, yes!"

Yang Kaibai and Kodakya high-fived each other, looking at the Carp King rushing down the rapids from the height of the waterfall, they couldn't help showing expressions of satisfaction.

This is a perfect finale!


It's time to prepare for your comeback!

Go to the Elf Alliance for trainer strength level certification!

It is already May 3rd.

Yang Kaibai trained for nearly 34 days at the private waterfall training venue.

When chatting with brother Li Wang, Yang Kaibai accidentally asked about the price of a private waterfall training venue.

Brother Li Wang said that venue No. 5 where Yang Kaibai is located is cheaper because it is a small waterfall and requires about 50,000 alliance coins a day.

For the remaining four venues, the smaller the venue number, the higher the price.

More importantly, you need to queue up to make an appointment.

Like Yang Kaibai, who has only been here for 34 days and is still a new trainer. In the eyes of little brother Li Wang, he is undoubtedly the second generation.

No wonder Chairman Fang would send him to take care of him more during normal times.

When Yang Kaibai left, he returned the card for entering and exiting the private waterfall venue to Uncle Fang, and after expressing his heartfelt thanks, he set off on his way home.

It happened to be the Labor Day holiday. The night before the holiday, Yang's father flew to Kyoto. When he arrived, he had a video call with Yang Kaibai.

Yang Kaibai can only take the car home by himself!

You have to get a haircut when you go back, then take a good shower and change into clean clothes, otherwise it will affect Yang Kaibai's handsome performance when he goes to the Elf Alliance to certify the trainer's strength.

After all, he will take photos as a souvenir when the time comes, and Yang Kaibai doesn't want his souvenir photos to become "black history" in the future.

"It's better to be at home..."

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodak Duck was holding a bottle of Moo Moo Milk taken out from the refrigerator, gurgling and drinking happily.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had ice-cold moo milk!

There are also soft sofas and soft beds...

The Kodak Duck will fall over when touched. As long as it falls down, it will sleep there!



After getting a haircut, taking a shower, and changing clothes, Yang Kaibai woke up from the familiar sound of the alarm clock.

Lunch break is over.

The bed and quilt at home are really clingy.

Glancing at Kodak who was lying on the bed next to him with his paws spread out and his belly facing upward, Yang Kaibai couldn't help but shook his head.

It always felt like Yang Kaibai had the illusion of going back in time after seeing this guy's silly sleeping posture.

It was as if Yang Kaibai had just traveled to this real elf world on his first day...

"Koda, wake up!"

Yang Kaibai:...

You can reach the duck, you are indeed a fool!

Collect the elf ball.

"Let's go! Go to the Elf Alliance headquarters!"

Asking for votes every day~

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