The Master of Elves

Chapter 133 How could it be him? !

"Ke da da da!"

A dazzling electric light finally penetrated the light blue superpower defense released by Kodak Duck. The violent one hundred thousand volt move came from an electric beast that was close to the strength of a high-level elf.

Although the shock wave of the energy explosion affected and interrupted the 100,000-volt offensive of the electric beast, the aftermath of the penetration of the electrical energy accurately fell on the Kodak Duck.

A burnt yellow light appeared on the duck's body, and the three dull hairs on its head stood upright due to the electricity, glowing with smoke like the three sticks of incense burned by a panda. Fortunately, there are only three hairs on Koda Ya's head, otherwise he would have seen an afro hairstyle on Ya Ya's head.


Kodak duck lay on the ground.

It hurts so much! What a duck!

It turns out this is what it feels like to be attacked by electrical power!

King Magikarp is... really awesome!

The power of this electric beast's one hundred thousand volt attack is weaker than the one hundred thousand volt that Raichu released for the first time during the last senior trainer strength certification test, that is, the one hundred thousand volt when he attacked Magikarp. .

Kodak Duck was lying on the ground. It was hard to imagine how much damage King Magikarp had suffered at that time. How strong his will was, allowing King Magikarp to charge without any hesitation in the face of Raichu's one hundred thousand volts...

You know, King Magikarp endured a full attack of one hundred thousand volts!


Kodak Duck saw trainer Yang Kaibai running to the field to pick it up, and slowly exhaled.

If it weren't for King Magikarp's fearless charge that seriously injured Raichu, the power of Raichu's 100,000 volt move during the battle with Kodak Duck was not enough to penetrate Kodak Duck's superpower defense, and it was destroyed by superpowers, otherwise...that battle The certification assessment is likely to have another ending!

The Kodak Duck is protected by superpowers, but after the defense was broken down, the remaining power of the Hundred Thousand Volts move still caused a lot of damage to it. If you think about it this way...

Magikarp... is the real magic duck!

"Finally knocked down the duck!"

This is the thought of these electric trainers in the electric training hall.

Both the training hall staff and the student trainers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this electric beast's 100,000 volts can't knock down a duck...

It's time to send in the three-in-one Magnemite!


Have we sent out the electric shock beasts? !

We've actually sent Electabuzz to train Kodak? !

What kind of strength is this duck?

This newcomer... seems to be younger than them, but there is such a powerful Kodak next to him. Who is this person?

"Koda Ya, our training ends here today. First we go to the school hospital of Jianghai Elf University to recover from our injuries and strength, and then we go to the cafeteria to have a good meal!"

"Ke da! Gua!"

Kodak nodded weakly.

This is the first time that Yaya is about to lose his fighting power.

Although he also consumed energy cubes to replenish his physical strength during training, after all, the Kodak Duck was attacked by a 100,000-volt move, and the strength of the opponent's electric beast was almost reaching the level of a high-level elf. If he took a full ten Ten thousand volts...


The three dull hairs on Kodak's head couldn't help but twitch, as if they had turned into the dance of the "Lord of Shadow Stream".

Help duck! Help duck!

The Kodak duck should not turn into a peppered (burnt) duck!

"Hey, Jiang Teng, who was the Kodak trainer just now? Do any of you know him? He is just like the Kodak... they are both so handsome!"

Some girls who had just arrived at the training center, when they saw Yang Kaibai holding Kodak Duck in his arms, began to have an inexplicable feeling that they wanted to change places with Kodak Duck.

His eyes are really so gentle!

"No, we have never met before, and we don't know each other... I do know the teacher next to the trainer just now. He is Teacher Ni from the admissions office. I saw him during the early admissions last year, but at that time I The final assessment results were not good." Jiang Teng shook his head, "I know Teacher Ni, but Teacher Ni doesn't know me."

"Could the new student that Teacher Ni mentioned... be the new student in the next class?" Liu Zhengkai said it subconsciously without thinking carefully.

For a moment, Liu Zhengkai felt the gazes from all around him, almost like the two headlights on the car, all focused on him.

Liu Zhengkai was trembling: "I...did I say something wrong?"

Admissions office teacher, newcomer...

Unfamiliar faces.

He's extremely handsome (not counting this), he looks young, he's very sunny, and he's very young...

Grass (an exclamation word)!

"Is he a local student in Jianghai or a student from out of town? Regardless, did anyone take a photo of him just now?" Jiang Teng immediately asked the electric trainers who had just been together...

As a result, everyone shook their heads.

What pictures were they taking?

They are not nymphos...

"I, I...I took the shot!"

"I took a picture too! I only took a picture of his side face, but when he squatted down and picked up the duck, he really poked me!"

"I took pictures too! I went around to the back to see his full face!"

The female trainers in the newly arrived training hall raised their hands in a positive manner.

For a time, the awkward atmosphere and the positive atmosphere were clearly distinct.

Why are they all in the same training hall...

But there are two different temperatures?

On one side, the snow - flowers - are fluttering, and the north wind is blowing - blowing -

On the one hand, it looks like there is a big discount in the mall.

Jiang Teng said loudly: "The person with the full-face photo... Well, please send it to me. I will go and ask the trainer examiners who participated in the early admissions assessment this year to see if they know this newcomer... If anyone Knowing... then he will definitely have a place in the next generation of Tianguan Giants!"

Among the crowd, Liu Zhengkai, the trainer of Thunderbolt Ball, couldn't help but curl his lips.

A place?

Isn't that too conservative?

The Kodak Duck can calmly deal with the threat of electric-type moves. The important thing is that such skillful use of super powers is only used for defense!

If it were really a battle between elves, would the Kodak Duck keep evading and defending like this?

A single telekinesis can kill the opponent elf in seconds!

Not to mention……

This Kodak Duck taught Thunder Ball how to train moves, and he taught him better than Liu Zhengkai. This is even true for an elf, let alone the Kodak Duck trainer who likes to "control" Liu Zhengkai!

A place?


I'm super, why don't you hug the thigh of Duck God? !

After coming out of the Elf Center of Jianghai Elf University, Kodak Duck had a rainbow lollipop in his little paws.

It was given to me by a nurse at the Elf Center.

Kodak Duck held a lollipop in his hand and followed Yang Kaibai. While smiling with squinted eyes, he happily opened his big duck mouth and put a large piece of rainbow lollipop into his mouth, and then " "Pull it out"...

The lollipops are so delicious!

Kodak Duck repeated the action of eating lollipops all the way, happy and satisfied.

Teacher Ni actually really wanted to look ahead and look at the serious walking person in front of him, but the action of Ke Ke Duck eating a lollipop was silly and interesting, which was really attractive. From time to time, his eyes looked in the direction of Ke Ke Duck: "Classmate Yang Kaibai, this morning How does it feel to train like this with Kodakya?"

The happiness of Kodak is really easy to infect people!

Teacher Ni also discovered that Kodak’s behavior of eating rainbow lollipops has almost a 100% return rate on university campuses!

"Wow, what a cute duck!"

"It looks really happy!"

"The happiness of a Kodak Duck...I actually started to envy a Kodak Duck?!"


The Duck Duck held a rainbow lollipop in its little paws and greeted the student trainers on campus who praised its cuteness with a smile, and there were even more exclamations!

Who doesn’t like a cute duck that looks silly and eats a lollipop with a cheerful and happy expression on its face?

Yang Kaibai smiled and said: "Thank you, Teacher Ni. This kind of training is really good, especially suitable for Kodak! Facing different electric elves and some different attack styles, Kodak will definitely gain a lot. !”

Teacher Ni smiled: "Yeah! I also saw the video of the last senior trainer certification test... I also watched it. At that time, Kodak Duck had not passed the hurdle in his heart... Now, Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly!”

Yang Kai and Bai Shen agreed: "Sometimes it's not that I don't have enough strength, but that I lack the courage to face it. During this time, I will bring Kodak to the electric training hall here every day..."

Teacher Ni nodded: "Is it for the joint elf battle between the ten schools on May 15th?"

"Haha, yes, Teacher Ni, you should know Wu Yuhan, right?"

Teacher Ni glared: "Of course I know. I was always there when the admission contract was signed in advance, right! She makes me worry a lot more than you."

Yang Kaibai coughed lightly.

This is worry-free...

Of course Yang Kaibai knew what it meant.

It's nothing more than choosing elves and conquering elves.

Don't look at it now. Teacher Ni is very satisfied with the performance of Yang Kaibai's Carp King in the senior trainer strength certification assessment. Now is now, and then was before.

There is no God’s perspective and no hindsight.

When Yang Kaibai conquered Magikarp King, Teacher Ni's eyes widened when he heard the news. If he had two long beards like Magikarp King...

Teacher Ni is almost as angry as Carp King!

Even Magikarp who is on the verge of evolving!

Wu Yuhan is different.

Although the choice of the second elf was an independent choice like Yang Kaibai's and did not go through the school's resource channels, he chose the Bogaman elf egg!

Pogamando makes people worry-free!

Carp King... I won’t talk about it anymore. If I talk too much, Teacher Ni will think it’s all tears!

"His iron dumbbell has now evolved into a metal monster. I estimate that the metal monster will definitely hide a thunder fist by then, so during this period of time, Kodak must be able to adapt to training and fighting with electric-type elves! "Yang Kaibai said with a smile.

Teacher Ni was a little surprised, but soon felt relieved.

Excellent people always communicate with outstanding people. It is normal for Yang Kaibaineng and Wu Yuhan to know each other and have a close relationship.

"If Iron Dumbbell evolves into a metal monster... then his strength can be said to have skyrocketed. After all, the only move that Iron Dumbbell can use is a hit, right? The metal monster can learn more moves, and this one Elf-like... have high intelligence and learning ability!" Teacher Ni said with emotion.

Yang Kai and Bai Shen agreed.

When the metal monster evolves into Metagross, a complex neural network composed of four brain connections, Metagross has more powerful computing power than a supercomputer.

In the real world of elves, any high-tech enterprise cannot be called a large enterprise without a Metagross sitting at its side.

This can be seen in Daigo’s Metagross in the Pokémon anime, which is definitely the pinnacle of the Metagross race of elves!

In short, Wu Yuhan's metal monster is just emerging!

"Where do you want to visit in the afternoon? I will take you to the No. 1 cafeteria of our Jianghai Elf University later to taste the taste of our school cafeteria! There are eighteen cafeterias here in the headquarters, distributed in different locations of the school, and Each has its own characteristics, so you can go to every canteen to taste it, there are flavors from all over the world!"

"Okay, okay! Thank you, Teacher Ni!" Yang Kaibai nodded happily.

The training intensity in the electric training hall this morning was enough for Kodakya.

You can continue to come again tomorrow.

In the afternoon...

The Carp King in the other Poke Ball in Yang Kaibai's pocket was also a little unable to hold back.

Just take Magikarp to find some iron-headed elves to collide with each other!

Steel training hall?

Or the rock training hall?

There are many places to choose from, even fighting training gyms.

Magikarp doesn't pick.

Jianghai Elf University, Qingyun Garden.

This is the name of the girls' dormitory community.

The school will make accommodation arrangements based on the size of the elves that the students have conquered.

Of course, if a student conquers an elf like the Big Rock Snake, the Big Rock Snake will usually be released to rest in the large rock sand field environment specially provided by the school at night.

Very humane.

Building 7, Qingyun Garden.

Trainer Yu Xiaoyu was lying on the bed watching Kyoto TV's latest variety show "Gorgeous Contest·Youth Cultivation Academy·Phase 2".

The trainers of the Tianguan Project held a training camp a while ago, and now they have just had a few days of free time, so they can catch up on TV series and watch variety shows to relax.

"Xu Jingru still looks so young! So beautiful! The ageless goddess in the world of celebrity breeders!"

Listening to the excited voice of roommate Li Mingqian behind him, Yu Xiaoyu couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Why are you shouting so loudly...

However, Yu Xiaoyu very much agreed with what her roommate said.

Xu Jingru, a star breeder who graduated from Jianghai Elf University...

In the eyes of many girls in the school, he is the best idol and role model!

Yu Xiaoyu is no exception.

This is a celebrity mentor who has both beauty and intelligence, as well as the ability to be a nurturer and a trainer!

While following variety shows, Yu Xiaoyu saw messages from someone @her in the chat group.

Jianghai Elf University early admissions examiner group.

This group is equivalent to a large group of outstanding first-year trainers from Jianghai Elf University.

Yu Xiaoyu is the group administrator.

After pausing the variety show, Yu Xiaoyu opened the chat group message.

"Does any examiner know this person...who is this person..."

Yu Xiaoyu recited the message silently and looked through the chat history. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his finger that was still sliding on the screen stopped for an instant.

@Gu Shun!

This is not...this person...

"Yang Kaibai?!"

"How could it be him?!"

Asking for votes every day~

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