The Master of Elves

Chapter 161 Touching Magikarp’s heart!

Climb mountains and cross ridges.

Cross the stream and walk through the cave.

Yang Kaibai squatted in the pouch of the leader of the marsupial dragon, watching the natural forest of the Huangjiang River in their eyes from the perspective of the small marsupial dragon.

In the woods, there are bibills with similar speeds flying through the forest from above the treetops.

On the way, Yang Kaibai saw a group of giant beetles sucking the sap from the trees. Not far away, there was also the figure of Heracross sucking the sap.

Dajia and Heracross, who were fighting each other, paused their fight when they heard the sound of the marsupials rushing through the forest. After confirming that the marsupials were far away, they continued to fight.


Why do they feel like something is not quite right?

It is not a particularly rare thing for a group of marsupial dragons to lead human trainers in the forest. They can still be seen occasionally in the natural forests of the Huangjiang River.


Why is there anyone with Magikarp?

Dajia: Have you seen it?

Heracross: I haven't seen it. Have you seen it?

Dajia: I have never seen it in my life.

After looking at each other and confirming their looks, it was time to continue fighting.

"Oh ho——"

When crossing a small stream, Yang Kaibai felt that the splashing water around him was extremely cool. He stretched out his hand to block his sight, and found that the little marsupial dragon was waving his little hands, seeming to be enjoying the oncoming water spray.

In fact, this is not bad.

When the marsupial dragon group passed through the entrance of a cave that looked like a water curtain cave, Yang Kaibai found that his whole body was soaked.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The little marsupial dragon picked up a few drops of water from the mother's pouch and happily swung it in the direction of Yang Kaibai.

It's all poured on the shoulders.

If the most thrilling thing along the way is the "jumping off the cliff" step.

Because the terrain in the northwest of the Huangjiang Natural Forest is relatively high, the shortest distance from Crescent Bay to the home of Baglong Cave near Huanglan Mountain Waterfall requires climbing over a cliff.

Just like in the animation, when Pi Shen was a child, he was still jumping to the rocky footing on the cliff step by step like the bandosaurs who followed him in the Pichu period, and finally climbed up the cliff.

With sheer cliffs, this is the only way from the home of Baglong Cave to Crescent Bay!

This is the only path that allows the group of marsupials to travel back and forth between their home and Crescent Bay in one day.


The leader of the marsupial dragon gently pressed Yang Kaibai's head, just like Yang Kaibai gently touched the head of the duck, comforting him and asking him not to be nervous.

If you are scared, just close your eyes and huddle in the pouch. This journey will pass quickly.

This cliff road is no longer familiar to the marsupial dragon family.

A jump, a jump, another jump.

Yang Kaibai felt that his breathing was rapid.

The heartbeat was pounding infinitely faster, and with every jump, Yang Kaibai had the illusion that his heart was beating out of his chest.

Who can withstand this!

The marsupials are all good at climbing over cliffs. Soon, led by the leader of the marsupials, the marsupials lined up one after another, keeping a safe distance from each other, and climbed the steep cliff step by step.

"Yes... yes!"


Kodak and Magikarp witnessed the entire process of climbing over the cliff in the pouch of the marsupial.

Every step of the Bagosaurus stepped firmly on the rocks that could be settled, and by virtue of its control of the jumping rhythm, it continued to climb up, and finally successfully conquered this cliff.

King Carp was deeply touched, even his body...

They all began to tremble uncontrollably in the pouch of the marsupial dragon!

He can't wait to jump over the waterfall!

A marsupial dragon without wings can still scale high cliffs!


The little marsupial looked in the direction of Magikarp with a puzzled expression.


King Magikarp responded excitedly to the little marsupial. It had nothing to do, it was just very excited!


If the sky is the direction of King Magikarp's dream, then he is constantly working hard in the direction of his dream!

The scene of the Marsupial family climbing over the cliff will always be remembered by Magikarp King!

After climbing over the cliff, the road behind was smooth.

Yang Kaibai looked up at the sun that was slowly setting to the west. The sunshine at this moment was not hot, but only had a touch of warmth.

Hua Hua Hua Hua...


The sound of the falling waterfall became clearer and clearer in his ears, and Yang Kaibai gradually realized that the journey from Crescent Bay to Huanglan Mountain Waterfall would soon be over.

How long has it been?

Yang Kaibai didn't know that his mechanical watch, map, compass and other necessary props for the journey were all in his camping backpack.

He only knows that his journey...

It was like having a dream.


Gradually, the pace of the leader of the marsupial dragon began to slow down.

The team of marsupial dragons slowly slowed down and stopped.


A three-headed marsupial came out of the team.

One with Kodak and Magikarp.

One was carrying Yang Kaibai’s camping backpack.

On the other end, there were two small marsupials.

"Hey, hey, hey... Brother, I can do it myself... Ah, okay."

Yang Kaibai found that he seemed unable to refuse.

He was like a human child in front of the leader of the marsupial dragon. His thick arms directly lifted Yang Kaibai out of the pouch, and slowly placed him next to a large rock on the ground that he could lean on.

There is a saying that without this big rock to lean on, Yang Kaibai might have fallen to the ground with weak legs.

Along the way, he had been squatting in the pouch of the leader of the marsupial dragon. The journey was thrilling and thrilling, and it was hard not to feel weak in the legs.

The leader of the marsupial dragon...seems to be very experienced!


Following the direction pointed by the leader of the Bagosaurus, Yang Kaibai's eyes were gradually attracted by the spectacular Huanglan Mountain Waterfall in front. The waterfall has a huge drop of more than 60 meters. From this distance, it seems to be in the heaven, with splashing white water. Huge waves, like white dragons tumbling in the water.


When King Carp came to the ground, he was also shocked by the majestic momentum of Huanglan Mountain Waterfall.


It's almost like a scene from a distant dream that Magikarp dreamed of!

——After crossing the small waterfall, what did King Magikarp see in the distance?

Magikarp didn't know the answer at first.

But now, Magikarp can answer clearly, at least...

The scene in the distance and the waterfall in front of you are one of the answers!

Why just one of the answers?

King Magikarp believes that at the end of this majestic super-large waterfall, there are higher and further answers waiting for it to explore!

Faster! higher! Stronger!

Magikarp's charge never stops!


The little marsupial dragon hugged Yang Kaibai, Kodak Duck and Carp King in turn, and finally returned to the mother's pouch again and waved goodbye.

"Thank you! Thank you! You have worked hard along the way, thank you!"

“Kah da kah da!”


Yang Kaibai, Kodakya, and Carp King watched the marsupial dragon group go away.

Yang Kaibai looked at the time on the mechanical watch in his hand and was filled with emotion.

What a feeling it is!

Originally, Yang Kaibai estimated that it would take four to five days to reach the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall. After all, it was his first time to adventure in the depths of the Huangjiang Forest. It was safe to say that he was right. However, after getting the help of the Marsupial Dragon clan...

It’s about three days ahead of schedule!

If you don't consider the fact that Yang Kaibai lost his way in the Huangjiang Natural Forest...

It can only be said that it is a blessing in disguise.

Yang Kaibai lost his way, but the final result was good.

Maybe this is the charm of the real elf world!

It was a bit surprising to meet Zhang Hailin and her ivy snake, but in the natural forest of Huangjiang River... Thinking about it carefully, although it is a coincidence, it is quite normal.

The forest is a very suitable environment for Ivy Snake training!

Wow, poor Yaya!

"Kodak, Carp King, let's keep going! It's just past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and we have enough time to find a suitable camping site and training site near the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall!"



Because he was looking for a camping and training venue, Magikarp temporarily returned to his Poké Ball.

Despite this, the trembling of Magikarp's Poké Ball never stopped.

Magikarp's heart is fiery.

Extremely hot.

If, when it was in the mother's pouch of the Bagosaurus, King Carp was too nervous to think carefully about some exciting things, such as the moment when it jumped up and stood up in a moment of extreme crisis. In one scene, it, Kodak Duck and Ivy Snake saved the lives of two young elves in a turbulent river.


It's back in the Poké Ball.

Logically speaking, in the Poké Ball, Magikarp should be able to calm down the excitement.

However, the more he calmed down like this, the more Carp King felt a hot power deep in his heart, flowing through his body.

It... saved the lives of two young elves!

The Magikarp recalled Mother Marsupial, Nido King, and Nido Queen. Elves of their size actually expressed their heartfelt gratitude to his little Magikarp...

At that moment, because of his excitement, Magikarp may not have realized what it felt like.

Now, Magikarp understands.

This force...

Love and being loved originate from the fairy world!

They deeply touched the heart of King Magikarp!

In fact, the power of love and being loved has always existed deep in the heart of King Magikarp, the trainer Yang Kaibai, and the elf partner Kodak. Perhaps because in daily life, this energy hidden deep in the depths is not obvious. But this time...

Magikarp clearly feels the power of love and being loved!

It turns out that small elves like Magikarp can also help large wild elves!


It has a fiery heart!

"Now that we have found a good place, we decided this is it! King Magikarp can come out and swim in the water!"


Magikarp felt his whole body burning hot.

It needs a good rinse in the cold lake water. Now, it is like a child in the kindergarten who received a little red flower. It feels like... like an elf chosen by the light!

Rush the duck! ! ! !

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