The Master of Elves

Chapter 167 The prank succeeded? ! Kodak Duck: The sword is coming!

After three days of training, Kodakya successfully learned the two moves of Ice Fist and Fine Snow.

In fact, on the first morning of training, Kodakya had already mastered the basics of the two moves.

Maybe this is also related to the inherent connection between the two attributes of ice and water. Water elves are learning ice-type moves, and ice elves are learning water-type moves. Compared with moves with other attributes, the difficulty threshold will be much lower.

But no matter how easy it is...

It's impossible to learn it as quickly as the duck, right?

This is not the ice and snow weather in winter. No matter how low the temperature is in the forest, it cannot be as low as subzero in the ice rink that specializes in training ice-type moves.


This is the charm of a duck that wants to eat ice cream!

There is no ice cream, no popsicles in the forest...

But that doesn’t stop Kodak from doing it himself!

When Pan Kaiyuan came to pick up Miss Mi Chuan at noon, she looked at Kodak making the tree fruit smoothie, and she probably understood why Kodak could master these two moves so quickly...

Foodies are the primary productive force!

The Kodak Duck is so cute!

In these three days, King Magikarp's life has changed slightly.

Every night there was an additional step of sneaking into a group of native carp kings to rest.

Magikarp: You didn't expect it, brothers, I sneaked in again!

The native carp kings were sleeping late at night, and when they opened their quilts, they saw a two-armed carp king!

so popular! Very bright!

Very DuangDuang!

tired! Numb!

At night, as long as you can't see, just go out of sight.

But once the next day arrives, it's just dawn...



Yang Kaibai's Carp King began to be "hunted down" by the indigenous Carp King early in the morning with the full strength of the clan.

The morning before Hu Zikang, the eagle trainer, left, he saw the "Flying Fish from the Sky" scene in the sky. In short, the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall was an eye-opener for him.

Uptight! Uptight!

Bi Diao looked at the group of carp kings flying in the sky in front of him, and tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corners of his mouth...

Unfortunately, it is not a wild eagle.

Eating energy cubes is his usual eating habit.

After these three days, Ghost Stone still hasn't found a suitable opportunity to take action.

Mainly, it has no help here at Huanglan Mountain Waterfall.

Before coming, Ghoststone also made it clear to Big-billed Bird... that this invisible prank would be completed by itself!

Although there is no chance to take action for the time being, it does not mean that Ghost Stone will waste time here these days.

During the secret observation, Ghost Stone watched Kodak training, and he always felt like Rattata was scratching him all over his body - maybe it was because of the two wild apples.

Ghost Stone watched as Coduck delivered a melee freezing punch, and it was about to deliver two punches.

Ghost Stone watched as Coduck fired a long-range freezing punch, and it also fired two long-range freezing punches.

Although Ghost Stone doesn't understand why Kodak can also send out long-range freezing punches, but...

It's a ghost and it's trying to overwhelm Kodak!

All for the success of the prank!


Bang bang!

In the woods where Ghost Stone was, there was a vibration in the leaves caused by the attack.

The movement in the woods at such a distance will naturally attract the attention of the duck.

It's hard not to notice the duck.


The movements in the woods all followed Kodak Duck's training.

When Kodak ducks out with a melee freezing punch, the woods over there will make two "bang bang" sounds.

When the duck punches twice, it will make "bang bang bang bang" sounds.

If Kodak uses the Water Shadow Claw and uses a long-range freezing punch like the "Ice Shadow Fist", the place where the movement occurs will not be in the original woods, but farther to the right of the woods. In this place, there were two tremors of leaves.

what does that mean?

In that forest...

There is a mysterious elf secretly competing with Kodak!

In order to prove its discovery to Yang Kaibai, Kodak Duck even showed it to Yang Kaibai happily.


It's a ghost stone!

Ghost Stone who loves mischief!

Ghost Stone's cunning eyes rolled around and he gave up!

Without any response to the movement in the woods, Kodak almost cried!

Real duck!

Obviously there are elves competing with ducks and ducks in that place!

Yaya didn't lie to trainer Yang Kaibaiya!

"Quack quack quack..."

He looked at Kodak duck holding his head and running back and forth in front of him, panicking and not knowing what to do, looking pitiful and crying.

This was the first time that Yang Kaibai encountered his Kodak duck crying so anxiously.

In this way, Yang Kaibai couldn't help but think of the scene in the animation when Kodak found the Nonsense Tree in the forest. Xiaoxia immediately thought that Kodak was causing trouble again...

With his experience in the Pokémon animation, Yang Kaibai naturally trusts his Panda Duck unconditionally.

Since it says there is a Kodak, there must be one!

"Koda Duck, let's go over there and take a look! Let's see who is bullying my Yang Kaibai family's Kada Duck!"


Yang Kaibai took Kodak Duck's little paw and walked into the forest, just like a parent taking a bullied child directly to the door to find the bully. As Kodak Duck walked, another A little paw is still secretly wiping tears from the corners of his eyes...

The aggrieved look is so distressing!

Yang Kaibai's unconditional trust, and without saying a word, he took Yaya to the forest to find the "culprit". Kodak Ya couldn't be more moved!

This is the human-trained domestic duck that Yaya deserves to be entrusted with!

For Ghost Stone, this is a great opportunity to take action!

There are two choices before Ghost Stone.

The first option is to ambush here and complete the prank with lightning speed.

Just doing this is extremely risky. The most important thing is that Ghost Stone is not sure...whether human trainer Yang Kaibai is carrying that thick stack of banknotes.

But then again.

This is all in a wild natural forest. A human trainer is still carrying so many banknotes with him. Do you think he is a fool?

There are also canteens, snack streets, and souvenir shops at Jianfeng Thirteen Waterfalls where you can trade with banknotes. This is the Huangjiang Natural Forest, a wild forest, not to mention that it belongs to the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall area deep in the forest...

Bring a wad of banknotes.

What about making a deal with a ghost?

There is definitely a problem!

So the remaining choice left to Ghoststone is...

Go steal the house!

While Yang Kaibai and Koda Duck came to this forest to find Ghost Stone, they went directly to the camping tent to pick up Yang Kaibai and Koda Duck's "home". Is this considered a great success for Ghost Stone's prank plan? ?

In broad daylight!

Ghost Stone!

He directly stole the home of human trainer Yang Kaibai!

How would you rate this wave of "sweeping the tiger away from the mountain"?

Once luck comes, nothing can stop it!

Originally, Ghost Stone just wanted to steal the wad of banknotes. Now, there is an opportunity to steal in front of it...

Do I still need to choose?

Steal it!

Ghost Stone very cleverly staggered in the direction of Yang Kaibai and Ke Keya. It was like playing hide and seek around the pillar to block the view. They came to it clockwise from the right, and it went clockwise around to the camping tent from the left. …

The plan goes through!

Ghost Stone really couldn't think of any reason why he would lose in this prank. He originally just wanted to compete with Kodakya in training, but he didn't expect...


"Silicon tower!"

"Xiao Qingqing, we finally arrived at the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall again! Yaya, when you see the waterfall this time... don't be afraid!"

"Tooth, tooth."

A cadmium green baby dragon was hiding behind trainer Zhang Hailin a little nervously. It seemed to have a green napkin tied around its neck, and its two white dragon teeth protruded to both sides, which didn't look very long.


Ivy Snake was carrying a navy blue camping backpack behind his back. He looked at Xiao Longlong who was hiding behind the trainer. From the gap in the camping backpack, he stretched out a vine whip and pulled his fangs out from behind the trainer Zhang Hailin. Carry it to the front.

Come on, you are a dragon!

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Yaya. When Yaya first came to Huanglan Mountain Waterfall, Zhang Hailin had not subdued the Ivy Snake. When it saw such a spectacular waterfall, it subconsciously took two more steps forward, and was accidentally killed. The stone tripped and fell into the rapid waters below the waterfall.

Although Yaya was quickly rescued by fellow trainers, he had fallen here once after all. Facing the Huanglan Mountain Waterfall, it was inevitable that he would still have psychological shadow.

"Tooth, tooth!"

Yaya really wanted to escape, but couldn't.

It's not timid, it's just that this place... is not auspicious for Yaya.

After the last accident, it always felt like it would fall in again...


"Hey, Ivy Snake, look, look, there's such a large group of Magikarp gathered here... They seem to be chasing something, huh? The color and texture of the Magikarp at the front looks like the ones behind it. The Magikarp is different, um, could it be the Magikarp from Yang Kaibai?"

Zhang Hailin jumped and found that she couldn't see clearly.


Ivy Snake first gently placed the camping backpack under the tree, and then quickly fired two vine whips at a branch. It circled the branch several times, buckled it, and tugged hard to confirm that it could bear the weight. .

After that, the two small leaf-like hands of the Ivy Snake gradually grew into larger leaves, and hugged Zhang Hailin from behind her waist. As the vine whip was put away, the Ivy Snake hugged Zhang Hailin and came to the high ground. at.

Now you can see it more clearly.

"Tooth! Tooth!"

Yaya, who was under the tree, raised his head and hugged his teeth, looking at the ivy snake pitifully.

It's not on the car yet!


Ivy Snake sighed.

A vine whip once again extended from the back of the golden collar and fished out Yaya from under the tree.

"Tooth, tooth, tooth!"

Yaya happily thanked Ivy Snake.

Ivy Snake didn't want to pay attention to this trivial matter.

Zhang Hailin came to a higher place and could see further.

"The carp in the front is so bright red, and it looks like it has been waxed. It is reflecting light under the sun. It must be Yang Kaibai's carp that has not escaped... That's why there is a group of carp behind it. Wang Kuang chased him endlessly..."

Zhang Hailin tapped her white index finger on her lips thoughtfully, and finally came to a conclusion: "What kind of trainer there is... there should be what kind of elf."


In response, Ivy Snake's red pupils flashed, expressing agreement.

That human trainer, in its opinion, deserves a beating.

The cultivated Magikarp were chased by such a large group of Magikarp in the lake...

Well, very normal.


Zhang Hailin seemed to catch a glimpse of a camping tent with a particularly eye-catching color out of the corner of her eye.

Red, yellow.

Doesn't this make people think of Magikarp and Kodak at a glance?

"Ivy Snake, I'm sure that the red and yellow camping tent must belong to that guy Yang Kaibai. I think... the only trainer who can use that kind of camping tent in the wild natural forest is Yang Kaibai."

Zhang Hailin couldn't help but want to laugh.

So does Magikarp, and so does the camping tent.

Thinking again that Yang Kaibai has a duck that can bring happiness just by looking at it...

What kind of champion of the ten-school league!

It would be a pity not to be a comedian!

"Let's go over and see how that powerful enemy is doing...the training of the elves here at Huanglan Mountain Waterfall these days."

When Zhang Hailin mentioned "training", her eyes couldn't help but glance at the carp that was the fastest escaping carp in the front of the lake.

Could it be...

Is this the legendary training method of the champion Magikarp?

It’s really outrageous!

But Zhang Hailin thought about it carefully...

It seems amazing that an elf like Carp King could be cultivated like this by Yang Kaibai!

It's just that the training method is a bit too weird.


The ruby-like eyes of the Ivy Snake flickered slightly, and it wanted to have another fight with the Duck in this forest.

Although this inevitably occupies some field advantages, since the elf battle is initiated in the forest field, the grass elves themselves have some field advantages!

It is a legitimate advantage that can be taken advantage of!

The Ivy Snake slowly extended the vine whip behind it, hugged Zhang Hailin and slowly came to the ground, and at the same time brought Yaya down.

"Let me carry it now! Thank you, Xiao Qingqing!"

Zhang Hailin put on a camping backpack.

It's hard to imagine that she even felt very relaxed when carrying it.

This is it!

Ghost Stone has now successfully reached Yang Kaibai's camping site!

Looking at this camping tent...

Ghoststone shed tears of emotion.


Its mischief...will be done soon!

The most perfect prank in the history of Ghost Stone's prank career - stealing a house!


It's hot when I get in!


I'm hot again!


My ghost got into it again!

Yellow-skinned duck!

Come hit me if you can!

Hit me, hit me!


Stupid trainer and stupid yellow-skinned duck!

The ghost stone went directly in and out of Yang Kaibai's camping tent - it did not need to unzip the camping tent, it only needed to use the characteristics of the ghost-type elves to "infiltrate" in.

Finally, Ghost Stone returned to the tent.

Let’s take a look at what’s in the camping backpack first!

When he was just Guisi, he had no hands and it was inconvenient to move around. He had to rely on his flexible tongue to operate.

It's different now.

After evolving into Ghost Stone, not only do you have two more hands, but these two hands can also be controlled remotely!

Just like...

Ghoststone opened a box of colorful tree fruit Skittles.

Look more.

This is the last box left in the backpack.

So poor!

Ghost Stone directed his two hands to the far left side of the tent, ran to the far right side of the tent, then poured out a rainbow candy from the box, and then threw it away from a distance!

Ghost Stone opened his mouth and moved his body back and forth to catch the Skittles thrown by his hand, as if playing a game of catching beans...

Ghoststone was lost a few times.

Gradually, I realized something was not quite right.

How does it feel... like a Katie dog!

Isn't it?

Throw the rainbow candies by yourself and eat them by yourself...

Ghost Stone cursed at his hands.

Playing with yourself in a hurry is a yes.

Ghost Stone hadn't been enjoying himself in the tent for long when a female trainer's voice suddenly came from outside.

Are you here to find Yang Kaibai? !

Ghost Stone's expression suddenly became dazzling!

"Is Yang Kaibai here?"

"Yang Kaibai——"

Zhang Hailin brought Ivy Snake and Ya Ya to this red and yellow camping tent, with Duck on the left and Carp King on the right. With this color and pattern, if it weren't for Yang Kaibai's camping tent, she would have...

Forget it, you can’t set up FLAG randomly when you’re out.

"Xiao Qingqing, it seems that Yang Kaibai and Ke Keya are not here! Wait, Xiao Qingqing, what happened?!"

Zhang Hailin suddenly found that her ivy snake was slightly bent, with green grass energy waving around it.

This is……


The Ivy Snake made a menacing threat towards the tent.


Yaya didn't find anything at first, but after hearing the words of Sister Ivy Snake, he immediately used his fearful face in the direction of the tent!

Zhang Hailin held her breath: "There are thieves in Yang Kaibai's camping tent?!"


The Ivy Snake nodded slightly, feeling a...

The breath of ghost elves!

"Yang Kaibai, Kodakya—where are you? A thief broke into your camping tent—"

Zhang Hailin took a deep breath and shouted in the direction of the woods near the lake.

Ghost Stone's expression changed drastically.



For Ghost Stone, this prank...has a fatal flaw, it is no longer perfect!

You must escape first!

Ghost Stone had no time to steal anything else, so he took the box of colorful tree fruit Skittles in his hand, threw it into his mouth, rolled his tongue, and rolled the box into the other-dimensional space in his body.

From the back of the camping tent, stealth and penetration!


A vine whip instantly attacked from both sides!

Ghost Stone grinned and his eyes turned cold.

Do you still want to stop it? !

The purple-colored ghost claws were instantly covered with a layer of ice-white attribute energy—frozen fist, or in other words, frozen claws!


Ivy Snake's expression suddenly changed.

The vine whip was cut off instantly, and it could not stop the elf from leaving!

At the same time, Yang Kaibai and Kodakya stayed under a tree where a suspicious elf was suspected to have been.

Here, I only found half of a wild Apple fruit whose pulp had changed color.

There are also many claw marks left on the trees.

There is water damage and...

I don't know if it's Yang Kaibai's illusion, but the temperature here seems to be a little lower than the surroundings.

"Kada Ya, is someone calling us? Why is it still the voice of a female trainer... It feels a bit familiar, as if I heard it somewhere." Yang Kaibai subconsciously glanced in the direction of the voice.


Yang Kaibai didn't hear clearly what the female voice said at first, but Kodakya heard it clearly.

Camping tent…

Visited by a thief? !

The duck's eyes instantly released dark blue superpowers!

The camping tent contains not only the food and resources brought by Yang Kaibai...

There are also a few snack ducks that can be reached!

Colorful tree fruit rainbow candy...

YaYa only has the last box of Colorful Tree Fruit Skittles left!

"Ke Da——"

Kodak is angry!

"Can reach duck!"

Yang Kaibai immediately kept up with Kodakya's pace.

If you return from the original route...

It seems a bit far away.

From here to the camping tent, there are lakes and rivers that are neither wide nor narrow, and the terrain is on high ground. It is at least six or seven meters away from the lake below...

You can't just fly there through the air, right?

Hey, hey... Kodak, Kodak, where are you going? !

Yang Kaibai was shocked!

I saw a spoon of water immediately condensed on the duck's little paws. What's even more incredible is that under the guidance of super powers and water attribute energy, the width and length of this horizontal spoon of water... ...In an instant, it began to extend to both sides!

"I'm super, flying with a sword?!"


In a daze, Yang Kaibai felt as if Kodakya had shouted...

"Sword" comes! !

In the rivers and lakes below, a spiraling upward tidal wave rose!

Perhaps the strength of the duck's super power at this time may not be enough to "fly with the sword" with Yang Kaibai, but the duck can use the effect of the tidal wave move...

Do you still remember the scene in the ten-school league championship battle when Kodak duck used the tidal wave move to avoid the metal monster's mental hammer that charged up a blow?

Tidal wave move...

There is a force that can lift you up!


Yang Kaibai felt that his hand, guided by Kodak Duck's superpower, hugged Kodak Duck's abdomen.

This feeling is just like when Yang Kaibai is riding a bicycle, the duck in the back seat will hug his back with its little paws...

Super reachable duck!

Yang Kaibai's feet are stepping on the water spoon, just like the cultivator in the world of immortals and flying swords. Although the posture of holding the duck is a little bit lacking, but!


Behind the Water Spoon, two water cannon barrels of water arrow turtles seem to be simulated, and the water cannon moves...

The water attribute energy is fully charged!

Launch with a bang!

Kodak Duck takes off with Yang Kaibai!

That's right!

It really took off!

This is the first time Yang Kaibai has done this in this way...

Flying with a sword?

No, it’s Royal Spoon Flying!

Just when the Duck and Yang Kaibai on the super large spoon were about to fall...

The tidal wave move accurately gives an upward lifting force from the lake surface!

The combination of super power and water!

A combination that creates miracles!

Zhang Hailin, Ivy Snake and Yaya who were near Yang Kaibai's camping site were immediately confused!

Something seems to be flying over in the woods opposite? !

Grass (the attribute of the Ivy Snake)!

Yang Kaibai and Kodakya... flew over directly? !

"Quack quack quack!"

Before Yang Kaibai could stand still, Kodakya rushed to the door of the tent immediately, opened the zipper, and even tripped over with a "pop" when he entered the tent.

The duck immediately climbed up. When it saw the opened backpack...

I’m panicking!


No more duck...

YaYa’s last box of colorful tree fruit rainbow candies…

No more duck...

Stolen duck!

"Yes! Da!!"

The duck's body seemed to be burning with endless flames! !

Yaya’s snacks, in addition to family...

Without ducky's permission.

No one can move! !

Zhang Hailin blinked.

Yang Kaibai nodded.

This is something that even Yang Kaibai himself didn’t even react to!

He even looked back...

Did the Kodak fly over like this with him? !

"Ke da da..."

Kodak duck walked out of the tent disappointedly.

Tears fell down.

Kodak Duck stumbled and cried, running towards the direction of trainer Yang Kaibai.

Yaya's snacks... were stolen...

At this moment, Yang Kaibai, who was still in the state of "sword flying" before, was shocked, but now his heart was gradually pricked by Kodakya's tears.

Yang Kaibai vaguely felt something in his heart.

The moment the duck cries, the whole world loses.

The sky above the forest seemed to have changed slightly in color.

Somewhere in the forest, deep in the bamboo forest, in the water curtain cave, the figure of the leave-seeking king slowly walked out.

Those deep eyes seemed to be able to see through everything in the forest.

However, when it looked at the still blue sky, its deep gaze gradually became heavier.


It needs to notify the rangers in the forest.

In the past few days...the weather in the forest is likely to undergo unpredictable changes!

Prepare for the worst!

Behind the scenes of extreme weather...

It is very likely that there will be an unknown secret entrance, haunted by the natural forests of the Huangjiang River!

"Hey - gram -"

Perhaps, this is the meaning of the existence of the King of Leave in the natural forest of Huangjiang River!

Huangjiang Natural Forest - the King of Forests!

The Ivy Snake handed its severed vine whip to Yang Kaibai and Ke Keya.

The paw prints left on the vine whip are very similar to those found by Yang Kaibai and Kodakya in the woods. More importantly, the cold touch on it even leaves ice crystals——

"Frozen Claws!"

"Freeze punch!"

Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin said the name of this move almost at the same time.

"Be able to infiltrate out of the tent without destroying the tent, use the freezing fist move, and use the frozen claws to tear open the blockade of the vine whip... Not only can you infiltrate from the tent, but you can also bring a rainbow of colorful trees and fruits with you. The box of candy leaves...another dimension. If it's not Fatty Purple, then there is only one answer..."

"Finally your true face is revealed, Ghoststone!"

"Guigui, it's online!!"

"Ke da da!"

The duck clenched its little paws tightly.

Ducky, we’re going to catch ghosts! !

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