The Master of Elves

Chapter 178 Meeting with the forest elders! Whose little kettle is boiling?

The forest lord competition is gradually coming to an end.

In the sky in the center of the secret forest, the sun gradually moves away to the west of the forest. The hot sunshine is no longer there. In the wrestling venue in the center of the forest, you can already feel the cool breeze blowing through the forest.

This is a signal to the wild elves who come to watch the forest lord competition held once every ten days - the sun is about to set, it is almost dark, and it is time to prepare to go home quickly.

The long-tailed monsters who entertained Gyarados were not in a hurry to leave, because they lived near the center of the forest. They were like hosts in the center of the secret forest, entertaining the guests of the forest lords from all sides of the forest.


They are powerful forest lord guests.

Gyarados is among them.

"Ugh... I won't eat, I won't eat. I ate half of an iced melon and some berries. I have to control my fruit intake today!" Zhang Hailin looked at the dazzling array of fruits in front of her. , and finally stopped with great restraint, "I have taken in a little too much sugar!"

Half full is fine!

Stay in good shape!

Yang Kai didn't have much to eat.

A mango, a small half of iced watermelon, and some frozen grapefruit berries from Zhang Hailin...

I didn’t eat much else.

When it comes to eating wild tree fruits, the physique of elves can support them to eat more. Human trainers are still more inclined to eat some processed tree fruit products.

The Kodak Duck and the Ivy Snake eat more.

The Kodak Duck consumes a lot of physical strength and energy in the secret space. In the absence of energy cubes, it really needs to open its belly to eat!

Ivy Snake needs to choose tree fruits with various edible effects to treat some of his injuries - as an elf with grass attributes, he does not need to worry too much about eating too many tree fruits.

Saturation treatment, excess tree fruit energy can be released through growth moves and grass fields, and fed back to the plant life in the forest, without any waste.

"Yang Kaibai, do you think... the days in the secret forest are too long?" Zhang Hailin carefully discovered some problems.

Even though the sun is starting to set now and the sun is not that hot, but...

It seemed like the sun was in the same state before participating in the forest competition. After it ended, it felt like it had moved a little bit.

It's setting in the west, but not completely in the west.

Yang Kaibai smiled: "Maybe the night time in the secret space is also very long. Can't we just ask the armored tyrannosaurus?"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Kaibai felt as if a very kind and kind voice sounded in his heart, and he was instantly confused——

"No, the night time in this world is very short."

While Yang Kaibai widened his eyes, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang Hailin and found that Zhang Hailin's eyes also showed shock.

Yang Kaibai pointed at his heart and said nothing, but his eyes of surprise and surprise seemed to say:

Did you hear that?

Zhang Hailin nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice, and pointed in the direction of her heart.

I heard! Yang Kaibai, did you hear it too?

who is it?

Who is talking to them?


It's telepathy!



Kodak Duck had just picked up a pomelo fruit, but accidentally, it almost got stuck in his throat like the gourd duck had just done. The two-sectioned Kodak Duck turned into four...

This scene... Yang Kaibai seems to have seen it somewhere?

Xiaoxia’s duck god?

Fortunately, with a comfortable super power blowing like a breeze, the four-section duck returned to two sections, and the pomelo fruit was also taken out from the throat.

"Ke da da!" The Kodak Duck was about to thank him when he discovered that right in front of the wrestling venue, there was an elf that the Kodak Duck had received kindness from superpowers before -

Natural Bird Elder.

"Hello, humans from the outside world."

The two white wings of the natural bird were held on her chest, like an old lady with her hands in her sleeves, and she walked slowly and step by step in front of Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin.

"Ho ho ho!"

Gyarados lowered his head, looked at the elder Natural Bird, narrowed his eyes and showed a kind smile - it was hard not to feel grateful for the treatment Gyarados received here.


Not far behind Elder Natural Bird, the giant turtle kept a safe distance, slowly stopped on the spot, and lay down to rest.



In the forest garden behind the giant turtle, you can see little natural finches jumping happily in puddles like Peppa Pig - the tree with lush leaves behind the turtle is just like these jumping birds. The home of the jumping green bird elves.

Gyarados blinked.

There is huge doubt in the big eyes...

Where did these green bird elves come from?

Facing the natural birds and the giant earth turtle coming from behind, Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin looked at each other.

Judging from the situation in the Forest Lords Competition, the natural bird in front of me... in the secret realm, is probably an elder with a very long life. From its brows, if you look carefully, you can see that it has deep There are deep wrinkles, and the white feathers on the body of the natural bird elder are actually a lot missing due to the visual effect of the sacrificial patterns on the body.

The gentle kindness between the telepaths made Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin put down their guard.

"Hello, Granny Natural Bird!"

"Natural Bird...Grandma Natural Bird, hello! Hey, Yang Kaibai, how do you know she is..."

Yang Kaibai gave Zhang Hailin a popular science guide: "Beside this natural bird grandma, there are two patterns. If it is three patterns... then it is the natural grandpa bird!"


Grandma Natural Bird laughed happily: "Young man, it seems you know a lot about our natural bird community."

The natural bird grandmother deliberately turned some angles to show Zhang Hailin the green "corners" of her body that looked like sacrificial clothing.

"Really...really!" Zhang Hailin was very surprised.

Regarding such details about the natural bird elf...does Yang Kaibai know about it?

It’s too detailed!

Yang Kaibai asked politely: "Grandma Natural Bird, please come to us...what's the matter? Also, why do you the secret space, the night time is very short?"

Zhang Hailin also looked at the natural bird grandmother seriously.

Yes, yes! why!

The natural grandma bird has telepathic abilities, and Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin can communicate with her easily and without barriers.

Grandma Natural Bird smiled gently: "If you want to talk about it, these two questions are actually related. In your elf world... you use the secret space to call a small world like ours, right?"


The natural bird grandma said in a deep voice: "Then I will use the name of the secret realm to explain the next words. In this secret realm where we are, a long time ago, the time of day and night was balanced during the day, and the forest was peaceful. , everything is fine. Ambition will always breed and grow in such an environment - a war broke out. The long-term war caused serious damage to the forest environment, causing the balance between day and night to be broken."

"The days are getting longer and longer, which is almost a blessing from heaven for the elves who were at war at that time - they don't like the night, because the night will hinder their pace of war."

"Under such circumstances, with eyes blinded by hatred and blood, no elf would notice the complete imbalance between day and night in the secret space... Until my ancestor, a natural bird, a sacrifice in war, wanted to use precognition Looking at the direction of the war in the future, the final outcome is that the entire secret world falls into burning ashes——"

"A world without a future!"

"The sun shines longer and longer, and the night becomes shorter and shorter. When there is only daylight left in the secret realm, that is the moment when the world is burned to ashes by the sun's scorching rays."

"The war has stopped, but the secret realm swept by the war is full of holes, and the days are getting longer and longer. This is an irreversible situation..."

"In the darkest moment of the secret world affected by the war, a flower of gratitude floating down from the sky... changed the entire world burned by the war."

"The flames of war are extinguished, the elves in the forest have begun to rebuild their homes, and the forest has recovered its vitality. However, this still cannot restore the balance between day and night..."

"The forest lord competition held once every ten days not only provides a wrestling stage for venting, but also serves as a warning to the powerful lords in the forest - don't hurt the harmony and cherish the hard-won peace."

Yang Kaibai nodded and said suddenly: "No wonder in the forest lord competition, the only competition is the strength and power of the body..."

Zhang Hailin continued: "If you use powerful attribute energy to fight like the elves fighting, once the wild elves fight, it will be easy to sow the seeds of hatred..."

Grandma Natural Bird nodded: "Our secret world, the current situation, can no longer withstand any twists and turns... Come with me, there is something... I want to show you, and at the same time, it also represents us. Some apologies from the secret elves.”

Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin looked at each other and followed slowly.

Kodak, Gyarados, Ivy Snake and Yaya also followed.

High above the Altar of the Sun.

Seeing the approaching figure of Gyarados, Xie Mi almost couldn't hold back and jumped out to fight with Gyarados.

Fortunately, Ghoststone was prepared - he brought Semiy back.

Holding Destiny by the back of his neck, Xie Mi tried his best to kick his little feet, but he couldn't get away.

Ghost is so sad and tired...

This little white hedgehog-like elf...

It’s really too young and naive!

In this secret space...

If you have not been "severely beaten by society", you will not know the "dangerous nature of the human heart"!

Ghoststone said...

Raising a baby is so tiring!

"Silicon tower!"

While comforting, Ghost Stone took out the most delicious green tree fruit from his belly in another dimension and handed it to Xie Mi.

"Xie Mi!"

Semi turned his head.

don't want!

Ghost Stone smiled and turned to Xie Mi.

Give it another pass.

Placed in front of Semi, Ghoststone began to make faces.


Semi's angry mood was quickly attracted by Ghost Stone's grimace.

"Silicon tower!"

While eating the sweet, sour and crunchy fruits, watch Ghost Stone's funny face show...

Semi is happy again!

Yang Kaibai and Zhang Hailin saw the mysterious sun altar in front of them.

Grandma Natural Bird said apologetically: "This is the first time I have used the Sun Altar to connect you to the real world of elves...the lacking a lot. I'm sorry that I directly involved you in the secret realm without warning."

"According to the methods left by our ancestors, to open a secret passage from our secret world to connect to the outside world of elves, there will usually be a preparation time of five to six days. This preparation time is based on the outside world of elves, that is, you humans. Calculated by time in the real elf world..."

Yang Kaibai opened his mouth.

Five to six days to prepare?

That is to say...

The emergence of this secret space was actually preceded by early warning, and the warning time was even sufficient...

Why did they just crash into each other?

Grandma Natural Bird's tone was a little helpless: "Because of the changes of the times... When my ancestors used this method, the real elf world at that time did not incorporate many secret spaces. However, when I used the method to open the entrance to the secret world... …”

"In the current real world of elves, there are already many secret spaces that are perfectly integrated... According to the warnings of our ancestors, unless it is absolutely necessary, you should not use the method to open the entrance to the secret world, so..."

Zhang Hailin said cautiously: "Times are changing, but the method has not changed? As a result, when the entrance to the secret space was opened, it failed to have an early warning effect, but opened it directly?"

Yang Kaibai frowned at this time, his expression a little serious: "Natural Bird Grandma, unless it is a last resort... this means..."

The natural bird grandma said in a deep voice: "The time the sun shines now is more than three times the length of the night... If the ratio of day time to night time reaches a terrifying 4:1 or even 5:1... the flower of gratitude will Excessive exposure to the sun will cause it to wither and wither! The secret space will begin a countdown to its demise!"

"The secret space... needs help from the outside world!"

"Or to be more specific, our secret world needs the help of human trainers!"

"Thank you - Mi -"

In the corner of the sun altar, a little white hedgehog with its back covered with fresh green grass suddenly jumped out. Just like the little hedgehog version of "Pig Rushing", it quickly got into the warm embrace of the natural grandma bird.

"Silicon tower!"

Ghost Stone, who was still making faces, was stunned!

It was actually... deceived by the seemingly innocent little Xie Mi? !


Ghoststone paid no attention.

The fruit that Xie Mi had not finished eating accidentally rolled out from the corner.


Facing the blockade of super attribute energy...

Ghost Stone was clean and straightforward, holding up his innocent ghost hands...

High-end tribute etiquette in France!



Seeing the elf coming out of the corner, Yang Kaibai and Kodak Duck were shocked!

"Sand scale fruit?!"


Zhang Hailin and Ivy Snake were shocked when they noticed the green tree fruit rolling to the ground in the corner!

Xie Mi was in the gentle embrace of the natural bird grandma, looking at Ghost Stone, looking at Yang Kaibai, and finally looking at Gyarados...



Whose little kettle is boiling? !

Yang Kaibai's pupils shrank.

The flower of gratitude...the fantasy Pokémon, Semi? !

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