The Master of Elves

Chapter 192 The lost elf university elite in the Demon City?

"These long-winged gulls are really snobby!"

"As soon as I saw that all the breakfast milk, biscuit and bars were sold out, I stopped coming. It's so disgusting!"

"Fortunately, I knew their evil intentions well and didn't let them have sex for free. I slapped each long-winged gull on their head..."

"Kodaya, do you think what I did is right?"


Kodak Duck raised his little paw.

Koda duck: (.°◇°;)Ψ

That’s right!

After Yang Kaibai received Kodakya's reply, he nodded with satisfaction.

You still understand me!

Although there is no Internet while sailing on the sea, Yang Kaibai can still take out his mobile phone to take pictures, and let himself, Kodak Duck and Gyarados appear in the shot as a souvenir.

It was a pity that the last trainer's trip in the Huangjiang Natural Forest did not leave the scene of the King Carp being chased by the native carp groups in the waters of Huanglan Mountain Waterfall Lake and other water-type elves...

By the way, there is also the experience of following the group of marsupials across mountains and ridges in the warm big pocket of the leader of the marsupials.

They are all very memorable and very memorable!

Ghost Stone should be allowed to use its mobile phone to take pictures, and the extra-dimensional space that Ghost Stone comes with means that even if there are strong winds and waves on the sea, the phone will not be lost.


The Kodak Duck stretched out its little paws and gestured a greeting beside Yang Kaibai with a smile. When the phone's camera function clicked, a photo of a giant-winged flying fish flying out of the sea was left behind.

Yang Kaibai glanced at the photo, smiled and handed it to Ke Ke Ya to look at: "Not bad, Ke Ke Ya?"

The duck took off his sunglasses with his little paws and nodded the melon seeds on his head.

They look so happy in the photo!

"Come on, Gyarados, smile!"

"Ho ho ho!"

It was the first time that Yang Kaibai left the coastal area and went deep into the sea to start his journey as a trainer at sea. It was still very fresh for Yang Kaibai. Except for the relatively strong sun, everything was fine.

Blue sky, white clouds.

Looking back, I can still see the city fading away little by little...

Lie down on the head of Gyarados, hold up a parasol, and if you can, have a cold drink and smoothie...

“Kah da kah da!”

Ice-white mist began to appear on the duck's little paws...

"Hahaha, Kodak, come on, come on, put some ice cubes in my cup and some water! Ghost Stone is still resting in the shadow. Wait until noon or afternoon, when the weather gets warmer, let He brought out some fruit and let’s make fruit smoothie!”


Such a trainer's journey...

It’s so comfortable!

If you change it to a goblet and pour a glass of red wine, tsk tsk tsk...

High class!

"Koda Duck, are you sure you don't want to put on some sunscreen? Although we have a parasol, be careful as the little yellow duck turns into a little black duck!"

In his past memories, Yang Kaibai expressed great disdain for wearing sunscreen, and even felt a little ashamed. Obviously, at that time, he had not experienced the beatings of Father Sun until he went to Qionghai...

"Keda? Keda!"

Kodak Duck held his head and shook it.

Ducks and ducks don’t paint ducks!

Yang Kaibai couldn't help grinning.

It doesn't matter, by then Kodak Duck will know what a really fragrant duck is!

In the Huangjiang natural forest and the secret world, although the sun's rays are very abundant, with the existence of forests and large shady areas, sometimes there is always a misunderstanding - the sun's rays are actually not that strong.

However, sailing on the sea is different.

Without the protection of the dense leaves of the forest, the sun almost always shines directly on people and elves. In addition, it takes a while to reach the Dragon Islands by sailing. Fortunately, Yang Kaibai held up his umbrella and used it as a parasol, which could still help. It can reach a little bit.

"Gyarados, control your speed. We'll be ready to take off later and see what the sea looks like in the sky!"

"Ho ho ho!"

The East China Sea, the magical sea area.

In the ocean about 100 kilometers away from the east coast of the Magic City, a trainer wearing a diving suit and riding on the back of a water arrow turtle was conducting daily patrols and training in the nearby waters.

In the sky near the sea where he was, a trainer was flying on the back of a large-billed gull, slowly approaching the water arrow turtle on the sea.

"Qiu Zixiang, is there any special situation over there?" the big-billed gull trainer asked loudly.

"No, Zhang Hao, have you noticed anything unusual in the air over the sea?" Blastoise trainer Qiu Zixiang raised his hand, blocking the sun's dazzling light while asking the trainer on the back of the big-billed gull.

Zhang Hao replied loudly: "Everything is normal at the moment!"

The two trainers, Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao, are both senior students at the Magic City Ocean Elf University. During the last period of their graduation, they took the initiative to patrol the familiar waters of the Magic City.

Ocean, sky.

This sea area can be said to accompany the students of the Magic City Ocean Elf University for the entire four years of their wonderful college years.

During their freshman and sophomore years, junior students, led by their junior and senior seniors, would come to the deep sea far away from the east coast of the city to appreciate the majesty of the sea. At that time, Young freshmen will have more fear and worry in their hearts, but when the graduation season comes...

The East China Sea, this special place that has accompanied them for four years, has taken on a new meaning.

Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao have been roommates in the same dormitory for four years of college, and are also the best friends. Today is the last routine patrol in the East China Sea, 100 kilometers away from the east coast of Shanghai, for the last four years of college. As a final farewell to this sea area before graduation——

On a good day like today when the weather is relatively sunny and the temperature is not very high, most people go out to see the scenery. It is rare to encounter special situations, such as capsizing ships or sudden strong winds and waves. In such weather, Next, the most common situation you encounter is that a trainer on the road asks for directions.

"Did you take any good photos in the deep sea?" Zhang Hao asked with a smile.

Qiu Zixiang wore a diving uniform today and carried an oxygen tank on his back. The camera on his forehead used to capture the underwater scenery has now entered sleep mode.

Qiu Zixiang shrugged helplessly, put his hands on his hips and sighed: "We didn't go too deep. There are a lot of iron cannon fish, but it's a pity that there are no giant-winged flying fish. Otherwise, we can still see the image of the iron cannon fish competing for the wings of the giant-finned flying fish."

Zhang Hao laughed.

Giant-winged flying fish are very docile fish spirits in the ocean. On their wings, there will be some food residues left by giant-winged flying fish such as seaweed attached. This is undoubtedly a big problem for the iron gunfish in the ocean. Nature’s gift——

They are like little puppies that are hungry and smell the smell of milk. They bite tightly on the wings on both sides of the giant flying fish and will not let go until they die. They occupy a position as long as they can. This is As a result, the number of iron gunfish on both sides of the wings of some giant-winged flying fish may even add up to a dozen!

Of course, if there are no food residues left on the wings of the giant-winged flying fish, the iron gunfish will open its mouth and fall off the wings.

"Indeed, it's not that easy to photograph at close range." Zhang Hao said.

Qiu Zixiang was about to ask if he was going back when he suddenly frowned and vaguely seemed to see a blue dot in the sky flying towards them like a drill.

"What happened?" Zhang Hao noticed Qiu Zixiang's doubtful gaze, so he also looked in the air in the direction of Qiu Zixiang's gaze. His expression was startled, and he blurted out, "What is that?!"

"This shouldn't be the case... We have been sailing on the sea for more than forty minutes and flying in the air for almost half an hour. We are heading from the east coast of Jianghai City to the Dragon Islands... we should be able to see at least a large number of large objects along the way. For some ordinary islands, large and small, I have checked the compass before coming back, and there is no problem at all."

Obviously now Gyarados has activated the first-class flight mode with water barrier. The position of Gyarados's head is very cool and the sunlight is not dazzling, but there is still a lot of cold sweat on Yang Kaibai's forehead.

Could it be...

Am I lost again?

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but "thumped" in his heart.

Who is Yang Kaibai?

The final champion of the Ten Schools League in Jianghai City, an 18-year-old senior trainer, and the No. 1 super freshman of Jianghai Elf University’s future Tianguan trainer!

How could he - get lost!

"Kodaya, help me pay attention to whether there are fishing boats or trainers in the nearby waters. Let's go find out the current specific location."

“Kah da kah da!”

The Kodak Duck used his superpower to quickly discover the figures of human trainers on the sea - one sitting on the back of a large-billed gull, and the other sitting on the back of a water arrow turtle!

Following the direction pointed by the duck's little paw, Yang Kaibai squinted his eyes, and through the water barrier, he could finally see two blurry outlines...

No matter what it is, just listen to Kodak!

"Gyarados, let's get to the place where the human trainers are. When we get there, remember to slow down immediately!"

"Ho ho ho!"

When Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao clearly saw the elf appearing in the sky, they both saw shock in each other's eyes - the figure behind the blue water attribute energy turned out to be a Gyarados!

In fact, just a Gyarados... It's not that they can't accept it.

Because during the four years at the Magic City Ocean Elf University, the school's headquarters is close to the sea, I would occasionally meet Gyarados trainers several times.

Among the fourth-year graduates, Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao, there are two elite Gyarados trainers who are very powerful and have achieved excellent results in large-scale trainer competitions across the country.

But the problem is...

The Gyarados trainer in front of me...doesn't he look a little too young?

just like……

It’s like I didn’t go to Elf University.

The big-mouthed gull was affected by the intimidation of Gyarados's fearful face, and quickly backed away to keep a slightly safe distance. Coincidentally, Zhang Hao noticed with sharp eyes... There seemed to be a ghost in the shadow behind the Gyarados trainer. The movement of the elves.

Ghost elf?

Meet in the sea of ​​​​the magic city?

Maybe they are those powerful and perverted trainers from the Demon City Elf University!


Very reasonable!

"Hello, I would like to ask...where is this place?" Yang Kaibai took off his sunglasses and asked very politely.

Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao looked at each other.

Zhang Hao opened his mouth, revealing a mouth shape.

Qiu Zixiang nodded immediately to express his understanding.

The tacit understanding between the two of them having been in the same dormitory for four years made Qiu Zixiang immediately realize that the very, very young Gyarados trainer in front of him was most likely one of the top trainers at the Demon City Elf University.

Although he is young, his strength as a trainer is enough for both of them to envy and respect.

Qiu Zixiang immediately replied: "This is the sea area of ​​​​Modu, 100 kilometers away from the east coast of Magic City."

Yang Kaibai was stunned and was so shocked that he lost his voice: "Demon Sea Area?!"

Yang Kaibai's shock left Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao a little confused.

In the sea area of ​​​​the Magic there anything wrong?

Soon, Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao were relieved.

Because among the elf universities in the Magic City area, only the students at the main campus of the Modu Ocean Elf University will often deal with the East China Sea. Even in their Modu Ocean Elf University, not all students can guarantee 100% I will not get lost in the East China Sea.

Especially now this place is about 100 kilometers away from the east coast. It is normal for people who are not familiar with it to be unable to determine the specific location.

Isn't this the duty of these distant sea patrols to point out the way and direction for these trainers who are traveling in the East China Sea!

"Are you ready to return to the Magic City? If you do, we can be together. We are both ready to go back!" Zhang Hao invited enthusiastically.

Return to Magic City? !

I started from the east coast of Jianghai City!

What should I do in the magic city?

Yang Kaibai shook his head excitedly: "No, no, no, um, I'm not going back to the Magic City. I want to ask... where is the Dragon Islands, which direction should I go?"

Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Dragon Islands!

Right, right!

This is right!

That place on the Dragon Islands...

This is a special island sea area that only the top trainers from the Demon City Elf University are qualified to go to!

It is a special sea area specially protected by the Elf Alliance. Without the permission of the Elf Alliance, ordinary trainers cannot enter that special sea area - there are island trainers patrolling nearby. For trainers who have not obtained the "visa" from the Elf Alliance, It will be blocked. Only after passing the information authentication and confirming that the trainer who has obtained the "visa" qualification is himself, can he arrive at the human trainer island.

It is said that on the human trainer island, some tests are required before one can truly enter the Dragon Island.

Qiu Zixiang and Zhang Hao both said at the same time: "Let's take you with us!"

Yang Kaibai waved his hands repeatedly: "This is too troublesome for you two, just help me point you in the direction."

Zhang Hao said: "It's not far, not far. If you walk about 80 kilometers in a straight line, you can see the Dragon Islands in the distance. If you fly in the air, you will be there in a flash, very fast!"

Qiu Zixiang also said: "We are both senior students about to graduate from the Ocean Elf University in Shanghai. We have seen the Dragon Islands from a distance once with our teacher during the four years of college. This time we will go and take a look at the Dragon Islands from a distance before graduation." ...Maybe there will be no chance in the future!”

Zhang Hao sighed: "Yes, yes, in that place only elites from the Demon City Elf University like you, boss, can be qualified to enter the island!"


Yang Kaibai was confused after hearing this!

The elite of the Demon City Elf University?



Why did Yang Kaibai suddenly transform into an elite member of the Demon City Elf University when he asked for directions?

"I'm not……"

"In the final analysis, we are all part of the university here in Shanghai. When the National College Student League next year, we will strive to defeat Kyoto and Jianghai!"

"That's right!"

Asking for votes every day~

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