The Master of Elves

Chapter 220 Kodakya: Let Yaya teach you the stunt moves to catch fish!

Yukki was floating in the air.

With the help of the moonlight, I felt the quiet, peaceful and silent Yunhu Lake, and fell into silence for a while.

The group of "turn-over" king carp on the lake, the large claw crabs and giant claw crabs lying on their backs on the lake shore, and the love fish sleeping soundly with the sun coral...

turn out to be.

The singing in this secret realm...

Isn't it the "song of death" that will destroy this secret realm...

Just a sleep song.


Yukoshi was silent.

"Ke da da!"

Yukoshi suddenly found himself in mid-air...

There is one more flying duck.

Yukki:! ! !

Look at the duck that controls the spoon of water to fly in the air...

Yukoshi almost opened his eyes in shock.

Unlike Emrido and Aknom, Uxie usually keeps its eyes closed, because once its eyes are opened, the people and elves that look into its eyes will be eliminated. All related memories.

Can reach duck...

When did you become a flying elf?

Uxie opened her mouth, and for a moment, she was speechless.

"Ke da da!"

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Because Uxie had her eyes tightly closed, Kodak couldn't see Yukoshi's shocked expression at this moment. However, Kodak saw that Ukxi opened her mouth without speaking. Yaya's eyes lit up. Could it be explain……

Yuki is hungry?

That's just right!

Kodak is a little hungry now!

“Kah da kah da!”

Koda Duck waved its little paw in Uksha's direction, signaling Uksha to follow it. Ducky Duck has something good to share with Uksha Duck!

"Depend on?"

Yukki looked a little confused.

However, seeing the duck standing on the spoon of water that was condensed with water attribute energy and super energy and slowly floating towards the river bank, Yukoshi was once again shocked by the wit of the duck. and followed slowly.

Compared to eating snacks...

Jigglypuffs are more concerned about the top ten singers competition.

Kodak Duck collected a lot of snacks and a lot of tree fruits.


There is an elf named Uxie who is "hungry" and doesn't look very happy. He may not even have had a good night's sleep. The Kodak Duck is just the right thing to share with it...

The happiness belongs to duck!

Snack joy!


Kodak opened a pack of Meow Meow Cream Puffs.

When you are in a bad mood, eat sweets...

Must be the best choice duck!

"Depend on?"

Yukoshi used her superpower to feel the cream puff handed to her by the duck's little paws.


The duck blinked.

You're welcome duck!

Yukki's heart was shaken.

Every time I wake up from an unknown lake...

What Uxie feels is the appeal of human trainers and their elves to Uxie, the god of wisdom...

The favor of the God of Wisdom.

It is true that its partners, Emrido, the God of Emotion, and Aknom, the God of Will, will also be pursued and appealed to by human trainers...

The awakening of the lake gods brings a test of wisdom, emotion, and will to the people in the real elf world, and at the same time gives rewards to the winners. This is "engraved in the memories of Uxie, Emrido, and Akonom" Task".

Maintain the stability and balance of the real elf world and the lakes in the secret world...

This is their duty.

This time Yukoshi wakes up...

The situation is completely different from the real elf world in the past hundreds of years.


Unexpectedly, I enjoyed the rare silence in this secret world at this moment.

"Depend on!"

Uxie hesitated for a while, then her two short gray hands carefully took a cream puff from the duck's paws.

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodak Duck also took one and immediately threw it into his big duck beak.

Feeling the sweet taste of cream in his mouth, Kodak showed a happy smile under the moonlight.

"Depend on."

Yukki held the cream puff and took a small bite on it.

Some sweet cream flows from the cream puff.

“Kah da kah da!”

Cream or something, duck is the best!

Koda Duck introduces the most wonderful thing about Master Meow's Cream Puffs to Yukki...

It’s this bit inside that makes the buttery duck burst with sweetness!

"Depend on."

Yukoshi took a small lick.

Soon, he fell in love with the sweet, creamy flavor.

"Ke da da!"

Yaya is right!

Kodakya smiled and raised his head, in terms of choosing snacks...

Yaya is still very experienced!

"Depend on!"

Yukki's voice gradually became louder.

Soon, Kodak Duck found one or two straw mats, moved Jigglypuff's small table, and set it up on the shore...

With Yukki.

Facing the cloud lake, facing the moon.


Look at the stars, the moon, and the lake of clouds.

Look at the stars and moon reflected in the cloud lake.

In addition to Master Meow Cream Puffs, Kodakya also put a basket of tree fruits on the small table. Of course, there are also mini Longdolf chocolates, silly cookies, and the colorful tree fruits that Yaya likes to eat the most. Rainbow Candy……


Yukoshi, have you encountered anything sad or sad recently?

"Depend on?"

Yukoshi couldn't help but froze while eating the cream puff.

Sad and sad things...

Have it? Have it?

"Kah da kah da."

When I was resting on the lake, I saw your tense expression. Even when you fell asleep, you looked very tired!

The duck stretched out its little paws and gestured to explain.

"Depend on."

When he mentioned that it fell asleep in the lake, Ukshi's face turned slightly red. Then he looked at the elves sleeping soundly in the cloud lake and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

This secret world...

It's fine if nothing happens.

Kodak Duck first placed the cream puff packaging bag on the small table, and then scratched his head.

YaYa seemed a little hard to understand.

This secret world...

What went wrong duck?

"Depend on."

Yukoshi hesitated for a moment, then turned around and paused for a moment in the direction of the eleven Jigglypuffs on the stage at the back, and then paused for a while in the direction of the sleeping Jigglypuffs next to the camp in the corner of the forest.

Finally, the direction of Uxie stopped in front of Kodak.

However, Yoshi still didn't open her eyes.

Kodak Duck:......


What happened after Kodak fell asleep?

It seems... related to Jigglypuff?

Is it also related to duck...?

It's just that after Yaya fell asleep, he didn't know what happened specifically.

"Depend on."

Yukoshi was in a daze when he woke up.

When it emerged from the secret cloud lake, before it had time to pay attention to the situation here, sleepiness came over instantly like a tide, and then...

It fell asleep instantly.

Just before it fell from the air into the lake and fell asleep, it was vaguely...

Yukoshi's super power seems to have allowed him to see a very conspicuous yellow figure among the group of pink figures in the direction of the stage...

Up to duck:°(.°◇°;)o゜

Yaya was also asleep at that time!

Real duck!


Yukki didn't mean anything special.

Just its awakening this time...

Some are unexpected.

It's like I feel like I've been defrauded...

Almost all the people and elves in the entire secret world fell into a deep sleep...

This made Uxie mistakenly believe that this secret world was affected by the "Song of Destruction". Uxie looked extremely nervous. It came here with a heart ready to save the secret world...


It fell asleep.

Now, when it discovered that there were twelve Jigglypuffs in total, including the eleven on the stage and the one in the corner, Yukoshi had almost guessed the truth of the matter...

Just why the chorus of the twelve Jigglypuffs could have such an incredible effect, Yukoshi couldn't quite figure it out.

Even the God of Wisdom…

There will also be times when you are confused!

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodak enthusiastically shared Ducky's snacks with Yukxi.

eat! eat! eat!

You're welcome duck!

Yukoshi "saw" the somewhat busy Kodak through his superpower, and couldn't help but laugh.


How long has it been since it saw such a quiet lake?

"Depend on!"

Yuki smiled and pointed at the moon in front of her.


The duck swung its little tail and looked in the direction pointed by Yukoshi.

Kodak and Uxie sit side by side on the straw mat.

At this moment, Yukoshi rarely opened his eyes.

Open your eyes...

Looking at the secret world in front of me.

Its special ability prevents it from opening its eyes freely.

People and elves who look into its eyes, and all memories related to it, will be erased.


Every time you open your eyes, you must be cautious and cautious.

but now……

Here, there are no awake human trainers, nor many awake elves, nor any technological equipment monitoring its appearance at all times...

Although Ukshi knows that human trainers have been looking forward to the appearance of it and its other two partners, but now...

In the entire secret world, it is the only one...

Meet the duck! !

"Depend on--"

Yukoshi flew into the air and shouted into the distance——

What kind of free duck is this!

It’s been a long, long time since Yukoshi enjoyed this...

Such freedom!


Kodakya's heart was shaken as he listened to Uxie's cry of freedom from the heart.

turn out to be……

This is why Yukoshi is tired!

It and its friends... must be having a hard time outside, right?

Yukki restrained her superpower.

It doesn't want its own to appear...

It affects this extremely quiet secret world.


It gets along happily with the duck.

This extremely short night...

Just give yourself a holiday!

Be lazy!

“Kah da kah da!”

When the Kodak Duck saw Yukoshi greeting it, it immediately condensed a spoon of water, released its super power, and flew with its "sword"!

The figures of two elves, Yukoshi and Kodak...

Flying happily around Yunhu Mountain.

On the entire Yunhu Mountain, and even in the entire secret realm, only the laughter and laughter of Uxie and Kodaya were left.


I will always remember this night of freedom!

"Depend on!"

Yukoshi asked Kodak curiously.

How did it learn to fly like this?

Ever since Uxie was born, there has never been a Kodak that can fly!

"Ke da! Ke da ke da!"

Kodakya wanted to puff out his chest, but found that he had puffed up his... yellow and round belly.

Yaya's face turned red...

But this does not prevent Yaya from proudly introducing its trainer-Yang Kaibai!

Human trainer, Yang Kaibai!

Uxie's closed eyes opened remembered the name!

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodakya followed Uxie and flew to the top of Yunhu Mountain. On a tree at the highest point, he looked in Uxie's direction with a smile.

Yukki, do you know how to stand in?

If not, let Yaya teach you how to use the stand-in moves!


You can fish openly and openly!

Kodakya thinks of Yang Mama’s Gardevoir...

That day when I came to Kyoto Airport to pick up trainer Yang Kaibai and his duck...

Gardevoir left a particularly powerful stand-in right where Yang Mama worked!

After leaving a substitute...

That’s it, you’re done!

Yuki felt the sincere and warm heart of Kodakya.

"Depend on!"

Yukoshi nodded.

“Kah da kah da!”

Substitute moves...

First do it like this, then do it like this, then do it like this, and finally do it like this. The substitute move is completed!

Kodak excitedly used his stand-in moves in front of Yukoshi, just like a child who learned new skills not long ago and showed off his brand-new skills in front of his new friends.

On the top of Yunhu Mountain, two ducks appeared!

Who is Yukki?

Kodak doesn't know.

Kodak only knows that Uxie is its new friend that Kodak has just made, and he is a good friend.

Share between good friends.

Yukki looks like he needs help from his substitute moves...

Then the duck can teach the duck!

Yukxi felt the pure and passionate heart from Kodakya. The long-lost feeling made him feel the purest friendship between elf friends...

A thought suddenly flashed in Yukoshi's mind.

Perhaps, Emrido...

I’ll also love the Kodak Duck!

Yukoshi "studies" seriously.

A substitute move...

Uxie hasn't used it in almost four years.


Dear Kodak, Uxie's best friend.

The responsibility shouldered by the God of Wisdom is a burden that a substitute cannot bear...

But now.

Just let Yukoshi take a good fish!

It is not a god of wisdom now.

Yukki is just learning stand-in moves happily with Kodakya and wants to catch fish.

That's all.

Summer nights are always very short.

The first glimmer of light appeared on the horizon...

Yukoshi knew that his free time tonight was coming to an end.

Wait until the sun rises...

It is no longer the lazy Yukki.

This quiet secret world...

Yukoshi couldn't bear to be disturbed.

Perhaps, Changshan Tianchi Lake, which Emlido and Aknom had once chosen... is the best alternative.

Yukki is leaving here.

"Depend on."

Kodakya, we will meet again in the future!

“Kah da kah da!”

Koda duck waved its little paw in Uxie's direction.

Yukki, if something unhappy happens...

Be sure to remember to use the stand-in moves taught by Yaya... Be lazy and take advantage of Yaya!

"Depend on--"

Above the Cloud Lake, Yoshi's figure turned into a beam of yellow light and quickly disappeared into the center of the lake.

Kyoto, the Tower of China.

"Uxie's energy fluctuations have appeared again! It's the Changshan Tianchi Lake that was once chosen by Emrido and Aknom!!"

"I'm just telling you! It must be in Changshan Tianchi Lake! None of you believe it yet!"

"The three gods of lakes... have now chosen Changshan Tianchi Lake for complete superpower awakening. Changshan Tianchi Lake is really a blessed place!"

"In about two months... the test of the God of Wisdom, Uxie, will officially come! This will be another world-class secret realm conference, and there will definitely be outstanding trainers from all over the world to participate. We must select the best trainers to participate, and we must keep Kexi’s final reward... in our China!!"


Yang Kaibai opened his eyes drowsily.

It's only eight o'clock in the morning?

Sleep a little longer, sleep a little longer.

Who is the champion of staying up late in the end?

No, which Jigglypuff is the winner of the Top Ten Singer Contest?

I really want to spend the day...

How about letting Gyarados take Jigglypuff on another all-secret concert tour...

Everyone has done it, which means I, Yang Kaibai, didn’t do it today.

There will be another update tonight, please vote please~

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