The Master of Elves

Chapter 268 Gengar with a race value exceeding 600? !

Gengar, the shadow Pokémon.

Attributes: Ghost + Poison.

Real height: 2.2 meters.

True weight: 121.5kg.

Trainer: Yang Kaibai.

"This is the Gengar that evolved from eating three Picoxi... No wonder the Gengar couldn't crawl out of the different dimensions before. It was almost solid... Compared with the Ghost Stone before it evolved, it's quite different. Three pikoxi heavier..."

Yang Kaibai looked at the puddle of Gengar lying on his bed, snoozing and taking a nap. On Gengar's stomach, there were also sleeping ducks and round land sharks...

The Kodak Duck and the Round Land Shark also left a place for themselves.

The quality of this bed is really good.

The bed in the school's single room is a 2 x 1.5 meter bed against the wall.

Gengar's two big Jio's have to branch out a little from the end of the bed.

The teacher who was measuring Gengar's height and weight at school this morning was shocked by Gengar's size, especially when measuring the weight, Gengar had to be weighed with an extra-large scale like a Kirby...

What's more important is that Gengar can also use his ghost-type elf and the ability to float to weigh as much as he wants...

The teacher who took the weight test was fucked by Gengar.

Can you please stop playing? !

The scale hasn't been damaged yet, but the teacher is afraid that it will be damaged by Gengar!

In the end, fortunately, Yang Kaibai and Yaya each patted Gengar, otherwise Gengar could have played longer!

Yang Kaibai vaguely remembered...

In the original time and space, I really wanted to buy a two-meter-sized Kirby pillow. People can sleep on the Kirby pillow. Of course, there are also Totoro pillows, but there is not that much space in the rental house.

This evolution of Guigui...

It can be regarded as satisfying a small wish that Yang Kaibai once had.

"After Ghost Stone evolves into Gengar, there is a very important strengthening move that you can learn, and that is Trick."

"Plan a plot, activate your brain, and greatly improve your special attack..."

"Speaking of which...can playing Werewolf help Ghost to plan his schemes and activate his brain? Just like when writing the script for the Elf movie, thinking about being the villain Ghost...or the smartest hacker on the Internet, Hacker…The Matrix?”

Yang Kaibai looked at his computer screen and fell into deep thought again.

To evolve into Gengar, there are several important things to do.

The first few days were spent testing Gengar's specific strength and what kind of moves he could master. After all, Yang Kaibai definitely couldn't make the same mistake he made with Gyarados last time...

After Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, in the battle in the water gym, Gyarados only has impact, and has no other moves. In the list of moves...

Move A: Impact

Move B: Impact

Move C: More violent impact.

Move D: Impact with the speed and power of a water cannon.

To test the specific strength of Gengar, the three punches of Fire Fist, Thunder Fist, and Ice Fist must not be missed, followed by Shadow Claw, Misfortune Never Comes Alone, Hundred Thousand Volts, Frozen Wind, Will-o'-Wisp, and Night Demon. Of course, the ghost-type elves are the best. The move that reflects strength must be the Shadow Ball.

Yang Kaibai looked at the majestic Gengar lying on the bed...

After thinking about it, Gengar grabbed the elf on the opposite side with one hand, and fed the elf on the opposite side the shadow ball with the other hand...

Come on, feed the young man some shadow balls!

It seems interesting?

"Two more good news."

Yang Kaibai looked at the two ghost hands next to him who were secretly "carrying" Geng Gui and playing games on Gui Gui's mobile phone, and even felt a little funny for a moment.

Gui Gui's ghost hand was retained and did not evolve with Ghost Stone.

It may be because the strength of these two ghost hands is stronger than the evolved Gengar's own hands. If they evolve together with Ghost Stone, they will be "weakened".

However, in the eyes of outsiders, these ghost hands may be condensed by Gengar using the Shadow Claw move to condense ghost attribute energy, but in fact, these are the ghost hands from the original Ghost Stone period.

It is still the same pair of ghost hands as before, without any change.

"Is it the evolution choice of Gengar Mega Stone..."

When Ghost Stone was sleeping in another dimension, the Gengar Mega Stone seemed to purer the ghost energy released by the high-quality Dark Stone, allowing Ghost Stone to evolve into Gengar. Get a better foundation.

The current Gengar Mega Stone has not disappeared, but is hidden in the forehead of Gengar's head.

It seems like a sleeping third eye, waiting for a key to unlock the source of power - the keystone and the bond.

Generally speaking, when the Elf Mega evolves, the trainer holds the Key Stone, and the Elf Mega Stone needs to be worn on the Elf.

Like Karuna's Gardevoir, the Gardevoir Mega Stone is worn on one's chest like a necklace.

However, like Xiaogang's Big Steel Snake, the Big Steel Snake Mega Stone is inlaid and hidden on the head of the Big Steel Snake.

For ghost-type elves like Gengar, it is more convenient to "wear" the Gengar Mega Stone. You don't even need to go through the first Mega evolution and can directly hide it in any part of your body. But for Gengar, The forehead is the best location!

"Hey, I'm a really good trainer. In school... it's really hard to find seniors. The main thing is that after you reach the elite level, you have to go out more."

Yang Kaibai opened his class schedule and looked at the advanced mathematics class on the class schedule, his eyes became a little straight.

Come to the real world of elves...

Unexpectedly, he still couldn't escape the clutches of Gao Shu.

Who can Yang Kaibai talk to to reason?

After flipping through the advanced mathematics textbook, Yang Kaibai breathed a sigh of relief.

The first-semester advanced mathematics course for freshmen in the freshman year is not very difficult.

Calculus is basically untouchable in the first semester.

What you can encounter are some derivatives, finding extreme values, and some relatively difficult knowledge about matrices.

When Yang Kaibai saw the Matrix, he couldn't help but think of the Matrix again.

In the field of high-tech supercomputers in China, these two elves, Metagross and Hu Di, are definitely important elves in the field of supercomputers due to their super high IQ.

Yang Kaibai thought of his father's mustache.

Although Yang's father is a bank worker and can be regarded as a secondary trainer, his elf still shines in important places.

"Why don't you let Geng Gui follow you to study advanced mathematics when you have free time? After all, if I don't know how to solve some questions, I can just ask Geng Gui directly..."

Yang Kaibai scratched his head.

If you can't do math, you just can't do it.

It's not like training an elf!

The knowledge that Yang Kaibai brought from the original time and space in his memory is basically about cultivating elves and training elves. As for this advanced mathematics...

Sorry to bother you.

Basically I need to start learning again.

No. 9 open-air elf battle venue.

This is a medium-sized battle venue closest to the Yunhu dormitory building.

Yang Kaibai waited in the corner of the battlefield for more than ten minutes. After the elves on the training ground were tired from training and the students left, Yang Kaibai let Gengar and Gyarados come to the training ground.

This training is mainly to test the power of Gengar's moves. It does not require an elf battle, so the demand for the venue is not great.

However, when they saw Yang Kaibai's extra-large purple fat man and Gyarados, the student trainers on the medium-sized battle field were still happy to watch the excitement and stay a little away from the training ground.

The energy explosion produced by elite-level strength elves during training should be kept as far away as possible.

"Gyarados, you are here to withstand the attack of the ghost. Remember to use energy to resist. Don't resist with your body like an idiot. Don't worry, Kodak will use water rings and life drops to restore your physical strength at any time. of!"

Gyarados: ((((;°Д°))))

Yang Kai thought about it for a while, and finally the "sandbag" suitable for Gengar training turned out to be his own Gyarados!

Gyarados can withstand beatings, and is often beaten. It is no longer too familiar with being beaten.

YaYa's task is even simpler.

Create a movable recovery water fountain, give Gyarados milk and that's it.

"Gyarados, you can also use beam moves like Freeze Ray and Hundred Thousand Volts, but the main thing is to help Gengar test the power of the moves! Gyarados, do you understand?"

"Ho ho ho!"

Gyarados is up and down, and there are only two words that can be understood.

Get beaten!

However, Gyarados also wanted to know what happened after Gui Gui evolved from Ghost Stone to Gengar...

What kind of strength does it have!

"Gengar, let's start with the Thunder Fist!"


Gengar nodded in the direction of Yang Kaibai and looked seriously at the Gyarados in front of him.

The thick and powerful arms twisted left and right. Gengar was getting used to his new body. He high-fived his left and right hands. At the moment of high-fiving, the pair of ghost hands separated from the body appeared in front of Gengar at the same time. Make the same high-five gesture!

Electrical energy bursts out from the palm of your hand instantly!

Ghost Hand: Our thoughts are united!


Kodak couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

Gui Gui's own body has a pair of thick ghost hands, as well as a pair of "ruthless ghost hands" that were weathered and experienced during the original Ghost Stone period. The four ghost hands flashed thunder and lightning fist moves at the same time...

How can Gyarados defend against such a move?

Gyarados feels like he is not in a 1V1, but like a 1V2!

How come this Gengar has four hands? !

"The two extra ghost hands Gengar has... are just like the two wingmen of the ghost dragon Duolong Baruto, Doron Mecia..." Yang Kaibai's eyes lit up, these two extra ghost hands, Is it considered racially valuable?

If it counts...

If this were in a game...

Yang Kaibai's Gengar, doesn't his race value exceed 600? !

When he was in the dormitory at first, Yang Kaibai looked at the two ghost hands playing games on their mobile phones, and didn't even think about Doron Baruto's direction...

It doesn't look very serious.

Yang Kaibai never expected it!

The evolution of Ghost Stone, under the selection effect of Gengar Mega Stone, left Ghost Stone with these incredible ghost hands!

This pair of ghost hands is simply Gengar’s real treasure!


Gyarados was ready to deal with it.

Since it's training, just use the dragon tail move to deal with Gyarados!

Gyarados' tail lights up with dragon-type energy.

His eyes flashed.

It's now!

Gyarados launched his dragon tail move!



Although Gengar is huge, the characteristics of the ghost-type elf and his strong ghost body make Gengar like a flexible purple fat man. While wielding the thunder fist, the two wingmen's ghost hands around him quickly moved to both sides. spread!

A variation of the Thunder Fist move - the Thunder Claw, at this moment, attacks Gyarados from the side!

Come! cheat! Come! Sneak attack!

Gyarados moves its dragon tail, and it's all on guard! Roar!

The explosive thunder fist of Gengar's body bombarded Gyarados' dragon tail move. The collision of electrical power and dragon power instantly shot out dazzling sparks.

The force of the dragon's tail breaking through the air and the power of Gengar's fists clashed with each other. The huge force caused Gengar's figure to fall backwards, but the pair of ruthless ghost hands using thunder claws also fell on Gyarados. On your body!


Gyarados almost screamed with joy.

It feels so nostalgic!

Thunder Claw! The power of electricity!

It hurts, it hurts!

Yang Kaibai looked at Gengar who was breathing heavily and couldn't help but nodded.

Withstand the impact of Gyarados's tail, and at the same time use the wingman's ghost hands like Xiaoduosaurus to find gaps in Gyarados's defense and attack from the side...

Yang Kaibai couldn't be more satisfied with the evolved Guigui!

Do you know the power of Gengar with a racial value exceeding 600? !

"Gengar, next is Fire Fist!"


Gengar grinned with a fiery smile, and high-fived his left and right hands again. The flames of the flame fist seemed to be burning along Gengar's entire arm!

This looks even more awesome than Thunder Fist!

" have to be careful of the will-o'-wisps!"

Yang Kaibai reminded Gyarados with a smile.

Gyarados: ∑ (OДO;)

So what, can I not take the will-o'-the-wisp trick?

Of course not!

Gyarados, just feel free to eat it!

There is a Kodak here!

The world where only Gyarados was injured was achieved!

Gengar's Flame Fist move may not be very obvious due to Gyarados' water resistance, but the threat of the Flame Fist is not only the Flame Fist move itself, but also... the attached will-o'-wisps. !

Frontal flame fists and will-o'-the-wisps may be easy to avoid...

But what about the side one?

The moment Geng Gui's ruthless ghost hands lit up with will-o'-the-wisp flames, Yang Kaibai felt a sense of horror when he looked at it.

Those weather-beaten ghost hands, lit up by the ghost fire moves, looked like withered bones!

It was obviously a scorching flame, but it seemed to be blowing a cold wind and frost.

"Koda, use the water ring and life water drops to extinguish the fire and restore Gyarados. Gengar, you should also take a rest and replenish the energy cubes. The Freeze Fist will continue later!"


Gengar nodded vigorously.



Next to Yang Kaibai, Yuanlu Shark followed Geng Gui's movements and punched out, as if it was working together with Geng Gui to fight Gyarados...

Round land shark is awesome!

Is it powerful? !

Yuanlu Shark and Gengar... work together to kill indiscriminately!

"This is really a Gengar with a race value of over 600... Dolong Baruto, known as the Little Ghost!"

Asking for votes every day~

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