The Master of Elves

Chapter 275 Trainer Duck appears again! Ducky has a friend!

The artificial cloud lakeside at night is quiet and peaceful.

Most of Gyarados's body was immersed in the cloud lake, with only its head resting on the shore. Beside it, there were a large number of Magikarp sleeping together.

On a large rock near the dormitory building, there lay a sleeping Slowpoke with its eyes narrowed. Under its peaceful breathing, its body rose and fell like a breathing, extra-large pink glutinous rice dumpling.

Near this big rock, you can see a Bogaman, holding its belly with its two small wings, sleeping soundly on the bank of Cloud Lake.

Not far away, Gengar sat on the shore, holding an apple fruit in his hand and slowly gnawing at it, looking at his somewhat embarrassed reflection in the lake that was as calm as a mirror.


Kodak Duck also held an apple and sat next to Gengar, gnawing on it together.

While eating apples and wild fruits, Yaya whispered to Guigui about the whispers by Yun Lake.

Gui Gui's telekinesis moves are already very good.


Gengar's dark face showed a happy smile.

The Kodak Duck has said so, so Guigui's performance must be outstanding.



Tomorrow I will go to the Magic City for exchanges.

There is not much time left for Guigui!

Gengar's current shadow ball move still has some flaws - ghost energy can easily explode because it is too concentrated.

Gengar can certainly condense smaller shadow balls.

However, if such a shadow ball is in a head-to-head confrontation with an opponent of the same strength level, the shadow ball used by Gengar's main body will actually become the weaker side.

However, with the help of ghosts, Gengar still has a high chance of winning if he carries out sneak attacks and pranks, but...

Obviously Gengar can have stronger strength, but because he does not have enough control over his evolved power, he cannot output it at full strength...

Damn it, I can't accept it!

The situations of Gengar and Gyarados are somewhat similar, but also opposite.

Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, and Ghost evolves into Gengar.

The life level, body strength, specific strength, and energy intensity in the body of the two have been greatly improved.

What happens when Gyarados evolves is...

The increase in body strength is far greater than the increase in energy intensity in the body.

When we were in the Dragon Islands before, this situation of Gyarados was most obvious - its body strength had reached the level of an elite elf early, but the energy intensity in its body was not enough, which caused the true strength of Gyarados to be revealed. Energy drags.

However, with a good body, the upper limit of energy that can be stored in the body can be greatly increased.

The energy intensity in the current Gyarados is remarkable, and it can be even stronger.

Where's Gengar...

The strength of its physical body is also outstanding among elves like Geng Gui, but the energy intensity in its body is stronger than that of Geng Gui's physical body.

In Pokémon game terms...

In the early stage, efforts were worth points and materials were used to attack.

During the Ghost Stone period, Ghost Stone's moves were still dominated by Fire Fist, Thunder Fist and Freeze Fist. The power of the early special attack Shadow Ball moves was not very obvious yet.

It will be different after evolving into Gengar.

The skyrocketing ghost attribute energy has made Gengar a sudden rise in special attack, which makes Gengar... a little awkward when using the shadow ball.

It makes Gengar feel unreal.

Its shadow ball can actually become stronger? !

Switched from warrior to mage...

It does take a lot of time to get used to.

However, this does not mean that after changing to a mage, one has to abandon the strength of a warrior. Physical strength is Gengar's true strength as a ghost elf.

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodakya also shared his insights on mental strength moves with Gengar.

Each elf’s mental strength moves...

The methods of making moves are all different.

Just like the Gardevoir that Yaya imitated last time.

The point where Gardevoir's mental strength and moves are concentrated and exploded is on the super heart structure on its chest.

Gardevoir can find a "center point", but this center point is something that many elves don't have.

Not so much.

Therefore, for Yaya's mental strong thoughts, he needs to construct and create a center point - the tip of the water spoon.


At this time, Geng Gui seemed to understand the good intentions of the Dream Demon Master.

Super space...

Let Gengar find a weak point.

Concentrate all your super powers to attack the weak point that can break through the super space...

Like a key, opening the super space!

What Gengar needs to do is to concentrate all his superpowers into one point!

Mental strength!

Concentrate and reach the top!

So this about Gengar...

Where will it be?

Gengar stretched out his arm, trying to scratch the back of his head.

Guigui discovered somewhat dullly...

It seems that its head is a bit big, its thick arms are a bit short, and its body is a bit fat. Under normal circumstances, it cannot scratch the back of its head at all.

Fortunately, at this time, those ghost hands appeared.

Guigui feels better now.

Good job, Ghost Hands!

The diligent old ghost hand: I have long been used to being a ghost PUA.

At this time, Yaya had fallen asleep leaning against Guigui.

Gengar hugged Kodak who was resting next to him while looking at his reflection in the cloud lake.

What the duck said...

Gengar was inspired.

Be mentally strong and concentrate.

Just in time, Gengar thought of that.

The center of the forehead where the Gengar Mega Stone is located!

Gengar is still a little puzzled...

Why after it evolved from Ghost Stone to Gengar, the Gengar Mega Stone was integrated into its forehead and there was no other reaction.

Guigui couldn't figure out why.

Could it be that when it evolved... it consumed too much energy?

Gengar was a little confused.

It's really frustrating.

Let's wait until the sun rises. Now, Gui Gui is also a little tired.

Guigui lay down on the spot and leaned against Yaya.

It's time for a good night's sleep.

Yang Kaibai got up at around 6:30 to finish washing as usual.

The confused Round Land Shark had one big eye and one small eye. He opened his eyes with some uncertainty.

Round land shark: O_o

Get up...get up so early?

In the human urban world, a soft bed can directly "seal" the Earth Shark.

Little Shark doesn’t want to get up early at all!

"Roundland Shark, go out and exercise!"

The round land shark also wears a nightcap decorated like Santa Claus on its dorsal fin, which makes him a little suspicious of Long Sheng.

The season is gradually entering autumn, and the weather is starting to get cooler.

Something like a morning run...

The round land shark wants to be lazy.

Unfortunately, it had already been taken out of the bed by Yang Kaibai.

"When winter comes, I will customize a warm coat made of down and silk for you. Even in winter, we can still get up and run in the morning!"

Round Shark: (OO)

"Yang Kaibai, go for a morning jog and swipe your card?"

Next door, Wu Yuhan was ready to go.

Yang Kaibai glanced at Yuanlu Shark and grinned: "But Dora is going for a morning jog too!"


Round land shark: ()

Morning, tell me earlier!

Let's go!

Little Shark, go, go, go!

On the playground, you can now see a few trainers starting morning exercises with their elves.

Behind Yang Kaibai were Gengar, Kodak, Round Shark, and a Gyarados "splashing" on the ground.

Although Gyarados can fly slowly, Gyarados still wants to be "down to earth".

Then here comes the problem.

What to do without feet?

Then you can only bounce with "water splash jump"!

The rubber floor of the playground was still very tight, and Gyarados had no intention of exerting any force. He simply wanted to go for a "morning run" with Yang Kaibai.

After all, in Xie Mi's secret realm, Gyarados had suffered a "loss".

Yang Kaibai's classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays, and there are no classes on Fridays.

"A new day of training begins!"

"Gengar, Kodak, Gyarados, Round Shark, come on!"

In order to avoid the situation where there was no space in the training hall yesterday, Yang Kaibai queued up at the entrance of the super training hall 20 minutes in advance.

But what makes Yang Kaibai a little unexpected is...

"Sister Pan, Sister Wenyue, why did you two come to the super training hall so early?"

Pan Kaiyuan was not too surprised by Yang Kaibai's appearance and said: "The training intensity has been increased recently. There are several world-class elf universities that have cooperated with our Jianghai Elf University on international projects. Someone has been sent over to communicate.”

Yang Kaibai thought for a moment: "A top trainer from a top elf university abroad?"

Pan Kaiyuan nodded and said seriously: "Yes, this year's communication time came a little early. Their goal is not just as simple as communication, but mainly to prepare in advance for the test of the God of Wisdom, Uxie, in the near future. .”

"Is it just like the training matches in the days before the summer camp starts?" Yang Kaibai smiled.

Senior Pan Kaiyuan's expression was a little solemn: "Yes, but the pressure in training matches will be greater."

Liu Wenyue added: "The test of the God of Wisdom, Uxie, belongs to a world-class stage. Therefore, in recent times, many outstanding trainers from all over the world will come to our Chinese region for exchanges... The top domestic trainers Elf University is equivalent to a zoned venue for communication.”

Pan Kaiyuan continued: "After training in the super training hall in the morning, our junior and senior Tianguan Project trainers will go to a secret place in the Huangjiang Nature Park for about a week of special training. .The time rules in that secret realm are suitable for short-term special training."

Yang Kaibai nodded.

He knew about Semi's secret place.

In Semi's secret realm, there are 72 hours in a day.

After spending 72 hours in that secret realm, only 24 hours passed in the real elf world outside.

One week of short-term training is actually equivalent to three weeks of training.

However, this kind of training is only suitable for short-term training.

Time has its own unique rules.

Playing with time will end up playing with yourself.

"Sister Pan, Sister Wenyue, come on!"

This seemed to be a wake-up call for Yang Kaibai.


Can Yang Kaibai also take Geng Gui to Xie Mi's secret realm for special training?

In terms of learning moves, the feasibility is not very high.

In Xie Mi's secret realm, there are no sufficient super power training resources like the super power training gym.

Relying on reachable duck alone is definitely not enough.

Natural bird grandma...

Her superpowers need to remain in the use of the solar altar.

She needs to pay attention to the situation in Xie Mi's secret realm.

Jianghai Elf University's super training hall, coupled with Grandma Liu's dream monster training, the intensity is definitely enough.

Geng Gui's telepathic devil training has begun again.

Compared with yesterday, Gengar's telekinesis has improved tremendously.

Gyarados will cry when he sees it.

Why is it that even though they were all "beaten", the final gap was so huge.

To learn a move, Gyarados must be beaten for at least fifteen days.


One day is enough!

Meditation, mindfulness.

Meditate and think again.

Gengar adopted the duck-duck training method.

Empty all the superpowers, and then through meditation, let the dry superpowers gush up like spring water.

This actually works!

Gengar's superpower intensity is steadily increasing.

The time has come at night.

The Dream Demon is already waiting for Gengar.

The same intense super space as yesterday, the same challenging rules as yesterday.

Gengar entered again and began his telekinesis training at night.

For example, if the telekinesis training in the super training hall is the basic knowledge in the textbook, then the super space training of the dream monster is a very flexible test question in the examination paper.

Geng Gui's current basic knowledge may not be able to solve the correct answers to big exam questions, but he can get closer to the correct answers step by step by scoring points...

Even if the solution is not solved in the end, or the final answer is wrong, it will not prevent Gengar from getting the score he deserves.

However, Gengar is a perfectionist.

What it wants is a correct answer - let the telekinesis power be concentrated and emitted with the strongest power to form a mental strong telekinesis move!

On the second day of super space training, Guigui still failed!

Guigui had a vague feeling, but it was still a little bit different.

Almost, it’s the difference between telekinesis and mental strength!

Almost, it is an insurmountable gap!

Damn it, completely crazy!

"Gengar, we can postpone the exchange meeting! We can go later!"

"Your training status is the most important!"

“Haste makes waste!”

"We will accompany you to overcome this difficulty!"

Gengar's current situation is just like the torturous time when King Magikarp "almost" crossed the waterfall at the private waterfall venue of Thirteenth Falls.

The Magikarp at that time...

I almost jumped over a small waterfall!

But it’s just a little bit different every time!

Geng Gui's telekinesis training has also reached this critical stage!

Break through this difficulty!


The duck's little paws hugged his head tightly.

Is there any good way?

Yaya has already used all the techniques and methods he can think of...

They are all put to good use when training Gengar!

There must be a way!


YaYa's eyes suddenly lit up.

He stretched out his small paw and lightly touched the Gyarados's horns.


Gyarados blinked.


Do you still remember the Jiangbin Reservoir Duck?

"Ho ho ho!"

That is required!

Gyarados nodded.

Gyarados is very familiar with Jiangbin Reservoir!

"Can you please?"

In Jiangbin Reservoir... is there anyone there at night?

"Hoo? Hoho!"

people? Of course not!

Although Jiangbin Reservoir is a protected place in the waters of Jianghai City, except for very common water elves such as Carp King and Horn Goldfish, there are no other attractive water elves in the waters. Therefore, in Jiangbin Reservoir, there are already It's not as strict as before.

Why are you suddenly talking about Jiangbin Reservoir?

Gyarados tilted its big head. The size of the brain in Gyarados's head did not allow it to think about too many details.


Mental strength!

Ducky has a friend!

Asking for votes every day~

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