The Master of Elves

Chapter 333 Round Land Shark and Yukila’s Sandstorm Dance (2)

The secret world of the underground abyss.

Kodora, Round Land Shark, Yukila and Pogaman, with Yukira and Kokodora behind them one by one, played with the elf train in the mountain mines.

The sound of Kuo Cha Kuo Cha made Shakira's scalp tingle as half of her body was "buried".

After evolving from Yukira to Shakira, since his body can use compressed air to fly around, he often accidentally injures innocent Yukira.

In the past, when they were still Yukilas, they also liked to run around underground like this, play hide-and-seek, and play with small trains. At that time, the biggest headache was their "predecessors" Shakira.

You need to restrain your temper.

However, how can one control one's temper so easily?

so now……

It's their turn to be tortured.

The world is so beautiful, but Shakiras are so violent.

This is not good, not good.

Yang Kaibai had forgotten that Old Wu's Kodora was once a member of the secret world of the underground abyss.

There is a bond of elf relationship here, and Wu Yuhan is also a trainer who is allowed to safely enter the secret world of the underground abyss.

For Kodora, having such a happy time is very, very rare and precious.

After Kodora evolves, Kodora and Kodora will begin to have their own territorial awareness. Maybe this is some of the cost of growth and evolution. If you don't fight for your own territory, you will lose yourself. s future.

"Although this is the home of Kodora, the Boskodora tribe... values ​​the strength of the elves more. Kodora followed me away... Next time I come back, I must evolve into a stronger Bosuko. Dora will do." Wu Yuhan murmured.

Yang Kaibai understood the meaning of Wu Yuhan's words.

But Dora is like a child who has left her hometown and is preparing to go out into the world. If she doesn't stand out, she would rather wander away than return home.

Since we have chosen a distant place, we only care about the journey through wind and rain.

Although they are both elves in the secret world of the underground abyss, the philosophy of the Boscodora tribe is not the same as that of the Banjila tribe.

It may also be because the dispute between Shakira and Shakira is not as indifferent as the dispute between Kodora and Kodora.


Compared with Kodora in the struggle, the Shakiras are more like pendulums.

"Actually, the Thunder Magnetic Mountain Secret Realm is really suitable for training Kodora, but Kodora's stubbornness and pride make him unwilling to train here."

Wu Yuhan could only show his hands at this.

To be honest, Yang Kaibai plans to stay in the secret realm of the underground abyss for training. Even Wu Yuhan is very envious of the environment here. It is a perfect place for retreat training.

But it's not suitable for Kodora.

"The character and personality of elves...sometimes are really difficult to figure out, just like Zhang Hailin's Monarch Snake."

Yang Kaibai smiled.

Wu Yuhan took a deep breath: "Sometimes, it seems that calmer elves like Duck and Slowpoke... seem to be quite good."

Yang Kaibai waved his hand: "No, no, no, the elf partner that suits you is the best. After Slowpoke evolves into Slow King, Sheng Bufang's path as a trainer will immediately become wider."

Wu Yuhan's eyes couldn't help but fall on the Kodak Duck. He pondered for a long time and said: "Yang Kaibai, your Kodak Duck is a bit unscientific. Now it has such strength, and it doesn't even have any signs of evolution." No."


Kodakya, who was standing aside and holding his head, heard Wu Yuhan talking about himself and couldn't help but raise his head. At the same time, the three stupid hairs on his head bent up and made three small question marks.

Yang Kaibai smiled and touched Kodak Duck's head.


Maybe for Gotha Duck, the road to evolve into Gotha Duck is no longer available.

Yang Kaibai discovered from Kodak Duck's body that the evil attribute energy was no less powerful than the water and super energy attributes.

There seems to be an unusually even balance between the three forces.

However, the dominant energy is still the water attribute.

"When you gain some strength, you may lose something." Yang Kaibai explained with some sigh.

Wu Yuhan nodded, thinking that Yang Kaibai was talking about the unparalleled super power of Kodak.

The duck with such powerful superpowers, all over China...

Yang Kaibai's duck is unique.


Wu Yuhan saw that Cordora was almost playing there, and after waiting for a moment, he continued: "It's almost time. It's time for me to take Cordora and the others away from here. The weather here in Thunder Lake has also turned a lot cooler. ,keep warm."

"Okay, Old Wu, I'll contact you then. I hope your metal monster can evolve into Metagross as soon as possible! Gyarados... needs an opponent." Yang Kaibai said with a smile.

Wu Yuhan became serious and said in a deep voice: "Yes, do you still remember your script? The metal monster has now begun to learn the skills of the elf movie director. Through multi-directional super power control, he can practice controlling power from an overall perspective. By the way, he can also Make a movie..."

"Old Wu, is it true?" Yang Kaibai was a little shocked.

Wu Yuhan smiled: "Of course it is true. The script of "Iron Man" written by You and Gengar has now begun. There are some big dramas in the desert and the Gobi Desert. The desert area in the northwest region, the Gobi Desert The beach area is very suitable for the training of metal monsters and Kodora, so Bogaman can only feel aggrieved... However, there are also oases in the desert area. In the environment of lack of water, it is also a kind of experience for Bogaman. .”

"Old Wu, as expected of you!"

"Yang Kaibai, it has to be you. I believe that the investment spent on the Elf movie will be earned back from the box office in the end. And our filming is not just for the filming of the big movie, we use the shooting location as the Elf movie." The most realistic training ground... If it sells well at the box office in the end, and the strength of Metal Monster and Cordora is greatly improved, will it be equivalent to the audience of the Elf Movie in China raising funds to cultivate elves for us?"

"Old Wu, what you said is so right! But let's talk about this kind of thing in this almost dark place in the secret world of the underground abyss... Is it appropriate?"

"It should be okay, right? Yang Kaibai, are you saying that we... have dark hearts?"

"No, no, no, I don't mean that."

Wu Yuhan left the secret world of the underground abyss with Metal Monster, Bogaman and Cordora.

Before parting, Kodora once again posted with Round Shark, hoping to see Round Shark’s new growth next time they meet.

Yuan Lusha clenched his fists and assured Cordora very seriously.

Every time we meet, I hope there will be a surprise of improvement in strength.

The same goes for Gyarados and Metal Monster.

With a single impact and collision, it was already difficult for the metal monster to withstand Gyarados's offensive.

There may be environmental factors of evil power, but the increase in Gyarados' power makes the metal monster feel that the one he collides with is not the water and flying Gyarados, but the elf with the same steel body.

This special training trip to the Gobi Desert and desert...

The metal monster will also continue to work hard.

The training of the Round Land Shark and the Dance of the Dragon in the Kira Sandstorm Domain also began under the arrangement and command of Yang Kaibai.

Kira's parents, the two-headed Banjira, are very satisfied with the special training arrangements of human trainer Yang Kaibai.

Of course, what is more satisfying, without a doubt, is the family background of Round Land Shark.

While Yang Kaibai was in coma and sleeping, Yuanlu Shark's parents, the Bloodwing Flying Dragon and Liebite Lushak couple, and the Banjila couple inevitably met each other.

The Bloodwing Wyvern and the Biting Land Shark couple saw Yukila, a green-headed gopher...

Smaller than their home land shark.

It seems a little bit unintelligent.

However, with the master-level strength of the Banjira couple here, the future of the green-headed gopher Yukila will definitely not be too bad.

Seeing the unfinished piece of top-quality ore from the Bloodwing Wyvern collection that Yukila was fed by the Round Land Shark, the Bloodwing Wyvern really wanted to open Yukira's small mouth with its two dragon claws and stuff it directly into it. In the mouth.

Eat in such small bites...

How long does it take to eat a piece of ore? !

No wonder it’s so small!

However, the Bloodwing Flying Dragon and Biting Land Shark couple rarely saw elves like Yukila in the Dragon Valley, so it was inevitable that there would be some misunderstandings.

While patting Yukira's head, Yukira told Yukira to eat well and eat slowly. Yukira nodded and ate the ore obediently, which quite impressed the Bloodwing Wyvern and Biting Lu. The shark couple was surprised.

Yukila always felt that the eyes of Sister Yuanlusha's father, the blood-winged flying dragon, had an extremely strong aura. The eyes alone were a bit unbearable, so he could only lower his head and gnaw on the ore.

Even if you are obviously full, you can only bite the bullet and chew more.

What happens next is a matter of the future. What makes the Blood-winged Flying Dragon more satisfied is the environment and atmosphere in the secret world of the underground abyss. In a sense, Bangila, the overlord of the secret realm, can be regarded as saving it and the world. Biting the land shark's hope for the future.

Human trainer Yang Kaibai is their source of hope for the future.

Thinking about it this way, the subtle relationship between the Round Land Shark and Yukila makes a lot of sense.

Not to mention the special training on Dragon Dance arranged by Yang Kaibai for Yuanlu Shark and Kira.

Dance of Dragons has always been a deep pain for the land shark group.

Liebite Lusha's mother felt this deeply.

Obviously everyone is a dragon elves, why can't Biting Land Shark learn and master the Dragon Dance moves?

Even earth dragons like desert dragonflies, which evolved from mandible ants, can learn the dragon dance, but they can't bite land sharks.

"Roundland Shark, Yukila, you will start by practicing digging burrows and splashing sand, just like the ultra-small sandstorm you caused on the ground of Thunder Lake that day."

"A small sandstorm will form around you."


"You give!"

There was a cooperation between Round Land Shark and Yukila. Although the power of the large sandstorm field finally formed came from the overlord Bangira, the process of forming the sandstorm field can be completely simulated by them.

This is just like learning calligraphy with calligraphy. The teacher holds the child's hand and copies the copybook stroke by stroke on the rice paper. The child may not be able to write as neatly as the copybook, but there is still a similarity of one or two points. Did it.

Digging holes and splashing sand are the simplest small sandstorm fields.

Even though it is incomparable to a real sandstorm, for young elves like Round Shark and Yukila, every step is an attempt to move forward.



Originally, the Bloodwing Flying Dragon and Biting Land Shark were preparing to leave the secret world of the Underground Abyss and leave the Thunder Magnetic Mountain Secret Realm to return to the Dragon Valley. However, Yang Kaibai prepared the "Dragon Dance Special Training Plan" customized by Yuan Land Shark and Kira. It touches their hearts deeply.

As a result, the Bloodwing Flying Dragon and the Biting Land Shark couple temporarily stayed in this strange secret world of the underground abyss.

On the Round Shark's side, Liebite Shark's mother taught the Round Shark how to better use Sandstorm.

From Kira's side, Banjila's mother was also giving guidance to her children.

Liebite Lusha’s mother and Banjila’s mother are also sharing their own experiences and understandings of sandstorm moves.

Regarding the Dragon Dance moves, Bloodwing Flying Dragon's father and Bangila's father started joint research under the guidance of Yang Kaibai.

the purpose of research--

What kind of dragon dance method is suitable for a young elf like Kira to learn.

After all, Dragon Dance is a power with dragon attributes. For Yukira, who has just broken out of his shell and crawled out of the ground, the learning pressure seems to be quite high.

The dance of dragons discussed between the father of Bloodwing Flying Dragon and Banjira's father...

They stretched their arms and started to "dance" with each other. The scene was even a bit embarrassing.

After all, they are all male elves...

In contrast, the two female elves, Biting Land Shark Mother and Bangila Mother, have very good sandstorm coordination.



For children!

for the future!

The "battle dance" between the blood-winged flying dragon's father and Bangela's father became increasingly childish in their movements.

Because they put themselves into the body shapes of small elves like Round Shark and Yukila...

This is extremely difficult.

However, they are still very willing to make some sacrifices for Yang Kaibai's "Dragon Dance Special Training Plan".

The movements may be very clumsy, just like an elf just learning to walk, but every time they stretch out their claws, they are trying to design a feasible Dragon Dance move for Yukila.

No Kira has ever successfully mastered Dragon Dance.


Yukira is really too weak and weak.

Dragon Dance is a move that even Gyarados took at least a month to successfully master during special training on the Dragon Islands.

Because Gyarados's speed and strength were far from reaching its limits during the training period!

However, in the real world of elves, there are some special environments and special weather that can help elves improve their combat effectiveness!

Sandstorm field, sandstorm weather!

Such weather and environment, for Round Land Shark and Yukila...

Like a fish in water!

"Yu, yu gei!"

Yukira had a great time playing.

Especially playing with sister Yuan Lusha.

Digging holes and splashing sand are themselves ways of entertainment for ground-type elves for Roundland Shark and Yukila. Even if they are training, they are training while playing.

When Yuanlu Shark and Yukila "click, click, click" and "Yukiyuki" smiled and watched the entertaining "fight dance" between the blood-winged flying dragon's father and Bangila's father, it seemed that the whole "dragon" "Dance Special Training Plan" is a play plan to find happiness.

What is Happy Planet?

"Ho ho! Ho ho!"

Gyarados expressed that he also wanted to participate in the discussion and PK of the Dragon Dance Battle between Bloodwing Wyvern and Bangira. Unfortunately, he was rejected by the Bloodwing Wyvern and Bangira who joined forces with Bangbang Two Claws.

If Gyarados wants to participate...

You must first grow at least two legs.

Gyarados Cult by Kira Dragon Dance?

Isn’t this purely misleading!

It’s so uncomfortable, Gyarados!

Asking for votes every day~

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