The Master of Elves

Chapter 374 Gorgeous and powerful! The terrifying defensive power of the Mobius Water Ring!


The duck's little paws holding its head slowly lowered.

Close your eyes and feel the flow of water energy in your body.

"Koda Duck, when we first imitated the King of Goldfish and learned the water flow ring move at the lower reaches of the Thirteen Peaks Waterfall, we gave it an energy cube... No, it was when we were learning the water flow ring move. It was originally to give it a leap. Magikarp regains his strength after being injured during waterfall training.”

Yang Kaibai described the original origin of the Kodak Duck and the Water Circulation Ring.


In Kodakya's mind, although Yaya easily loses his memory in many cases, Yaya will never forget every bit of the past training.

Goldfish King, water ring, energy cube...

There are also trainers Yang Kaibai and Yaya who were afraid that the Goldfish King would react and run away together.

In order to allow King Magikarp to recover his physical strength better.

That was the first time Kodakya came into contact with the move of water flow ring.

"The first upgrade of the water flow ring was in the Dragon Islands. When saving the little Chenglong, the water flow ring could not help the dying little Chenglong. At the moment when help was most needed, the Chenglong group, Menas... …All the elves who can use the Life Water Drops turn the Water Drop Ring into a Life Water Drop Water Ring with super healing power!"


Yang Kaibai continued: "The water flow ring and the tidal whirlpool are somewhat similar. They both have the power of water rotation. However, the tidal whirlpool traps the opponent's elves, but the water flow ring can be a move to protect oneself."

"The Möbius Water Ring, which flows like an infinite pattern, is a move that integrates healing and defense. It is a technique of the Counterattack Shield... but it is more powerful than the skills of the Counterattack Shield. The powerful treatment of the Life Water Droplet Water Ring Effect!"

"Kuduck, let's start!"

At this moment, Yang Kaibai only had Kodak in his eyes.

As the strength of Kodak Duck continues to improve, Yang Kaibai can actually teach fewer and fewer things, and every move taught becomes precious.

Every little move may become a key trump card.

Just like no one could have imagined the tail-wagging move that once made Yang Kaibai's blood pressure soar and spurted out a mouthful of old blood...

Now it has become a "tail-wagging-provocation" move that can make the opponent's blood pressure soar and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yang Kaibai's soaring blood pressure was only transferred to his opponent.

It is not difficult to form a Möbius ring. What is difficult is the flash of inspiration that makes the water ring form a Möbius ring.

Kodak opened his eyes.

Next to Ke Ke Duck, the slowly rising water curtain starts from Huang Chengcheng's belly and extends to the left side of Ke Ke Duck. The sparkling waves in the water curtain shine, and the water flow loops around Ke Ke Duck's side. Behind, and finally back to the starting point of the belly...

A Möbius water ring that seemed to reincarnate endlessly was completely formed!

"The Duck, the Spoon of Water!"


A transparent and crystal clear spoon of water is immediately generated in the little paw of the duck.

Under the shapes of the Möbius water ring and the water spoon, Yang Kaibai seemed to see the birth of "Möbius Infinite Form" in the duck.

"Yang Kaibai...are you sure you are not preparing for the gorgeous competition? This move, if used with lights, will resemble a gilt-like water flow ring, like the infinite light of the Milky Way galaxy..."

Zhang Hailin held her breath, exclaimed, and even lost her voice!

"La, lalu!"

La Ruelas has a delicate eye for beauty.

The water ring on the duck's body is like a fairy ribbon. If it is on a gorgeous stage with a halo...

La Ruelas: (∩∩)

I really want to learn something!

Larulus stopped eating the delicious sand scale fruit!


Gengar reminded him with a smile.

The effect of sand scale fruit is very good!

Larulas' eyes were filled with excitement as he took several more bites of the sand scale fruit!


Yang Kaibai smiled softly.

The moves in the gorgeous contest?

If it is used in a gorgeous contest, this is only the basic version!

Add the golden light effect of the Flash Technique to the Möbius water ring, and draw a smooth staff on it, and use super powers to depict jumping notes on the staff...

When Seraphine comes, she calls her an expert!

But if Larulas with blue-grey hair comes...

Rem's hair style?

I watch the punishment!

Yang Kaibai waved his hand and smiled faintly: "I am a trainer. I don't know much about the gorgeous competition of breeders, so I still need to see the actual combat effect of the moves."

After hearing this, Zhang Hailin suddenly wanted to hit someone.

Yang Kaibai's deeds in the Demon City Elf University...

Zhang Hailin also learned more about it from Sun Heng.

Who said that since he is a breeder, he does not have the (weak) fighting ability of a trainer? !

The skin wax is really thick!

"Ho ho ho!"

Want to practice the actual combat effects of the moves?

That must be Gyarados!

Gyarados has figured out that he can't stay in the Poké Ball all day long, otherwise his physical strength will be completely advantageous to Gengar.

I, Gyarados, don’t want to lose face? !

Yang Kaibai saw that Gyarados was eager to give it a try and did not refuse.

There is more than one Mobius Water Ring that the Duck can release. When two Mobius Water Rings cross each other, the overlapping point will give them stronger defense capabilities!

Yang Kaibai ordered: "Gyarados, you can use moves other than the one hundred thousand volt move. Crash, dragon tail, iron tail, etc. are all fine."

"Ho ho ho!"

Gyarados responded a few times to acknowledge receipt.

Yang Kaibai looked at him: "Kodaya, are you ready?"

“Kah da kah da!”

This is a new form of defensive move. Yang Kaibai and Kodakya have to try to find out how strong this move can withstand attacking moves.

Just like Kodak Duck used the reflective wall move to fight against Yang's father's fire-breathing dragon's flame fist, when the reflective wall will break and how strong the defensive ability is, these are all tried and tested again and again.


Gyarados roared at Gengar.

Gengar smiled and asked the sentient ghost to take off Gyarados' sunglasses and put them away.


"The duck god's Mobius water ring defense is difficult to break!"

Gengar reminded Gyarados.

Even though the Mobius water ring surrounding Kodak didn't feel like a terrible threat, Gengar under the venue still smelled an unusual smell.

Gengar has a feeling...

The ring of water around the Duck God should be aimed at long-range attacks like Gengar and his shadow ball.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, this move... is very unusual..."

The Lightning Chicken watched from the side as Yang Kaibai guided the Duckling. As a legendary elf, with its vision of two lifetimes, it still couldn't see through the hidden mysteries in the Mobius water ring.

"Electric moves... are difficult to control. The smaller the aura, the more difficult it is, because the speed of electric light is too fast and does not have the softness of water power. However... if the range of the moves is enlarged to ten times or dozens of times, it can be done. Learn something.”

Yang Kaibai listened to the Lightning Chicken cooing to himself and nodded secretly in his heart.

He is indeed a legendary elf!

The tactical skills of the Counterattack Shield are the peak tactics of Pi Shen in the animation. The original move evolved from the electric attribute of One Hundred Thousand Volts.

But what Lightning Chicken said next almost made Yang Kai bite his tongue in vain.

"Electrical power is difficult to master, but flames are different! Flame wheels, flame vortices... can also achieve effects similar to this ring. The name is really a mouthful."

Ah, Brother Chicken is going further and further down the road of flame chicken...

At the same time, the elf roared at Gyarados on the battlefield, coughed his throat, and took the lead in using the freezing ray on Kodak.

The defense ability test of Mobius's water flow ring move naturally starts from a simple one.

"Freeze Ray Gyarados."

Cao Qianqian and Lin Kai, third-year Huada Changqing Project trainers who were training on the battlefield next door, couldn't help but be attracted to the Gyarados on Yang Kaibai's side of the field.

The two of them had long noticed the unfamiliar-faced young trainer Yang Kaibai next to Zhang Hailin.

Cao Qianqian and Lin Kai found that other Evergreen Project trainers in the venue seemed to be looking at Gyarados in unison, and nodded to each other.

Gyarados masters the freezing beam move, which is nothing special.

But the special one...

It's the one reachable duck on the field.

"What's going on with the halo flowing in front of Duck...does it block the freezing light?!"

Cao Qianqian couldn't help but be shocked.

The water ring in front of the duck... what's going on? !

Although the freezing beam move spewed from Gyarados's mouth is not as powerful as the impact on the physical attack end, it cannot be underestimated as a special attack move that Gyarados has mastered.

However, when the beam of freezing light collided with the Mobius water ring of the Duck, the beam was scattered.


Gyarados raised his eyes seriously and increased the energy intensity of the freezing light.

The beam of freezing light is getting thicker and thicker, and the tilted energy is getting larger and larger. Some violent ice-type powers even try to freeze the Mobius water ring!

The water-type moves of ordinary water-type elves may not be able to withstand the freezing power of the ice-type in the freezing light, and will freeze from the water column, but under the control of the energy of the Duck Super Water...

The water power that continuously flows along the ring in the Mobius Water Flow Ring eliminates the possibility of being frozen by the freezing light!


Kodak could feel the biting cold wind coming towards him, but under the Mobius water ring, the freezing light of Gyarados did not hurt Kodak at all.

On the contrary, the surrounding field is filled with ice crystals shattered by the freezing light beam!

Zhang Hailin's breathing suddenly became rapid.

With the surroundings cooling down a bit, her cheeks were rosy: "If Xiao Qingqing comes... Flying Leaf Knife, or Flying Leaf Storm forms such a surrounding green ring, it will not only have defensive power, but even circle around the ring." circle, there is a blade accumulation path that can continuously accelerate!"

Thousands of words condensed into one sentence...

Xiao Qingqing, copy him for me!

"You ugh!"

Copy the answer, copy the answer!

To turn the moves and skills taught by Yang Kaibai into Kodakya's moves and skills for her and Xiao Qingqing...

This wave, blood profit!

The red eyes of the Monarch Snake stared excitedly at the Kodak on the Elf Battlefield...

It has the perfect viewing angle to study from!


Gyarados gave up its plan to continue using the freezing ray, and immediately switched to charging forward!

"Canada, make the Mobius water ring... bigger!"

Yang Kaibai held his breath.

If Gyarados chooses to use a melee impact move, the Mobius Water Ring needs to be enlarged, so that the duck can have an insurance - even if the intensity of the melee attack can break the defensive barrier of the Mobius Water Ring, The duck still has enough reaction time to dodge!


The Möbius ring is not that fragile.

When Gyarados' ordinary impact attack hits the water flow ring released by the duck, the powerful impact is like hitting cotton. While the Mobius water flow ring withstands the impact of Gyarados, it uses The soft nature of the water flow removes part of the impact force!

"This, withstood it?!"

"Oh no, what kind of defense is this!"

At this time, Zhang Hailin had not yet spoken, but suddenly she noticed that the other seniors who were training in the training venue all gasped...

No wonder the venue suddenly got colder!

"Xiao Qingqing, we are also wrong! Something is wrong! Whether it is the Flying Leaf Knife or the Leaf Blade, or the Flying Leaf Storm...the blades cannot all be rigid, they must be soft with hardness, and hard with softness..."

At this time, the Axetooth dragon who was studying next to him opened his mouth.

Axetodon's eyes are dull and crooked...

what about me? what about me? !

Such a move...

The Axe-tooth Dragon repeatedly expressed that it was a waste of learning, a waste of learning!

Fortunately, there is a small shark beside Axetodon...

The small short hand of the round land shark gently patted the knee of the axodon.


The dragon elf burst into tears on the spot!

These moves...

Little Shark also wants to learn, but he can’t!

However, this place is really cold.

The venue is cold, not as cold as the heart!

Gyarados' attack continues!

Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Water Tail.

The three major tail moves released using the power of the swing cannot completely break through the defense of the Mobius Water Ring!


The Mobius water ring has been upgraded again.

One layer of water flow ring is not enough...

Another layer of inner water flow ring!

Kodak, winner of Ukshi's Star of Wisdom, has the wisdom of Duck, and upgrades new moves during training! !


Kodak has a feeling.

If Gyarados charges up from high altitude and uses Dragon God Dive, or uses Dragon Tail after Dragon Dance...

The Mobius water ring is still difficult to resist for the time being.

The strongest defensive ability of this move is not in melee combat, but in long-range combat! !

Of course, it can't block electric moves like Hundred Thousand Volts.

Yaya is not a dullard, so how could he stupidly use the Mobius Water Ring to block electric-type moves.

The light wall is not for nothing.

"Gengar, come on!"


The smile on Yang Kaibai's face was full of confidence.

The tone was a little softer.

"Larulas, do you want to learn how to be a duck?"


Larulus nodded vigorously while holding a sand scale fruit that was about the same size as himself.


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